Oh, sick kids. You are excused from BaD for as long as you need. I used to be a nanny for a tiny tyke and also worked in a daycare for a while, so I feel for ya. At least I got to go home at the end of the day. Hope you're all feeling better soon.
BaD 10: Way Behind
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![]() On 02/21/2014 at 01:21 PM by Nick DiMola ![]() See More From This User » |
This has been a BaD week for me. Started well enough with a long weekend (had President's Day off on Monday). Chessa and I took the kids out for a fun day at this place TreePaad, which was some bouncey bounces and this big obstacle course thingy with slides and all manner of padded delights. It was a pretty sweet joint and Nicholas had fun in there for 2 hours, while Mikey enjoyed crawling around the toddler area and mingling with some of the other young kids.
After that, we were planning on going for an early dinner, but the place we were looking to go to didn't open till 4, so we had to kill some time and decided to go over to the mall. Chessa wanted to grab a new pair of jeans, so I took the kids to the play area while she shopped. That went well too and they had fun... unfortunately, Nicholas didn't want it to end, so he put up a big fight when it was time to go. Eventually I got him out of there though and we started making our way out of the mall. He was still fighting and trying to pull off of my hand. He eventually managed to get loose and went flying and smashed his head on the floor.
He's a tough kid and it take a lot to make him cry when he gets hurt, but he immediately burst into tears, so he hit his head hard. After a minute or two, I managed to calm him down and all was well. We went to dinner and that also went well. After heading home we got the kids ready for bed, chilled for a bit, and put them down. However, during their bath, we noticed that Nicholas had a huge bump on his head where he hit it at the mall...
Then at 10:30 PM, Nicholas woke up screaming. Headed up to his room and he had puked all over the place. Putting two and two together, Chessa and I were immediately concerned that he might have a concussion. We kept him up and, long story short, wound up staying up literally all night with him. I think I caught about 30 minutes of shut eye around 6:30 AM and woke up to head into work.
Thankfully(?) the next day Mikey also started puking, so we knew Nicholas didn't have a concussion, which was a relief. Of course, now I'm sick. No puking (I avoid doing so at all costs), but I've been nauseous and sick feeling since yesterday afternoon. All of this shit has made for a not great week that I wish was over already.
I ran out at lunch today and grabbed a copy of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, so I'm hoping this evening plays out a little better. I also started Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc for review, which appears quite promising. Very much in the vein of 999 or Virtue's Last Reward.
Haven't started a thread in particular for discussion, but check the Deal Forum, as I've posted a couple in there today, specifically this sweet Free Pokemon X/Y Deal!
Also, if you have some input on the PixlBit Game Collection feature and how to make it better, let me know. After I finish up my current set of tasks, I'll probably start working on that next.