Now dust is settling I thought I’d clarify where I really stand on the whole “furry” thing. You will notice that when I was ranting about a certain someone I mentioned he was in fact a furry. Granted, I went on to say I’m cool with that. However, it’s easy to lose that in the shuffle when I later refer to this guy as being like Jason Vorhees in a fur suit. (I went too far with the last bit)
This is important for me to address because I have friends who identity themselves as furries too. To “those people” I would like to apologize profusely! The fact someone I argued with is a furry makes no difference, really. Besides, it was the other traits about this person that truly got under my skin and unsettled me.

"I'm okay with this! What kind of dweeb feels threatened by My Little Ponies and the people who like them?"
I know someone is reading this while thinking “But I thought you hate tumblr crazies and SJWs, Broken!”. Actually, I don’t loathe anyone so long as they are nice, open minded, and non judgmental. I don’t even understand why bronies get so much shit. I have other friends who still like Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering. My dirty secret? I was an avid follower of Dexter’s laboratory and the Powerpuff girls while in my mid 20‘s! How high and mighty does that make me?

"Samurai Jack,Powerpuff girls,Dexter's labratory...those were the days I tell you!"
Besides, who isn’t a furry to some degree? I bet many of the people talking down to furries liked playing Sonic The Hedgehog or watching Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers while growing up. At the very least I did. I had a “thing” for Gadget!

"Oh yeah! Work those nuts and bolts, baby!"
Let’s face facts. Most guys in this room would tap Krystal! And most women? They probably wouldn’t mind looking like Krystal! Sorry for that bit of dirty sexist humor but it illustrates my point nicely!

"I'd hit it!"