I actually just got out of Thor The Dark World about an hour ago. Good times.
BaD #20: Revenge of Trivia Thursday!
On 02/20/2014 at 05:05 PM by C.S.3590SquadLeader See More From This User » |
Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014
Hope you're all prepared for Ragnarok on Saturday! (Not that I think for one second it'll actually happen)
This is pretty much the first thing I think of when I read or hear that word.
The correct answer was D! Although Peter Weller is solely credited in the film as Alex Murphy/RoboCop, he did indeed have a stunt double for a few scenes (here's my sources). Unfortunately enough, there weren't any winners (again), though honestly if I wasn't aware of the answer from my researching, I don't think I'd have gotten it either.
Anyways, to be honest I was pretty busy and forgot to plan a challenge for this week. Sorry about that, I'll be sure to have something set up next week.