Weekly Update
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![]() On 02/21/2014 at 01:11 AM by MrUniverse_ ![]() See More From This User » |
Hey Pixlbit! Just wanted to give you a recap on how this week went. So from my last post, I talked about the debate between Bravely Default and Toukiden: The Age of Demons. Well I finally decided and picked up Bravely Default. I cannot tell you how great this game is. Even thought I haven't played the older Final Fantasy games, they really feel like the type of turn based strategy battle system it uses. The story so far (I've only put in 4 hours) is great! I love the story behind each character and their personalities. Toukiden I will eventually get if I see it pre owned at my local Gamestop stores to try it out. Besides, I read some articles stating that Playstation has announced a Sly Cooper and God of War collection for the Vita so I'm very excited to get my hands on those.
Anyways, I haven't picked up that much this week other than Bravely Default. I have picked up Sly Cooper Thieves in Time again. I bought this game when it hit the $20 price at Gamestop. It was the price point of my purchase. I would've waited for the PS3 version to drop to that price since it was Cross-Buy, but I didn't feel like waiting that long and I needed another game for the handheld. This game was in my backlog for the longest time, but I decided to play it yesterday and wondered why haven't I started this game? It's pretty fun for a quick play here and there.
In other news, two days ago I picked up my Titanfall controller. Titanfall was the main reason why I purchased an Xbox One. I would've gone the PS4 route, but most of my friends were getting Xbox One's and even though I really wanted the PS4, I knew I'd have more fun with the Xbox One. Eventually I'll get the PS4 in a few years. It took me a while to jump onto the PS3 anyways. Back to Titanfall. So I also got a beta code yesterday and the beta is amazing. I won't spoil anything for people who haven't downloaded the beta or don't have any interest in hearing about the game until the release date. So all I will say is, this game will definitely be worth picking up. It's not your average CoD run and gun shooter. It's also not as tactical as Battlefield 4. Think of it as a parkour, fast paced shooter with big Titan robots. Its very enjoyable and very easy to pick up. I will definitely be pre ordering this soon. I won't be going crazy and picking up the $250 collector's editon. But I will admit, the collector's did catch my eye.
Lastly, I reserved and paid off South Park: The Stick of Truth Grand Wizard Edition. I've been very excited about this game ever since its been announced. It was disappointing to see it be delayed a few times, but in a couple weeks I will finally have my hands on it! Now, the Grand Wizard Edition is basically the collector's. Even though I wasn't planning on getting a collector's edition for this game, I saw that it was just $20 more than the regular copy of the game so I figured why not? There are a few videos up on YouTube of some recent gameplay so I recommend checking them out. To me, this game looks to be a 6-8 hour game, but I could be wrong.
Well, that's it for now Pixlbit readers.