Dang it I really want to ask Google...but I'm going to be honest and go with C.
BaD #13: Trivia Thusday Returns!
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![]() On 02/13/2014 at 02:53 PM by C.S.3590SquadLeader ![]() See More From This User » |
Before I start this week's game, let me reveal the answers from last week!
For anyone who hoped B and D were true, sorry but that's not the case. I've yet to have any broken bones (though I probably just jinxed myself) and while I may have forgotten my schoolbooks on many different occasions, I practically had my notes memorized anyway so I had little to worry about when test time came around (until about High School at least).
So that of course means that A and C were the correct choices! I don't fully understand what my deal is with strawberries, it's not like I don't like the taste but I just can't bring myself to actually eat more than one. Feel free to think a little less of me, Joe.
And yes it's certainly possible mothman, though my brother's the one who figured out that we were both born on a Wednesday, a simple Google search can provide all the proof I can give without giving away too much personal info. My birthday's November 4th 1987, 1992 is my brother's.
On to this week's game, I was thinking of doing a Valentine's Day themed one, but that's no fun. I thought this up as an alternative: Which one of these tidbits of trivia from RoboCop (the original, of course) is completely made up?:
A: Arnold Schwarzenegger was initially considered for the role of Robo, but the producers were afraid he was too large and would look silly in the suit.
B: Paul Verhoeven initially threw away the script for the film in disgust, his wife was the one who convinced him to take a closer look at it.
C: As RoboCop approaches Dick Jones's office in his first attempt to arrest him, Jones is tapping his fingers in time to the incidental music.
D: Peter Weller had to do all of his own stunts due to being the only one able to fit into the RoboCop suit.
That's about it for now, hope everything's going fine for everyone. And if it's not, may it get better real soon.
Ok, bye.