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Life outside of gaming

On 02/18/2014 at 09:44 PM by Ranger1

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

I have so many hobbies that I will never be bored. Besides gaming, there's my needlework projects, singing, reading, roaming the woods, and photography. Of them all, I think that photography may give me the most satisfaction.

I've loved looking at photos ever since I can remember. My grandmother's photo albums kept me occupied for hours, as did the gorgeous photos in the National Geographic magazines she subscribed to. Later on, I was introduced to the amazing black and white landscapes of Ansel Adams and Galen Rowell's gorgeous photos of the Himalayas. I got to meet Galen Rowell when he came and did a presentation of his photos at my college, I think he might have been promoting his book Mountain Light at the time. I got the chance to talk to him a bit, and I'm glad I did, as he died in a plane crash in 2002.

I was given my first camera when I was seven. It was a beat-up instamatic that took 110 film, and I think my mom got it at a yard sale. My first roll of film was mostly the neighborhood dogs, my mom and my baby sister, and several shots of clouds. I still have the pics in a photo album. Later on, I was given an antique Brownie, and that was my camera of choice growing up until I got my first point-and-shoot 35 mm, an Olympus XA2 . Well, actually it was my parents, but I had it on very long term loan. Eventually I gave it back to them and my dad bought me one of my own, another Olympus, which had more bells and whistles, but I thnk the XA2 was the better camera. The issue with film cameras was getting the film developed, and I think I stll have several rolls of exposed film that I never did get developed.

My friend Micca was visiting from England and I took him to the park I worked at and he was shocked to discover that I didn't have a digital camera. A couple of months after he went back to England, I got a couple of packages from Amazon. In them was a camera and a bunch of accessories to go with it. That Panasonic Lumix is a great camera and opened up a word of possibilties for me. It's the camera that I take most of my photos with. When Micca upgraded to a newer, fancier DSLR, he gave me his old Canon and bought me a zoom lens. I have to admit to being kind of intimidated by all the buttons and dials, but I'm slowly learning how to use it. Maybe I'll take a class through community ed one of these days.

Anyway, that's one of my other hobbies. What do you other than game in your leisure time?



Cary Woodham

02/18/2014 at 09:51 PM

My life outside of gaming is so boring that nobody would want to read about it. :)

Photography is fun, though.  Taking pictures is one of my favorite parts of going to places like E3 and PAX, and on vacations in general.

Only other hobbies I have besides video games is learning about cartoons and animation, lifting weights and working out, and sleeping.  I'm really good at that. :)


02/18/2014 at 10:00 PM

Sounds like you keep yourself busy. I thought of you yesterday, by the way, while I was poking around Bull Moose Music. I found some Pacman band-aids.

Cary Woodham

02/19/2014 at 05:13 AM

We used to sell Pac-Man bandages where I work.  I still have a box on my desk.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/18/2014 at 11:10 PM

I need to get a DSLR. I know you learn by example last I told you I could help with those buttons, given my photography and production education, but offer is still on the table, just in case. Plenty of easy to follow online resources on that stuff as well.

As for me I mostly consume and study all types of media lately, given my work and school focus, but I need to start playing guitar again, and I was always a great shot at basketball. If you can call diet/exercise a hobby, that too. 

I could use more hobbies.


02/19/2014 at 03:58 AM

My first camera used 110 film too. I think it was a Kodak like this one.


Gaming is my main hobby at the moment, but often I fall back into photography. I'm really dispirated by the digital darkroom though. I was much more into it in the film days. Nothing beats a real darkroom, enlargers, and mounting paper prints on matt board and framing them. It get's your hands dirty which means I like it more. Digital is too clean for me. I keep thinking of a way to make art more interesting to me again. Maybe drawing or painting or sculpture. I did a little of all of that in school.


02/19/2014 at 12:34 PM

The dark room stuff (and the prodigious cost of a "good" camera) were what kept me from doing much more than snapshots for years. The digital darkroom has been a real boon for people like myself.

And yeah, that was pretty much what my first camera looked like, too, except mine was all black with electricians tape holding the battery door closed.


02/20/2014 at 02:31 AM

I remember doing a lot of lawns and other landscaping when I was a kid to save up for photo gear. I had people give me stuff too. I had an old German enlarger and a strange old film camera that I forget the name of that some older guy gave me. I think it was a local friend of my parents who was getting rid of his old darkroom stuff. But I eventually bought a Canon AE-1 and some lenses with my lawn money. That was my main camera for years. So many memories with that camera. Lost some key negatives from it too, but I have most of them still.


02/19/2014 at 11:43 AM

Awesome pics! At some point I'd like to invest in a nice camera. I took a photography class and it was a lot of fun (the teacher was a former Sports Illustrated photographer). 

My hobbies outside of playing games...I would guess it would be buying/listening to music, thrift store hoppin', and collecting Lego. I haven't bought any new Lego sets this year, I'm waiting for a big sale.


02/19/2014 at 11:53 AM

With the technological advances of digital photography, you don't need an expensive camera. I actually get better results with my little Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ7 point and shoot than I do with the Canon Rebel. I would like to invest in a macro lens someday, but those suckers are expensive - upwards of $400 apiece.


02/19/2014 at 05:33 PM

I do like the point and shoots, but I could also use a DSLR for graphics projects. I'll probably get a newer point and shoot before the summer. My last one I think is seven years old. 


02/19/2014 at 11:54 AM

Dat frog....must GRAB him! Sorry, I have a frog fetish. I think amphibians are adorable,Tami. lol. The rest of the pics are beautiful too. The color vibrance is stunning!

 You know me pretty well. I draw,write,and made a game. It's just sad "making games" can be such a toxic environment so I may put it on the back burner for now. I'll ALWAYS draw and write though!


02/19/2014 at 12:38 PM

Amphibians are some of the most amazing creatures on earth. I have a huge collection of frogs, very few of which I bought myself. I also live in an amphibian-lover's paradise, there are several marshes full of the little guys near my house.

This is one of my favorites in my collection:


02/19/2014 at 12:42 PM

I've seen these before. The detail is incredible and the eyes are very realistic. The person who makes these frogs is definitely a good crafter! 


02/19/2014 at 12:59 PM

He's pretty incredible, website is here. Worth checking out, if only to ooh and aah over what we can't afford. Mine was a gift from my mom when she was living in Arizona.


02/19/2014 at 03:34 PM

Outside of gaming, I dabble in writing occasionally. I also used to draw, but I haven't done that in years.


02/19/2014 at 05:00 PM

It's funny how we drop things we like. I hadn't done any needlework for at least five years, if not more, until this past November and December.


02/19/2014 at 09:44 PM

Great pics :) I love seeing stuff like this. As beautiful as it is out here in Missouri, it looks like you might have it a bit better.


02/19/2014 at 09:46 PM

I love my home state.


04/13/2014 at 11:55 AM

Wait! There's life outside of Gaming?!?!?

I need to look into this....

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