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Early Valentine's Day for me

On 02/12/2014 at 11:58 PM by Ranger1

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

I am in the minority of women when it comes to Valentine's Day. I loathe it, with a passion. Any psuedo holiday that is used to guilt people into buying shit or making people feel bad that they're not in a relationship is evil. And if that isn't bad enough, it's the day six years ago that my dad dropped dead of a heart attack. I am in a relationship, have been for 15 years, and we have always made it a point to not celebrate on the day of. We'll do something, but never on the day of. Why go through the agony of trying to find a restaurant that isn't booked solid selling over-priced set menus when you can go out the day before or the day after and have your choice of retaurants and food?

Anyway, Jason and I went out to the movies tonight and saw The Monuments Men. Historically inaccurate, but an entertaining movie with an excellent cast and a plot that hasn't been done to death. Then we came back to my place and I made us burgers and tater tots. No gifts, no saccharine sweet cards, no guilt. In other words, like we treat each other any day of the year, which is as it should be.

And today's photo of the day prompt was "Out + About":




Captain N

02/13/2014 at 12:10 AM

On Valentines Day, I don't have anything against it, but you don't need a special day to tell that special someone you love them. You can do that everyday because everyday you you're with that person is special.


02/13/2014 at 12:32 AM



02/13/2014 at 12:55 AM

Now that I think about it, I don't think I have ever thought of Valentine's day as anything other than another holiday where the candies and chocolates in the store change color.


02/13/2014 at 12:52 PM

And red is just not a good color for chocolate...


02/13/2014 at 02:36 AM

Merchant's holiday, nothing more. And I already hit people off on Christmas and their birthday, that's enough afaic.


02/13/2014 at 12:52 PM

Yep. My point exactly.

Cary Woodham

02/13/2014 at 05:49 AM

Another bad thing about Valentine's Day: most of the candy associated with it is nasty.  Easter has the best candy.

You should go see the LEGO movie!


02/13/2014 at 08:07 AM

Heart-shaped Dove chocolates, in dark chocolate. All the rest I ignore.

Nick DiMola Director

02/13/2014 at 07:12 AM

Chessa and I never really celebrate Valentine's Day. Since our anniversary is so close, we usually celebrate that and at most cook a nice dinner together at home for Valentine's. Always thought it was a silly holiday that was manufactured to sell shit. Great for the economy though, I suppose.


02/13/2014 at 12:51 PM

Sounds like a much better thing to do, Nick. Jason and I refer to it as celebrating un-Valentine's Day.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

02/13/2014 at 10:14 AM get it really get it.  I completely agree.  The wife and I don't even acknowlegde Valentine's day.  It's just another day for us.  Major props for mentioning the whole thing about restaurants being booked solid and all that junk.  It really is silly to be pressed to do thing together on that ONE day, that you can really do at anytime, multiple times in a year, without the guilt and expectations associated with V-day.


02/13/2014 at 12:51 PM

It's one of those things that just excludes people. When I was single, I sometimes felt like a bit of a loser for not being coupled up on Valentines Day due to the ridiculous lengths that advertisers go to to get people to buy over-priced stuff they don't need. Jewelry stores are especially guilty of this.


02/13/2014 at 10:19 AM

We don't celebrate Valentine's Day either. Which begs the question, WhoTF does?


02/13/2014 at 12:46 PM

Teenage girls and the boys trying to impress them. People who are easy targets for advertising. Big hair girls from Joisey, maybe?


02/13/2014 at 12:55 PM

Joisey? LOL

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/13/2014 at 10:28 AM

tater tots sound pretty good!  My mom is buying my dad a DVD drive for his computer for Valentines. 

Tater Tots are a celebration!  Love those things. 


02/13/2014 at 12:47 PM

They were actually the store brand version of crispy crowns, but I like crispy crowns better than tots, there's a larger proportion of crunchy outside to potato-ey inside.


02/16/2014 at 03:57 AM

But only if they are in the shape of hearts. Tater Tarts I call 'em.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/13/2014 at 12:56 PM

A couple of my DJs had a bit of an impromptu morning segment about the holiday. When they asked what singles should do, I popped my head in the control room and said "buy candy the 15th! It'll be on sale!"

That's what I'm doing since Sunday's date will be in Dallas for some medical issues. I'll also be marathoning the second season of House of Cards that comes to Netflix tomorrow.

The Monument's Men seems interesting, but I think I'll wait for DVD. 


02/13/2014 at 01:00 PM

The only thing I really like about Valentine's Day is my grandma usually sends me something good in the mail. She used to make me Valentine's Day cards, but she's 89 now and just buys them instead. I do look forward to the cinnamon hearts every year, though.

I feel the same way about The Lego Movie.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/13/2014 at 02:10 PM

The Lego Movie I want to see this weekend, because only the sour-grapes critics have given bad reviews (96% on rottentomatoes/93% audience, whereas The Monuments Men is at 34%/56% audience ... I bet it's not that bad, but all the reviews seem to use the word "flat"), my favorite TGWTG personality, Brad Jones and his friend said it was the best comedy in years, for kids or not, and the trailers already looked solid to me. 


Takes all kinds, I guess. 


That's cool about your grandma. 


02/13/2014 at 01:16 PM

Not big on Valentine's Day myself for a multitude of reasons, not to mention the cruddy mass-produced candy.


02/13/2014 at 08:18 PM

I agree with celebrating Valentine's Day as any other day. My ex had an awesome way of celebrating by taking me out, and not wanting the flowers and all the other things associated with the holiday.

I want to see Monuments Men because it seems like a good popcorn movie, or as my friend calls it "Oceans 11 in WWII"


02/16/2014 at 04:03 AM

I saw one of these, but didn't want to eat one. I just wanted to take a picture of it.


Then I saw a cupcake with a Indigo candy heart on it. I ate it and now my spiritual eye is wide open. Oh wow man. Pyschedelic. You should really see what I'm seeing right now... Ok. not really. But I did think it strange. An indigo colored candy heart? Unusual choice I thought.


03/31/2014 at 03:28 PM

I use to hate VD myself given at the time I was halfway there in becoming a 40 year old virgin. But after finding someone I've understood why such a day would be warrented and do my best not to let the above mentioned realities try to ruin something that I was lucky enough to experiance.

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