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Ben talks furries,bronies,and other nostalgic fluff!

On 02/20/2014 at 02:11 AM by BrokenH

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Now dust is settling I thought I’d clarify where I really stand on the whole “furry” thing. You will notice that when I was ranting about a certain someone I mentioned he was in fact a furry. Granted, I went on to say I’m cool with that. However, it’s easy to lose that in the shuffle when I later refer to this guy as being like Jason Vorhees in a fur suit. (I went too far with the last bit)

This is important for me to address because I have friends who identity themselves as furries too. To “those people” I would like to apologize profusely! The fact someone I argued with is a furry makes no difference, really. Besides, it was the other traits about this person that truly got under my skin and unsettled me.

"I'm okay with this! What kind of dweeb feels threatened by My Little Ponies and the people who like them?"

I know someone is reading this while thinking “But I thought you hate tumblr crazies and SJWs, Broken!”. Actually, I don’t loathe anyone so long as they are nice, open minded, and non judgmental. I don’t even understand why bronies get so much shit. I have other friends who still like Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering. My dirty secret? I was an avid follower of Dexter’s laboratory and the Powerpuff girls while in my mid 20‘s! How high and mighty does that make me?

"Samurai Jack,Powerpuff girls,Dexter's labratory...those were the days I tell you!"

Besides, who isn’t a furry to some degree? I bet many of the people talking down to furries liked playing Sonic The Hedgehog or watching Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers while growing up. At the very least I did. I had a “thing” for Gadget!

"Oh yeah! Work those nuts and bolts, baby!"

Let’s face facts. Most guys in this room would tap Krystal! And most women? They probably wouldn’t mind looking like Krystal! Sorry for that bit of dirty sexist humor but it illustrates my point nicely!

"I'd hit it!"




Cary Woodham

02/20/2014 at 05:50 AM

I'm not a furry, but I do like Animal Crossing and Rescue Rangers.  I'll say that My Little Pony is a quality cartoon for little girls, but I'm not a Brony.  I like Spike the dragon in it, though.  I met the voice actor who plays him once. 

I'm going to send you a PM here in a little bit, OK?


02/20/2014 at 08:33 AM

Pmed you back,chief! In general I'm like you, Cary. I like furry related cartoons and even My Little Pony but I don't "identify" myself is a furry or bronie. I say that because those labels have become complex and I'm sort of on the outer fringes. (I also don't have a fur suit or claim to have a fursona but in general I adore most real animals)

It's just when I look in the mirror I realize that my passions aren't any less different or strange to many other people so I realize I shouldn't be judgemental in that regard.

Lastly, I'm not writing to appease mista tough guy internet-keyboard-warrior Breaking-H. If he wants to taddle on me to Gliz and try to start some drama, I'll be ready!  I'm in prime condition! Behold my TRUE FORM!


02/20/2014 at 10:25 AM

I'm a big fan of the Power Puff Girls too, but I would not want to be labled as such. Like a Bro-Puff or Power Bruff, I think its the word Bronie that throws me. I have very eccentric tatse so I try not to pass judgment on what other people like. Unless its Bieber, Cyrus, Gaga, or some other stain on our culture. Your fair game then,lol. This term furrys is new to me. Is it like an animorphic fetish or something? If so then pretty much most men would fall into this catagory even if they won't admit it. Perfect example Avatar. I don't think there is man alive who was not down for some giant, amazon alien kitty...kitty.Tongue Out

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/20/2014 at 10:35 AM

I like Lady Gaga and thought Cyrus's crap last year was entertaining. Bieber needs to be deported. Sue me. Tongue Out I don't like Amazon kitties from Avatar, but I do think Krystal from Starfox Adventures is foxy. Let's fight. Right now. lol By the way, nice euphemism there, Man.Wink

A furry is someone who actively has sex in animal costumes, I think. I don't really get it, and it sounds like that would get uncomfortable easily, but whatever. 

I loved all those Cartoon Network shows when I was younger, and I'd still like to catch some Dexter's Lab. I watch Legend of Korra just as much as House of Cards or Breaking Bad/want to watch Game of Thrones and I think all three of those shows have mostly fans in my age group (early 20s+). 


02/20/2014 at 07:47 PM

Its all good Joe. Everyone has their guilty pleasures,lol. For the record I was watching Pokymon when I was 18. I started watching Power Puff Girls, Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, and Ed,Edd,&Eddy when I was 23. I'm 35 now and I got tons of Cartoon network shows in my Netflix Q. I'm just a big ass kid I suppose,lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/20/2014 at 11:57 PM

No judgement here. I never knew Avatar: The Last Airbender existed until I was in my 20s, and I binged all three seasons after watching that stupid movie. 


02/20/2014 at 11:05 AM

Ummm, Joe, Gemini, you're all cool guys and I sorry if it sounds agresive, but:


Then again, I can't blame you if you don't know much about the culture. Again, sorry.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/20/2014 at 04:07 PM

Sorry, it's about liking anthropomorphized animals in a sexual way though, right? 


02/20/2014 at 04:27 PM

Not really. There's some of that, but that's not what it's all about. It's a culture based around apriciation of anthropoformic animals, be in art, comics, video games, and other forms of media and art. Sexual acts are only part of the one that are, let's say, more "edgy" and if they do bestiality, it's because they are crazy. As it turns out, furries hate bestiality. If you want better information and better descriptions on what i've said, I recommend this usefull page.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/20/2014 at 04:52 PM

Ok, I thought it had to have a sexual bent to it. My mistake. My only problem now is, wouldn't that make every one a bit of a furry? I think most people have some appreciation of anthropomorphic art ... I guess not fanatically, though, so I'll roll with it. And if I came off as if I thought furries committed beastiality, I didn't mean to, I wasn't really thinking that was a factor, honestly. 


02/20/2014 at 07:39 PM

No offense taken Alex. I'm just curious cause I have not heard of this until reading Brokens blog. Which only touched on this vaguely. Anyway I get where your coming from, I think it sucks when a subculture gets hit with a negative stereotype based on a misunderstanding or worse out right lies. As for the appretation of anthropoformic characters I'm totally down with that. I grew up with Loony Toons, Disney,half of the Hanna-Barbarra roster,ect,lol. So I'm sure thats only a small piece of the spectrum.


02/20/2014 at 08:01 PM

My fault for not being more informative,Gemini. But yeah, it's mostly a simple appreciation of Anthromorphic characters. (And Loony Toons fall under that too!) Quite a few furries do wear "fur suits" at gatherings but to my knowledge those types of conventions are pretty "tame".  Though sure,you probably have people that will fuck in fur suits just like there are people that will fuck while wearing cosplay. lol. Wink


02/20/2014 at 12:52 PM

Furries have been around awhile,mate. Most of em aren't bad people. You could say "dressing in fur suits is weird" but isn't that just an offshoot of basic cosplay which most people accept? They also tend to like "animal protagonist characters" but again,it's just a personal preference. 

But you're right, don't know if I'd identify as a "Bro-Puff" or "Bronie" myself. I think that requires a kind of "hardcore fan-devotion" as opposed to just a passing interest. It's not as if I have a shrine to Blossom or Buttercup in my living room. lol.

I can "like things" but loving them completely is rare. That's reserved or nostalgic parts of my youth like Dark Crystal,Labyrinth,Starwars,Highlander,Star-Trek,Robo-cop,and The Princess Bride. (As well as the Dragonlance,Wildcards, and Drizzt books) Even then I'm not much of a collector that insists on having every version of whatever. (Though I do like looking at other people's collections!)


02/20/2014 at 07:59 PM

My interests are to diverse to sink too much time into just one thing. Not to say some things don't get more time than others. My video game time to creative projects time ratio is a joke,lol. But mostly I just don't like lables. That shit is so high school. But to each his or her own. Live and let live is my phylosophy. And for the record I like costumes, I follow a bunch of hot cosplayers on Facebook,lol.Tongue Out 


02/20/2014 at 08:05 PM

I'm with ya. My "interests" are not obsessions or life-styles usually. I'm fascinated by too many things to give 100% commitment to a single area. Guess to some people that might make me come off as a flake. lol.  


02/20/2014 at 08:13 PM

Naw, it just makes you well rounded. You may only know a little, but you know a little of everything vs all of one thing. Its the classic "a man of many talents but a master of none". Thats not really a bad thing to be. Of course I fall into that catagory too, so I may be being a bit biast,lol.


02/20/2014 at 08:18 PM

I guess us "Jacks Of All Trades" have to stick together,aye? lol. I think the reason I'm like that is because I grew up with fighting games in the arcades and always loved how each character represented a different culture, unique motivation, or philosophical idealogy. Kind of taught me to appreciate diversity. Also probably made me ADHD. lol.


02/20/2014 at 11:11 AM

I wouldn't indentify as a furry, but I do like the artwork of the fanbase and i'm also fan of the characters. I also feel like they get a lot of undeserved shit on the internet due to the missconceptions and the crazy ones being prominent.

Same with bronies. I'm not part of the fanbase, but I love the show to be a mild-fan and though there's a lot of shitheads among bronies, there's also other shitheads in other fanbases.

And dude, no shame in liking Dexter's Laboratory and PPG. They are great!


02/20/2014 at 12:58 PM

I think everyone liked Sonic growing up. For awhile he was more popular than Mario. My first "furry fixation" was Rescue Rangers and I watched that show pretty religously. I dug how Chip was sort of styled after Indiana Jones in some ways. lol. Dale was simply a "bro" who seemed fun to chill with. I liked Duck Tales and Tail spin too, just not quite as much.

I understand why some idiots get targeted for being "overly sensitive" with their self-label but a fandom or community is still composed of individuals. We cannot judge em all negatively just because a few are assholes or crazies.

Uh,you pretty much said that too. Don't know why I'm repeating it. Derp!


02/20/2014 at 11:27 AM

I don't know much about this stuff... but just wanted to say that I bought the entire collection of Power Puff Girls on dvd, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. That show is awesome! Bubbles FTW!! Cool

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/20/2014 at 11:45 AM

I'm a Buttercup man myself.  Just my style.


02/20/2014 at 08:03 PM

Me too! I'm a sucker for bruenettes.


02/20/2014 at 01:02 PM

That's good purchasing,son! The Wachoski brothers made some great stuff! I also wished Samurai Jack had run longer. It ended way too soon!


02/20/2014 at 04:05 PM

Not a furry, and honestly whatever a person wants to do with their personal time is none of my business.

Feel no shame in admitting I own the complete box set of The Powerpuff Girls. Though the 'complete' moniker is a little out of date, what with that new special that was on about a month ago.


02/20/2014 at 04:12 PM

Yeah I'm a big Wachoski brothers supporter too! I didn't even know there was a Powerpuff girl spin off but I do remember seeing something where they were drawn in a more anime style. Shame I missed that because I probably would have enjoyed it! One of my favorite characters in the show was the mayor. I loved that little man! He was so funny and brought me maximum lulz!


02/20/2014 at 04:28 PM

I was into Dexter's Lab in my 30s. And I saw the Powerpuff Girls movie... and loved it!


02/20/2014 at 05:13 PM

Badges of honor sir,badges of honor!


04/14/2014 at 02:02 PM

Not a furry, not a brony but atleast the things we were into didn't border alone the line of the very thing that furries and bronies get into. I had to be stigmatised for being interested in "cartoon porn" (that's what it anime was called back in my day) along with gaming in general.

But I have to admit if I ever met a brony in person and demanded his "man card" and he actually did give it up, I'd give it right back after my interactions I've had with bronies on twitter.

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