4 Years and It Still Hurts
I have been planning blog after blog to write up and post before this and yet I never did. I didnt want this blog to be the one that my days long silence breaks but its funny how life as other plans. Im not writing to bitch about this day because I have nothing against it. That doesnt mean I love it either though. On this day in 2010 I lost My Grandfather Pops and while it was a day that ended his suffering it still hit me like a ton of breaks to my chest. It still does even 4 years later. There are days I wake up and wonder if maybe it was all a dream and that my grandmother will call saying Pops is fine but just like that reailty sets in and it becomes sadly apparent it wasnt a dream.
Its 3am and I cant sleep, my mind wont shut off and my eyes seem to think Im a never ending waterfall. Its completely fine if you dont celebrate valentines day but if there is anything you do, you tell people you love that you love them each and everyday you can. You truely never know when they will be gone and that ability to tell them goes with them. I cant say how much in worry and regret I think because I feel I didnt say it enough to him. Especially right before he died and now I cant. Yea I can say a prayer but its not the same as seeing his face and being in front of him.
I hope all of yall have a great day today and get to share this and many days ahead with the ones you love <3
Thank you, all of you, yall have become the gaming family I always wanted to have. I spent most of my young gaming years alone except for the occasional lil sister jumping in and out with it. Being able to blog and talk to yall about this was at one point a dream for me. I never imagined Id join a site like this with so many awesome people. You might think it stupid,cheezy, or corny but I love ya'll and I hope to get to write and share with ya'll in the coming years.