I picked this up yesterday even though I have the original on Xbox. I wound up buying that one after succumbing to morbid curiosity and a recommendation from one guy who goes by the name of Broken H 'round these parts. Yes Ben it was your fault. LOL
I gave up very early on the 360 version because I found the controls hard to get used to and other reasons I don't quite remember.
I've had far better luck with the PS3 version and have actually cleared the prologue. Let the bells ring and the people sing!
If I had to sum this game up in a sentence I'd say, er, well I'm not sure what I'd say except maybe "It's fucking weird". It's like Twin Peaks on acid as if Twin Peaks wasn't already on acid to start with.
It's cheesy, it's odd, it's very Japanese, and it's cheesy. I'd go with the "it's so bad it's good" except that's a cop out. In conclusion, If you get it you'll love it and if you don't, well your mileage may vary. I'd hazard a guess that there's really no middle ground for this game.
The Ultimate version of this game is on sale right now on PSN at the same price as the regular version at $19.99.