Great choices for numbers one and two. Good list overall, but could have used Assassin's Creed 3 in here somewhere.
BaD Games: Top 10 Most Disappointing Games Part 5
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![]() On 02/15/2014 at 01:08 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Firstly, I missed a day. I apologise but I had to move out of college so I was a touch busy. Any way let's finish this list shall we?
2. Grand Theft Auto IV
If the GTA games are supposed be about fun and whimsical mayhem, the only way GTA IV could have missed the point harder is if you played of as an African child dying of a cold. In a clown's mask. Because realistically, I've yet to see any form of media that shifts in tone as much as this one. It's like they wanted to keep the whacky GTA you all know, but make it realistic (which means not not whacky) and tell a dramatic story (also not whacky). The end result is a piece of shit game that has a story you can't be engaged in because the game isn't serious, and a sandbox you can't have fun in because it's too serious. Wow. That's kind of what I call a shit game.
The gameplay is worse though. The cars drive like a brick. Not a brick with wheels, just a brick you're trying to kick down the street with no shoes on. The gunplay is boring as fuck as is most gameplay because just moving your character is like controlling a drunk baby in a game made by David Cage.
This game is shit. Pure fucking shit. There's nothing else to describe it. It's an abomination, and honestly, we should have let the christian nuts burn every fucking copy of this game. They would have been doing us a service.
1. Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 4 is one of my favourite games of all time. I grew up playing Resident Evil. I played the first one when I was 8, and I ADORED IT! I loved 2 even more. When I was 15 I finally saved up some cash and bought Resident Evil 4, which was a tense as fuck experience.
You see, my dad was a Jehovah's Witness, as you probably know by now because I never shut up about my Jesus obsession. I wasn't allowed to play Resident Evil. He overheard me talking on the phone to my grandma about it and went apeshit. When I bought it at a store, one of my dad's friends worked there, so I was trying to buy it without him noticing. He ended up serving me. He was also a Jehovah's Witness, but he was cool about it. He asked if my Dad knew and I said not really. He ;laughed and said “enjoy, this game is fucking amazing.” And it was fucking amazing. I 100%ed this game, getting every weapon unlock, suit unlock, and every other unlock you can find. I LOVED this game.
When 5 came out I was itching to play it. I bought it, I tried it, then I literally stopped playing games for a year. The game is fucking awful RE4 wasn't scary, but it was atmospheric and tense. RE5 had some tense moments, but it was far from atmospheric. It wasn't a horror game at all.
Now, I could handle this if I didn't have a retarded cunt follow me around the entire time who did nothing but eat my herbs and spray me with first aid spray if I sneezed. It was godawful!
This was the first Resident Evil game I played that I still haven't completed because it's just so terrible. In my eyes, this is the worst game ever made. Fuck it.
Oh, and can we talk about the randomly absurd racism halfway through? This is a game that tries to be culturally sensative for the first half of the game. Then Japan's like “Fuck it, chuck em all in tribal outfits and have them throw spears. Oh, and the hot black sidekick? She should totally wear skimpy tribal stuff as an unlock. We have no idea what would be wrong with that!”