I want to play Gutterdrive, but you do what you want. All I found Youtube searching Gliz Caldo was a Let's play of your game and a few other random videos, though. I guess his blog is called Fur Affinity, and there was a reference to a shotgun on his DeviantART page, but I dunno, nothing looked that incriminating. I'm too tired to search any deeper though.
Bad moon rising: A lone developer contemplates!
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![]() On 02/19/2014 at 12:58 AM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
I’m very sorry I haven’t been around. There are various reasons, some of them better than others. Firstly, I’m tired of Game-jolt. Since my last foray here, GJ has pumped out so many “Flappy bird clones” the apple app store has banned any submitted game with the word “flappy” in the title. That should tell you something!
"See that closet troll? Meet Gliz Caldo!"
Of course you already know about my troll problems. When I first submitted Gutterdelve the game did great but when a certain “Gliz Caldo” followed me there ratings went to shit and I had to put up with the usual “Social Justice Bullshit” that runs rampant on places like tumblr.
At first I was really hurt. Then I realized that the 19 year old kid barking at me is a furry with gas-mask and gun fetishes. Normally I win the awards for “tasteless tweets” and “being creepy” but it’s safe to say Gliz beats me on the freako-meter hands down! (Don’t believe me? Type “Gliz Caldo” into your search engine and look the guy up on you tube! I‘m NOT making any of this shit up! I‘m actually cool with the furry thing. I‘m more concerned about the guy‘s complete obsession with various weapons and masks. Would YOU want to be stalked by some guy who reminds you of Jason Vorhees in a fur suit?!)
I’m at least proud to say the version I have up now is it. You will not get anymore “This is the best & last version!” announcements in the future. I polished the game to the point I am happy with it and for a first project it’s pretty decent.
I suppose I should clarify something. I don’t mind “real social justice”. I love the people who volunteer to hand out food boxes, the kind souls who take in stray animals, and the hardcore peacenik activists who bravely cross boarders to fight for women and homosexual rights where it is still REALLY BACKWARDS when it comes to progressive equality. “The doers” have my support 100%!
I just don’t understand angst-ridden kids who attack me as if squashing my game and scoring it into the abyss is the equivalent of some sort of epic boss fight ala Final Fantasy. To them I’m hypothesizing a 36 year old bipolar guy who draws and makes games in his free time is the equivalent of “the man” keeping them down. It’s as if they really believe silencing my opinion is going to give them “experience points” and some “sweet loot” for their invested trolling! I suppose the young sometimes cannibalize their elders to feel as if they’ve overcome their oppressors and are thus somehow more relevant.
"This boring crap again? Get back to the narrative and juicy character development,please!"
I will be the first to admit my game is NOT perfect by any means! Frankly, the battles are boring. Yes, I found a way to eliminate random encounters and the hidden soulmorphisis cards greatly reduce grinding for levels. All the same, I kind of despise the bare-bones turned based combat system VX Ace gave me out of the box. However, it’s my fault the protagonists become “godly and untouchable” by the mid-point of the game. I have no way of dancing around that without taking on some personal responsibility.
Of course that’s all I really wanted to do. In other words, share my story! I simply wanted to be the guy at the camp-fire with a decent tale to tell. I wasn’t trying to warp and crush impressionable young minds or turn teenaged gamers into my cultish followers. Yet the way certain people sling their smack at me you would think I’m Anton Lavey over here! (He was a Satanist by the way)
Yet I’m not ashamed my game brought up touchy issues and I’m certainly not ashamed I tried to make my characters deeper and much more flawed than the standard cardboard cut out perfect-in-every-way J-rpg teen heart throbs! No, not every Jrpg succumbs to the pitfall of shallow tropes but many of them are still guilty of it! The truth is the truth and it comes from someone still very much in love with anime and almost any game coming here from the land of the rising sun!
So, will there be a sequel to Gutterdelve? I’m thinking about it and have some basic plans laid down. Sadly, I’m not feeling that committed or motivated right now. Maybe I am the relic of a dead age and should just fade silently into the night….
Er, I’m not suicidal! Hope no one took the previous statement to “strange places”. So,what do you think I should do, Pixlbit?