I've always wondered about "test groups". In other words,when a company has a product and gathers a small group of people to gauge their reactions as they use said product. Likewise I sometimes contemplate if "consumer stats" or "statistics" are truly gathered from many people ot just a smaller but more vocal minority.
BaD Ideas: Do you have good ones?
On 02/19/2014 at 03:42 PM by Super Step See More From This User » |
Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014
I have several ideas for my media research project, but I'd love to hear your thoughts and if there's something you've always wondered about media (any kind) that you think could be researched within a period of two months. I hate to say it, but even though this is a game website, it may be hard to study that for the same reasons the ESRB only plays part of a game when screening it: games are a bit time-intensive to study. by all means, still throw out ideas regarding games, but try and make them something you think I'd be able to complete research on in a couple months' time.
All you have to give me is something you've always wondered about a media-related topic and I'll figure out the rest from there if I think it's a workable research idea.
I have to propose next Thursday, so I'm grinding away on this.
Idea 1: I want to do a survey/focus group about how people feel about the lack of "localism" in modern radio. Would they prefer to get Ryan Seacrest every morning no matter where they are, or a more local DJ that knows the area they live in and can update them. Some stations have a mix, which I'll take into account in my questions.
Idea 2: People often complain that Japanese shows have too much expository dialogue. I wonder if (once I define expository dialogue for a research paper; you know what I'm talking about though, I think) a comparison of similar Japanese and American cartoons geared to teens+ would bear this out if I did a content/textual analysis
Idea 3: America loves violence, but not really nudity, but how much of each is in the hypersexual and hyperviolent Game of Thrones? Does even this series prefer blood over butts, given its being produced in America? Perhaps a content analysis would tell me.
Idea 4: This is an idea I've had for a long time, but have no idea how I could do it other than focus groups. If I show people a clip of a show that is "badly edited," how much will they care unless I tell them up fron I think it's badly edited. What I'd be trying to find is how much people base their expressed opinions about media on what supposed authorities on this subjective subject say about it. For example, do people really mind a lot of the jump cutting in modern Youtube shows, or do they say they do because it's the "right" or "acceptable" thing to say? I have my opinion, but it would be cool to study for me.
As far as games, ads and such are easier to study than games themselves. Anyway, if you have ideas, please tell me or let me know what you think of my ideas so far!