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4 Years and It Still Hurts

On 02/14/2014 at 04:51 AM by Nicoleb1989

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I have been planning blog after blog to write up and post before this and yet I never did. I didnt want this blog to be the one that my days long silence breaks but its funny how life as other plans. Im not writing to bitch about this day because I have nothing against it. That doesnt mean I love it either though. On this day in 2010 I lost My Grandfather Pops and while it was a day that ended his suffering it still hit me like a ton of breaks to my chest. It still does even 4 years later. There are days I wake up and wonder if maybe it was  all a dream and that my grandmother will call saying Pops is fine but just like that reailty sets in and it becomes sadly apparent it wasnt a dream.

Its 3am and I cant sleep, my mind wont shut off and my eyes seem to think Im a never ending waterfall. Its completely fine if  you dont celebrate valentines day but if there is anything you do,  you tell people you love that you love them each and everyday you can. You truely never know when they will be gone and that ability to tell them goes with them. I cant say how much in worry and regret I think because I feel I didnt say it enough to him. Especially right before he died and now I cant. Yea I can say a prayer but its not the same as seeing his face and being in front of him.

I hope all of yall have a great day today and get to share this and many days ahead with the ones you love <3


Thank you, all of you, yall have become the gaming family I always wanted to have. I  spent most of my young gaming years alone  except for the occasional lil sister jumping in and out with it. Being able to blog and talk to yall about this was at one point a dream for me. I never imagined Id join a site like this with so many awesome people. You might think it stupid,cheezy, or corny but I love ya'll and I hope to get to write and share with  ya'll in the coming years.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/14/2014 at 04:59 AM

we love you too, Nicole!  Smile

I know what u mean about losing your grandfather.  I lost someone special to me 7 years ago now and the pain is still as strong as ever.  Mourning is messed up business... it seems like the pain never goes away.  But I think it's our duty to carry our memories of our loved ones after they've gone. 


02/16/2014 at 12:43 AM

It truely is our duty to carry them, I rather remember then forget even if the pain hurts like crazy. We both can contiue to carry them, were strong people Snee ^_^


02/14/2014 at 07:57 AM

If I could, I'd give you a big ole hug!

The pain is what it is. It never goes away. It just becomes something you accept and live with. In the past decade, I lost so many family members and friends. Most of them were elderly and the crazy thing is that it was basically an entire generation passing on; most of the family members were grandparents, aunts and uncles. My maternal grandmother was second-to-last to die and my brother and I felt like our childhoods died along with her; so much of our youth was spent in the company of her and the others. I'm sure they knew that I loved them while they lived. The thing is, as a child I wasn't at my best maturity-wise and I feel my time with them would be a lot better if I was the person I am now.


02/16/2014 at 12:51 AM

Thank you, I wish I could give you a big hug as well. Thats how I felt about my grandpa, I spent a lot  of my child years with him and my grandmother so I know excatly how ya feel. We all go through the  phase were our maturity isnt the best  and it takes growing up and gaining wisdom and experiance to learn to being a better person. They loved you regardless of your faults and all time spent with you was treasured. I know I wasnt the best as a kid and teenager but our family accepts and loves us no matter.


02/14/2014 at 08:07 AM

Hey I don't think you're being stupid and cheesy but if you want stupid and cheesy you've come to the right place. :)

Being my age, I've lost all my grandparents, 3 Aunts and 3 uncles over the years. I lost my paternal grandfather when I was about 8. I adored that man and it was pretty tough for my 8 year old self to handle. Fortunately there are no rules as to how we deal with the passing of a loved one and there are no time limits on grief.

We're always here if you need us. 


02/16/2014 at 01:21 AM

Thank you Mothman

I think its best there are no rules, I think having rules would make the process worse. I know losing him is only the beginning of the landslide but if I can survive this I can survive the whole impact. I def look up to you and everyone else that has gone  through this pain and come out it.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

02/14/2014 at 08:31 AM

This sounds pretty rough, and if you're still pretty impacted four years later, that makes it pretty clear he was pretty important to you. Even though it's sad, it's also great that you had someone so special in your life. Take care of  yourself!


02/16/2014 at 01:24 AM

I am and thank you Travis, he def was special in my life. He gave me so much time in his life that i apprciate soo much and am thankful.


02/14/2014 at 10:29 AM

I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to come on here and share this very important event in your life. I only wish that there was something we could do to help. I can't pretend that I know how you're feeling as I have never lost someone so entrenched in my life as your Grandfather was to yours. I can tell though that he obviously meant a great deal to you from your writing. You can at least be happy with the fact that you were able to share this close connection with him and thus his memory lives on. I'm not sure what else to say except I hope you feel better over the weekend.


02/16/2014 at 01:58 AM

Thank you Mart22, Im slowly but surely making the recovery. Last year I wasnt but being with a group of people for a year can def show you a lot and make you more comfortable to post. I use to be a pretty super shy person but blogging has helped in changing that. Im def thankful for everyday i got to spend with him, its a cherished memory ill hold till the end.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/14/2014 at 11:29 AM

I think my dad actually lost his mother, my grandmother, on Valentine's Day. I knew her, but she wasn't very well when I was alive. She was always in the hospital when we visited her. I regret not being able to be closer to her. 

Rangergirl had someone close to her die as well I think. I'm pretty sure she said that in her previous blog. I could have hallucinated that, though, I definitely need more sleep. 

I hope you have an awesome day, regardless! Don't forget the good things, like the fact House of Cards Season 2 is now on Netflix and candy goes on sale the 15th! Laughing


02/17/2014 at 03:28 PM

This time of the year its sad to see things being tough for others :(

Joe I worry about you and the lack of sleep ya get man. I havent  watched the first season of that show but I have heard its good, guess I need to sit down and watch it finally,lol. I was actually tempted to buy candy but I stopped last min. It would be a disaster if i did.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/17/2014 at 04:42 PM

Yeah, I forgot what a calorie whallop candy packs, and not much else.


02/14/2014 at 05:25 PM

Aw..Well I hope you feel at least a little better later today..~ Happy Valentine's day!


02/17/2014 at 03:29 PM

Thank you Alchamist, Happy late vday ^_^

Captain N

02/14/2014 at 06:26 PM

That's really sad, I can say I can almost relate. My mom lost her dad, or my grandfather at a very young age, I think she was still a teen at the time when her father died. I never met him obviously but I only know him through one photo my mom has. It's strange though, I never met him but it feels like I have seen and met him before. 

And yes it's sad that someone close to us goes away for us never to see them again, but that's why we are born, we are born to life and die at some point. Death is a scary thing, that was a possibility I was prepared to face when I was in a sick bed. I'm better now and I'm very grateful I was given a second 1up at life. Death is the very same reason alone we must cherish the great and meaningful moments of our lives. We must live life to it's fullest while we can, and say I love you to those close to us. 

It's the same reason I try not to get angry with family and friends because you'll regret it once they are gone and never come back. Remember what happened to Peter Parker's Uncle Ben. I know you're sad and miss your grandfather everyday, but he is in a better place and he wouldn't want you to be sad, but rather happy that you still have your whole life ahead of you.

I know you're sad but try to cheer up, you still have your grandmother and your family and boyfriend to tell them you love them. As for Valentines Day, I have nothing against it, but you don't need a special day to tell someone you love them. Have a Happy Valentines Day. If you ever want to game online, let me know. Well atleast on the 3DS since you don't have a PS3. Have a good one.


02/17/2014 at 03:35 PM

Thank you Captain N, Your completely right that we should cherish the special moments and hold onto the memories of our loved ones. Life is def precious and can be gone with the wink of an eye. I think sometimes Im still in shock he is gone ya know. He was always  there and now all the sudden for 4 years he hasnt been here. Ill always hold my memory of him and Im def happy he is no longer suffering. Im glad you got a second 1up, Your a good friend and Im happy to have ya as one :). We will def have to game soon, I still have my Wii U and 3DS I dont know though if you have any online games we share on them but I am aiming to get another PS3 as soon as possiable.

Vice's Assistant

02/14/2014 at 09:13 PM

I understand your loss, Nicole. I loss my grandfather in a rather sudden way as well. And while its almost been decade since it happened, its still hurts today. I do hope you feel better.


02/17/2014 at 03:39 PM

Thank you Vice, Im sorry to hear of your loss. Your such a strong person, hopefully I can be as strong as you in handling this one day. I know how your feeling, very much I do. I hope you had a great day.


02/17/2014 at 01:06 AM

I was just thinking the other day that I don't have any Grandparents around anymore. I always thought they'd be there forever when I was younger. It's strange. But I'm now Uncle John to my half dozen neices and nephews, so that's something. I don't really feel like an Uncle though. I feel like a kid, like always.


02/17/2014 at 03:43 PM

I thought tht excat samething about mine but one is gone now and I only have one left. Im trying to spend has much time as I can with her. Im an Aunt Nicole to two nepthews and they def bring crazyness and happiness to me. Seeing them this weekened really helped. Hey feeling like a kid isnt bad, you can understand and get along with your nieces and nepthews alot easier. Not to mention were all a kid on the inside, we never full grow out of it.


02/18/2014 at 12:10 PM

Agree, it's always important to always say I love you, to the special people in your life. My Aunt ends all her phone calls with that, which is nice. It's heartbreaking to read about your feelings, and the only words I can give you is he's looking down on you, and knows how you feel about him.


02/28/2014 at 09:04 PM

I really hope so, I never got to tell him I loved him or goodbye when he passed. Something told me the last time I saw him was gonna be the last. I do my best to end my calls like that as well, you just never know anymore when you might not get a chance to. Thank you Chris


02/28/2014 at 12:23 PM

I know how you feel, when my grandad was in hospital for what should have been a simple surgery he just deteriorated my dad would cope but it was hard on him, seein he old man become frial before us.

The day he died, we got a phone call telling my dad he took a bad turn early in the morning. He was getting washed when the second phone call called him to tell him that he had died.

It was the very first time I heard my dad cry. I hid under my sheets.

I broke down when I saw him at Hospital. My sister at the funeral. I had a chat with my older brother and he's always been a great comfort, he told me He thought he would't be able to handle hearing or seeing dad cry, he's seen him at his weakest physically but he's just never imagined him the way he was.

We had a nice funeral but i didn't speak much for a week, I think that was 2009 or 8.

The only thing I have left of my Grandads is his leather fidora he had since before I was born. I don't know why but I started wearing it last year and have been doing so since.

I feel better, and so does my dad. Grandad the way he was before and after I don't think things could have gone better, he just wasn't prepared. I guess niether where we.

I loved the talks we used to have together whether it's talking about life in general or just how bad women are in soaps, "It's because I love him!" still cracks me up.Smile

I still have my other grandparents and my greatgrandma (who used to look after me) died only 2 years back, It's hard to think of them gone. They've always been there, for all of us.


Time might not be a healer but good memories can be.


Man, i've been saving this one for a whileTongue Out


02/28/2014 at 09:10 PM

Memories def can be good healers, I always think about him even now. I know excatly what you went through, my grandfather had diabetes and alchemizer and it tore him to  shreds. The last time saw him was tough on me too, he was very frail like your granddad and he was once a big guy. He worked on the Railroad for years till his retirement. I wasnt talktive either after the funeral, it took time for  me to be my old self. I finally got there shockingly enough. Thank you for sharing V, seeing you be strong helps me be stronger.

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