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Blog 2/23/14: 1st Blog of 2014, TitanFall Beta, etc...

On 02/23/2014 at 03:33 PM by F1r3inth3H0L3

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Hey all, I tend to write about a blog a month, and with this one I am keeping the pace.

One thing I have found extremely disappointing with this site of late is my ability to post blogs. I have tried to post this blog you're currently reading originally on 2/5/14, and if you're reading it, I just finally got it on the site (almost 20 days later). I have tried atleast 5-6 times. I have added a bunch of content as a result.  

I believe that the last time I wrote a full blog, it was right before New Years. I have been to a fair amount:
The Walking Dead (PSN)
During my last blog entry, I was playing through this game. Since, I have beaten the game and have to that I enjoyed the game thoroughly.

One thing that kinda bothered me though was the death of a certain character who I won't divulge. I rewinded after the portion to see if I could avoid the death but no. Oh well, I enjoyed it nonetheless. There is a certain decision regarding a car that I wonder how the end of this game would be different had I made a different choice.

With Season 2 coming out, the first episode at least, I am going to wait for all the episodes to be released first.


Asura's Wrath (PS3)

What got me inspired to clear this game out of my backlog was the Backlogger's Anonymous feature on this website.

I had also bought the "true ending" DLC when it was on sale and have been meaning to play it.  The immediate influence of this game was obviously Dragon Ball Z, even after chapters in the game, there is a "preview" of the next episode and a short still drawing giving further insight on the behind the scenes.

Honestly, the whole draw to this game is the story, the gameplay is 90% QTE's. The free fighting sections was simply building up the meter and than more QTEs. I liked the game story and  graphics, gameplay, not so much.

TRUE ENDING DLC: I liked the final boss fight in the DLC a lot, to me, that battle alone was worth buying it. It has some very neat special effects.

Overall, I do not think I could recommend this game, unless you are big into anime. I am not, but I did enjoy myself though.

The Last of Us (PS3)

I had to play this game. After everything I heard, I had no choice, lol. My first impression of the game booting it up and watching the cutscenes was WOW, the cutscenes look awesome. I even had a moment where while watching a cutscene, my nephew walked into the room and asked me what movie I was watching, lol.

The real time gameplay also looks pretty amazing, easily the best looking game on Playstation 3. Brutal, that describes this game in one word. Joel begins the game normal, but by the time things really get going, you know that he has been through some shit. Winter, I heard someone mention that one portion as a great portion of the game, and it didn't disappoint. The clickers and infected in this game I was more nervous around than normal zombies, again, they are brutal, and I died a lot.

I loved the Uncharted series, so I kind of already knew this game was in my favor. Definitely recommend this game!

Rayman Origins (PS3)

I really wanted to buy Rayman Legends for PS4. The only thing is that I never played any of the games in the Rayman series before, just a demo at one time, I think. I picked up this game for $8 so I can make sure that I like the series before I jump fully in. I have been dabbing in it and I am liking it a lot.

This game's visual are very appealing and I don't know how the PS4 version of Rayman Legends can improve. Liking this game :), so far so good.

UPDATE: The more I play this game, the more and more I like it. I especially like the portions where you chase the treasure chest. I have been replaying the levels again and again trying to find everything. The time trials seem impossible, lol.

I have decided I will buy Rayman Legends for PS4, definitely. :)


Resident Evil 4 HD (PS3)

This game has been on my hard drive for a while, and I have never played it. I started playing and one complaint I have is the audio, the yelling and voicework seems really bad to me. I don't know what it is, I haven't enjoyed this game as much as I thought I was going to.

I did enjoy Resident Evil 5 for what it was, although I wish that if another Resident Evil is made, they go back to the roots (Resident Evil 1-3, REmake). This seems more like an action game than anything else.


Path of Exile (PC)



I downloaded this game after hearing a lot of good things about it. First of all, I have never played any of the Diablo games. I did play the Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance and Champions of Norrath games for Playstation 2 though. So that is what I will be comparing it to.

It is very similar DA and CoN, except the other two were for consoles, you had direct control over the characters. This game is like Torchlight (which I have played), where you just click on the enemy and your character attacks accordingly. I prefer the console controls.

I played for like an hour, seems pretty good. I may play in the future, I just wish that I could play with a controller, I would much prefer that. Maybe I will just play Diablo 3 on PS4…


TitanFall Beta (PC)


A friend of mine informed me literally a day before the beta came out to go sign up for it. I downloaded it on my slow internet, took about a whole day, 24 hours. First thing I should say is that I have been a big Call of Duty franchise fan since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and have played every game since. Jumping into the beta it felt very familiar. At first the game is like Call of Duty with jetpacks, just running around shooting enemy pilots and AI drones.

One polarizing thing I can see that will come up with the release of the game is the Smart Pistol, basically the pistol aims and locks on for you, so all you do is pull the trigger. I didn't mind it too much since I was playing with a controller and it kind of evens the odds against veteran PC players who are infinitely faster with their mouse and keyboard.

So basically there is a countdown and every kill takes time off the clock for every single player. When that timer hits 0, you're ready to summon your Titan. Personally, I got tag teamed on every time I would call my Titan while I was waiting for it. Like the enemy team was camping at my Titan fall drop point and just sniped me and destroyed my Titan. I got so frustrated, I would just call my Titan and when it finally arrived, I would put it on Auto-Mode where it followed you and gave you backup. This really put a damper on  my experience with this game, I mean the main attraction of the game was now taken away. I can only imagine that upon full release, this problem will only get worse.

At the end of the match, a winning team is declared and the losing team must high tail it to a dropship for extraction. I thought it was fun the first time, then got old fast with every succeeding match. Again, you will have enemy team members camped at the dropship obliterating everyone running to the dropship.

A disappointing aspect about the game also was that it was 720p. I am spoiled, lol. Every game I run on my computer I can run at the highest settings, maxed out basically. So messing with the settings and only being able to play at 720p kind of seemed like WTF. I know it is only a beta, but I would have liked to see the game at full 1080p resolution.

Overall, I was disappointed with the beta. I would say the thing that ruined the experience for me more than anything was the cheap play by other human players. I think I got in my Titan like 3 times total, lol, out of the whole time I played the beta. In the end, this is why I am slowly becoming more and more of a single player gamer than multiplayer. The resolution issue not so much a big deal.




Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (PS4)


I have never played this game and I need something to play on my Playstation 4, so I picked it up. I popped it in to check out what it looked like, I have to say it looks pretty gorgeous. Will start to play soon.

Killer is Dead  (PS3)
This game looked interesting and at $13, couldn't resist.


Rayman Origins (PS3)
See above.


Playstation Plus has been on a roll as of late. I mean the games look at the games they are giving away free recently:

Borderlands 2 (PS3)

Bioshock Infinite (PS3)

Metro Last Light (PS3)

Outlast (PS4)

Pretty awesome lineup there. Now that I am required to pay for PS+ for Playstation 4 online multiplayer, these are pretty nice extras. I always look forward to hearing what is next.

 Gitaroo Man (PS2)


I wanted to highlight a game from the Playstation 2 era. I remember playing this kind of obsure game on a demo disc back in the day. I was fortunate enough to obtain a copy at the end of the PS2's mainstream run, I believe it is sorta rare now.

I loved the demo of this game. It is basically a music-rhythm game where a kind of dorky kid gets a "magical" guitar and is transformed into a rock super hero. It is different though in the way you control it, where you must face the control in directions while pressing the corresponding button to the beat of the music.

The music in this game is damn catchy, probably the whole reason I liked it because it is really hard, lol, or atleast that’s what I recall. I remember playing the boss battles (basically that is what the whole game is) numerous times before finally beating it, and enjoying every minute of it.

I recommend this game if you like these type of rhythm games and are looking for something a bit "different".

I don't think that I have ever posted a picture of my gaming setup, so here it is. Also, below I posted some pictures of my game collection (PS3, PS4 and Xbox 360 atleast).
Well thank you to anyone reading my blogs. I try to do them often, but only get about one a month done. I do read everyone else's and comment as much as I can. I recently got a new job with an hour long commute there and back, so I don't have as much time as I used to for blogs + gaming from this point on. I will try to keep a blog a month pace though.




Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/23/2014 at 03:53 PM

Glad you liked The Last of Us, I really loved that game. There's just so many little things it does right and it was one of the few action games that lasted more than six hours without feeling padded to me. Rayman Legends is also an improvement over Origins, if you love that game, you'll have a blast with the next.


02/23/2014 at 05:21 PM

Nice to hear that about Rayman Legends. I need more games to play on the Playstation 4, and that one is sounding like a winner. Origins is really good, the art style is very appealing.

Yea, I loved The Last of Us, the winter section was probably the highlight of the game. Definitely worth the hype IMO.


02/23/2014 at 04:06 PM

I love Rayman Origins and the more I thought about it, it's now among my favorite 2D Plataformers.

I think you're the first one in this site that didn't like the Beta of Titanfall. I still will get the game and atleast it will be an incentive to install Origin.


02/23/2014 at 05:25 PM

Rayman is a good time overall, not too frustratly difficult but also not a pushover in terms of trying to find everything and get through the game.

I am also in the minority amoung my friends in terms of not liking the TitanFall beta. I just hate it when you can't play the game normally because of other players. It also just may be FPS games in general I am getting burnt out on.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/23/2014 at 04:20 PM

You have some differing opinions from most on this site about Titanfall and RE4. Cool. I've never played either, but I still want to. 

Gitaroo Man sounds fun and that's a lot of games you posted about. 

Sorry posting took so long. Always a good idea to write it in Word fisrt and then post on here. 


02/23/2014 at 05:31 PM

With Resident Evil 4, I may just differ in opinion because I am playing it so late. I am sure it was probably awesome in it's day. The audio kills it for me, it sounds bad.

Gitaroo Man is challenging, but the music is awesome. You play all kinds of different music as well. I must of played that demo for like 20+ hours, lol.

Yea, I had the blog saved on a Word file after the first time it got erased. But then I had to reinput and resize my pictures every time I tried to re-post after, it adds up to like 1-2 hrs per try. 


02/23/2014 at 04:34 PM

Can't you call down your Titan wherever you like? I didn't see anyone have any issues with spawn campers in any of the beta videos I watched.  You may be picking bad times and/or spots to call it down, like out in the open in high traffic areas. Retreating back towards your spawn area or to some secluded spot on the edge of the map may have been necessary. 


02/23/2014 at 05:36 PM

Yea, you can spawn the Titan when and wherever you want, and I was always in our team spawn point, but seemed to get picked off everytime the Titan would fall. Setting my Titan on auto-mode sucked, it would get destroyed super fast. I would even cloak myself and then as I would run to my Titan, someone would be waiting.

Overall, I was supremely frustrated and ultimately shut down the beta and didn't re-open it. Just not my cup of tea.


02/23/2014 at 04:51 PM

I played through Diablo 3 on PS3, and thought it was alright. Honestly, I liked Torchlight 2 a lot more. Diablo 3 felt dumbed down in some ways. I'm planning on getting Rayman Legends on PC. Origins is a great game. Some of those speedruns are absolutely insane and demand perfection.


02/23/2014 at 05:39 PM

The main reason I want to get Diablo 3 for PS4 is that I can use a controller. I hate playing games with a mouse and keyboard, I refuse to do it. Probably the reason I was so-so on Path of Exile. I mean it seems interesting, I just can't bring myself to not have a controller in my hand.


02/23/2014 at 06:18 PM

I hear ya man. Playing Diablo 3 with a controller was really nice. Sometimes I wonder how many times I must have clicked my mouse playing those loot based RPGs like Torchlight and Diablo. They are ridiculous when it comes to that.


02/24/2014 at 12:31 PM

Nice setup! You can't go wrong with relaxing with some games when you play there. Awesome stuff!

I remember Gitaroo Man being the hard game to find. I think they reprinted it, and there was a port on the PSP. It's one of those games I wish I would have bought when I had the chance.

It has been a good couple of months on PS+. Lots of awesome content, epecially this month.


02/24/2014 at 09:34 PM

Thanks, I do find it really relaxing, I just wish I had more time for gaming, lol.

Yea, Gitaroo Man was tough to find. When I found it at Gamestop (used of course), I grabbed it and already decided I was buying it because that was the first time I had actually seen it on a shelf.

I love that PS+ is finally starting to throw some PS4 games in the mix.


02/24/2014 at 03:59 PM

I had a great time with Asura's Wrath and have been meaning to replay. I think you've just convinced me the grab the dlc for my next playthrough Yell


02/24/2014 at 09:36 PM

Yea, that final battle is pretty awesome. I did feel like the DLC was the "true" ending, which sucks because Capcom made you buy it. Oh well, if you enjoyed the game, I would say it was worth it.


02/24/2014 at 10:03 PM

I like the Walking Dead TV show and comics, but for some reason I cant get into the games. 


02/25/2014 at 12:56 PM

I like the show. What I like about the game is that you get to make the life/death decisions similar to the show. There was one character that I wish I could've saved that seems destined to die though.

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