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BaD: Shane's Top 3 Gaming Podcasts

On 02/21/2014 at 11:32 AM by TheMart22

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

It’s Friday again folks so let’s bring on the cheer, drink a beer and eat something unhealthy!

And on that note, coming right at ya is Shane’s Top 3 gaming related podcasts:

#3 – The Geekbox


This podcast will always have a soft spot within me (stop thinking dirty) as it was the first regular gaming podcast I subscribed to. Of the three on this list, The Geekbox deals the most with geek culture in general which I enjoy. It’s focus for the most part, however, remains on gaming so hence it’s inclusion on the list. This time last year, I would have probably had The Geekbox as my number 1, but the last few months’ worth of podcasts have dealt with Doctor Who too much for my liking. I’ve nothing against Doctor Who, I just don’t watch it so for the podcast to have 40 mins of its hour long duration (at times) delve into an episode makes me zone out. I’ll keep listening as I like the hosts but it’s no longer my “go to” podcast when it posts.  

 #2 – CAGcast


Focusing almost entirely on gaming (with some focus on electronics in general), CAGcast has come a long way for me personally. What started off as something to listen to occasionally, when out of other options, has become my number 2 most anticipated weekly podcast. The usual three hosts (featuring lovable nicknames such as Wombat) work extremely well with each other; each bringing something different to the conversation. A great thing about this podcast is the hosts frequently disagree so they tend to provide a fair discussion no matter what the topic. No fanboys here.

#1 – Giant Bombcast


Like all good podcasts, the hosts are of utmost importance and as all regular listeners will attest to, the Giant Bombcast hosts are fantastic. Everything from the sponsorship ads to the fanmail responses are hilarious and handled with a level of professionalism that I’m guessing most podcasts aspire to. I don’t venture very often to the Giantbomb website but I most certainly look forward to my Wednesday workday when I can listen to the podcast. Clocking in at typically 3 hours, podcast duration will be an issue for some, but those who stick around will enjoy in-depth conversations covering a myriad of topics. In-depth discussion about how a fish would swim in zero gravity are not out of place here and their mostly pop-science explanations are very entertaining. Don’t get me wrong here folks, the show focus is most definitely on gaming and of all the podcasts I listen to, I trust the Giant Bombcast crew the most. Much like the CAGcast hosts, the gang here will often disagree and the resulting conversation always seems fair. They also seem to have an insight with how the games business itself operates which I appreciate. Highly recommended!

On deck: Nerds Without Pants


Ok, ok, simmer down everyone. I can already hear your snide remarks implying that I’m merely playing up to the rulers that be, but one thing I can positively say about NWP is it has improved dramatically since I started listening. I hope  Julian, Angelo, Patrick et al. don’t mind me saying so but when I initially started listening, I found the conversation to be kinda awkward at times. However, I am happy to report that I no longer find this to be the case. It may have something to do with familiarizing myself to the hosts more; it may have something to do with my increased activity on the website itself; but in my opinion the main reason for the podcasts improvement is what feels like a growth in confidence of the hosts. Of all the podcasts I listen to, I put the hosts of NWP as the most sincere and listeners really get a feel for their true personalities. No pulled punches and I really like the rawness of the episodes. I’m happy to report I truly enjoy this podcast now and recommend all fellow Pixlbits to listen.  (Please don’t kick me out Julian!)

And there ya have it. Thank you, thank you. Oh please, please, no more…..

Do let me know what you guys think and have a great weekend everyone!





02/21/2014 at 11:53 AM

I have never listened to CAG Cast, but I am aware of it.

I love Giant BombCast. They're so funny, lol. I remember Vinny going on some rant about Fable 2 earning some special item on there, his words to Fable 2, "Eat a dick, Fable", lol.

I like RadioRadar, which replaced TalkRadar. But the cast of the old TalkRadar now are on VidjaGameApocolaypse and LaserTime on iTunes which is also my favorite.


02/21/2014 at 04:02 PM

There have been moments in the office where I have to stifle a laugh while I'm listening so I don't seem like i'm mental. 

I haven't heard of the other podcasts you mention, i'll have to check them out. 


02/22/2014 at 11:23 AM

Wow, now that I think about it, I have been listening to gaming podcast for like 5-6 years! Didn't realize it. The only time I listen to podcast is on the way to work and when I work out.

TalkRadar was my favorite for the longest time until all the members moved on from They were by far the funniest and most entertaining. They all continue podcast on, also on iTunes. They broke thier podcast into 5 seperate shows: LaserTime (pop-culture), VGMpire (game music),  CapeCrisis (comics), Cheap Popcast (wrestling) and Vidjagame Apocolayspe (video games).

Of those I listen to Vidjagame Apocolaypse the most. They have a top 5 "something" every podcast, go on a lot of side tangents and are pretty funny. Definitely recommend. The newest episode was pretty hiliarious.

I started listening to the Backlogger's Anonymous podcast from this site. It's not bad. Get's me interested in playing some games on my backlog along with them. I beat Asura's Wrath like 3-4 weeks ago, and they are still working on it, lol.

RadioRadar is good. Also do top 7 every podcast, they inheritied that from Talkradar (now LaserTime). They are friends with the Lasertime guys and Henry Gilbert is in both Vidjagame Apocolaypse and RadioRadar podcasts.

Giant BombCast very good, one of my faves.

I haven't listened to Nerds Without Pants, is it pretty good? Sorry for the book here, lol.


02/23/2014 at 09:54 AM

Haha don't worry about the wall of text. I'm always worried I offended someone when I get long posts Laughing

The only problem I have for taking up new podcasts is my limited time for listening would mean I'd have to drop an existing. Saying that though, I will give Vidjagame Apocalypse a listen. Thanks for the recommendation. 

And yeah I think NWP is good. You can tell they're passionate about games and it's cool to have them reference this communities blogs sometimes. You should give it a chance.


03/08/2014 at 10:40 AM

Did you get a chance to listen to Vidjagame Apocalypse? I am just curious if you enjoyed it or not Cool 


03/10/2014 at 08:47 AM

I listened to their blog last week and it was pretty good. I decided though that I already have enough similar blogs so I'll skip it. I just didn't think it brought anything hugely different to the table. I did start listening though to RadioRadar which you also recommended. Their top 7's are great so i'll give them a listen to every week.


02/21/2014 at 02:16 PM

Don't listen to many podcasts, just don't have enough time. Wish I did though.


02/21/2014 at 04:04 PM

I started getting in to podcasts only about a year and a half ago. It's something to do and I use it mostly to drown out the background noise when working on something. Great for the car too obviously. Sometimes i'm not in the mood to listen to music and the majority of radio talk programs are rubbish.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/21/2014 at 05:15 PM

I like NWP as well. 


02/21/2014 at 07:09 PM

I'm hoping I get name dropped some time. We all have dreams Laughing

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/21/2014 at 11:17 PM

They've asked for suggestions, which I've delivered, and I've gotten name dropped on there in the past.


02/22/2014 at 09:24 AM

I'll have to find my in


02/22/2014 at 02:43 AM

AllGenGamers, Wired's Game/Life, and RadioRadar are my favorites at the moment. I just got a new one Tone Control which is really cool. It's real insider talk with game developers. They just chat about anything. No interview stuff or any of that. It's real informal and I like that. 


02/22/2014 at 09:23 AM

That's two mentions for RadioRadar. Hmm. I like the informal stuff too. Interviews are generally my least favorite part of any podcast


02/22/2014 at 10:58 AM

I just listen to podcasts while driving too and from work, so I don't have a lot of time. The Giant Bombcast is therefore indeed intimidating with its length. My favorite podcast is Retronauts. The most recent one is about Yasumi Matsuno (of Ogre Battle and FF Tactics fame) and is really interesting. I also usually listen to the Touch Arcade show each week, but that's only interesting if you like iOS games. I've listened to NWP off and on but haven't recently. I should give it another go. I was following Backloggers Anonymous, though, until Asura's Wrath and will probably pick it up again after that run finishes. I really liked Digital Mystery Tour but I guess it didn't prove popular enough Frown But there are definitely way more cool podcasts out there than anyone can actually listen to.


02/23/2014 at 10:20 AM

Yeah I agree there's too many podcasts to worry about listening to them all. From the comments here, I've already got two more podcasts added to my list to at least try. It's fine some weeks if work is relatively quiet but for the majority of the time, I barely have enough time to listen the my limited selection

Julian Titus Senior Editor

02/22/2014 at 01:15 PM

So, I'm going to put a pin in the last part of your blog for a second.

I love podcasts. After EGM was shuttered I found myself running to Rebel FM and 1up Yours to get my fix of the old magazine staff's opinions. Over the years I've added a ton of podcasts to my list, because my old job gave me the opportinuity to listen to them all day long. Sadly, that's no longer the case, because I started a new job and only have my commute to listen to shows, so I had to cut a lot of them. Sadly, I cut the Geekbox. I just can't handle Adam Fitch anymore. I love the rest of the cast, but as a Doctor Who fan that's a season behind I can't listen to a bunch of the episodes because of spoilers.

The Giant Bombcast is my absolute favorite podcast. I'm still reeling from the death of Ryan Davis. The main theme to Pac Man Championship Edition DX came on my ipod last night and I almost cried. That show got me through many many terrible days of work at my old job. While the show continues to be entertaining (the recent episode with Patrick Klepek talking about that EVE Online war was epic), the loss of Ryan is still very huge for me. You should definitely check out some of their Quick Looks on the site, because it's like an extra bit of Giant Bombcasty goodness.

Thank you so much for your kind words about NWP. I'm not sure when you started listening, but I agree with your opinion. Angelo is a relatively new addition to the show, filling the massive shoes of Rob Ottone, who was with Patrick and I back on PixlTalk and helped us form this show. It's taken us a bit to get comfortable together, and we've also been working to improve things on the back end. Angelo got a new mic, and I've been tweaking with the audio levels and learning new editing tricks. We're always looking for show ideas and/or comments, so you can definitely send any my way. Just direct message me. Thanks again, and thanks for listening! (tell your friends)


02/23/2014 at 10:14 AM

Phew, I thought I was in for a lashing when I read the first line.

I get your cutting of The Geekbox if you're a season behind on Doctor Who. I've actually been thinking about starting the show (a friend is really pushing me to start) and would have to be careful listening going forward. However, I actually like Adam Fitch on the podcast. It's annoying at times when he drags out a point and basicly repeats himself cos he thinks no one understands what he's saying, but for the most part, I find him funny. He kinda reminds me of a close friend of mine though, so that may be the real reason. 

I started regularly listening to the Giant Bombcast shortly before Ryan Davis passed away. Very sad. Their handling of the loss, remaining professional and honoring their friend, I thought, was commendable. They seem like a good bunch of lads.

As for NWP, I started listening shortly after I joined the community last February. I'll definitely message you if I think of any good show ideas. It's great for the community that your podcast is so open to involving it. 

Julian Titus Senior Editor

02/23/2014 at 12:56 PM

Oh man, if you have time you should totally check out some of the older Bombcast episodes, especially the Game of the Year deliberations from 2009 and 2010. And hopefully you get a chance to check out some of the NWP shows you missed. Episodes 6, 9, and 10 are personal favorites of mine.


02/24/2014 at 11:59 AM

I never listened to The Geek Box, but I'll give it a listen. I want to have another game related podcast other than CAG on my iPod.


02/24/2014 at 03:03 PM

Glad I can help. Let me know what you think.


02/25/2014 at 11:39 AM

Will do! The iPod needs to be updated either today or tomorrow so I might give my thoughts on it in my next Quick Hits Blog


04/15/2014 at 02:53 PM

You'd think I'd listen to podcasts given how I'm on the road so often going to work and traveling during work, yet oddly I haven't been much of a fan of them. Not sure why since I do listen to AM talk radio and music off my MP3.

I do give some a try when I feel up to it, and usually end up regretting it. Like this site's recent podcast that talked about Final Fantasy. That podcast alone has prompted me to do something in my future blog posts that I may later regret. I do apoligize to any and all in advance....


04/16/2014 at 07:19 PM

Haha I look forward to what you come up with.

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