I hope you enjoy PVZGW! I dont own any Xbox systems so I wont be joining in on it. I am though picking up Thief for the PS4 next Tuesday. I like stealth based games so Im pretty excited for it.
The next three weeks
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![]() On 02/21/2014 at 01:12 AM by MrUniverse_ ![]() See More From This User » |
Hey Pixlbit. Hope you all are having a great week so far. So lately I've been putting most of my gaming time with Bravely Default and Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag. I recently paid off South Park: The Stick of Truth and have Titanfall pre ordered. For some reason, something came over me and wanted to get a game that's coming out next week, which is Thief and Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare.
Now I've heard good things about Thief, but I'm not much of a sneaking around type of gamer. Don't get me wrong, I played some games from the Metal Gear Solid series and Dishonored. I guess you can also consider AC as a game with sneaking around in it. I feel like Thief will be similar to Dishonored. I liked Dishonored, but I only played it once and traded it within a month. So I see myself doing the same thing with Thief.
About Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. When this game was first announced, I immediately knew this was going to be a day one purchase. Only a few of my friends will buy this game, but I know I'll enjoy it. I didn't have a problem playing Battlefield 3 and 4 by myself since no one I knew bought it so I think I'll enjoy this game as well. Speaking of Battlefield, I just found out PvZ Garden Warfare will be running on the same engine as BF 3 and 4, which is the Frostbite 3 engine. This just made me want to buy the game even more. And to add on that, I've seen a video of the game, with Major Nelson from Microsoft, explaining how the game modes in PvZ is like the Conquest and Rush modes from Battlefield.
From all of that, I decided to skip out on Thief and stick to Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. Not only are the PvZ games on mobile very good, but a shooter/warfare type of game for the Xbox One will be very enjoyable. It would be awesome to play with other people so feel free to add me on Xbox. My gamertag is Mayhem Korneya.
That's all for now Pixlbit.