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Lost Planet 3! (And other gems in the rough)

On 02/24/2014 at 04:07 PM by BrokenH

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So, Lost Planet 3 caught my eye. This poor bastard arrived at a time where ragging on capcom became the newest hipster trend and comparisons to Dead Space 3 were unavoidable. Yet the 1st Lost Planet did in fact do the whole “ice-planet thing” first and fan-tard rage directed at capcom or spark aside, this game looks fun.

What got to me first was the way the characters are portrayed. They actually seem like realistic and interesting people. Jim actually has conversations with his wife back home while manning his maintenance mech and the set up of blue collar men and blue-collar women risking their lives to colonize a new frontier made me think of Tami’s folk music blog which centered around hardworking Irish miners.

"Just your blue-collar mech driving every-man!"

There’s this kind of down to earth modesty in Lost Planet 3 that is not present in Dead Space 3. Whereas DS 3 is “ballz to the wall epic” due to forcing a final confrontation with the necromorphs, Lost Planet 3 is more about the little guy simply trying to make a living and survive amongst harsh conditions.

"Pew! Pew! Take that space bugs! Er,is this deja vu creeping up on me?"

Of course beyond that it’s more or less a generic third person shooter. When not in your mech you will be blasting Akrid (Cold-dwelling space bugs) and being everyone’s janitor as you roam around the colony fixing stuff. All this within the looming shadow of a nihilistic profit hungry corporation that really does not give two shits about Jim or his friends. (Aliens immediately comes to mind here. Wayland Yutani,anyone?)

But I find it absurd that LS3 dissenters wail on it for being just like other games that get 9’s and 10’s. Sure, it’s a 3rd person shooter where you aim at glowing weak spots on giant insects but at least it had the decency to throw in a mech, a grappling hook, likable characters, and a decent story-line. Usually when that many boxes are checked we rave about how GREAT a game is even if its’ game play is rather generic. (I’m looking at you, Bioshock Infinite!)

It annoys me when reviewers trash a game and EVERYONE in the comments section mindlessly agrees with said review even if they have not played the game themselves. When did it become so cool to be a cynical and jaded drone of negativity? Just goes to show you sometimes you have to decide for yourself if a game is worth buying. We already know “the critics” and the herd-like masses whom follow them are often wrong and too bias to speak for the rest of us. This is why next month I’ll be giving Lost Planet 3 a shot!

Other games Ben liked that got low scores

Knight's contract

Knight’s contract got ripped a new asshole by just about everyone. Admittedly it’s not the prettiest game but it is “beatable” and some of the levels and bosses are rather breath-taking and quite original. The story is surprisingly decent and taking control of both the executioner Heinrich and the witch Gretchen helped mixed things up as far as gameplay was concerned.

I’m not claiming Knight’s Contract has the polish of “God Of War”, but it certainly introduced some novel concepts and pulled them of with a competent level of flourish! The relationship between Gretchen and Heinrich is also equally parts touching and sad.


If you’re not already a fan of hack n slash games I cannot really advise picking this up. What we have here is a lower budget Lollipop Chainsaw and yet it still has more levels, more characters, and more “sexy-time” insanity!

The enemy AI is “derptastic” and the graphics range from “alright” to kind of awful. Yet it’s fun cutting zombies in half and watching the blood fountains geyser skywards!

This is also probably the only game where you will fight a “zombie killer whale”. No, I’m not even joking!


Nier is Zelda’s more serious emo brother. What you have here is a really well done action rpg and a cast of characters that challenge conventional tropes while simultaneously managing to make you care about them a whole helluva lot! The game has many twists and many of the revelations are quite tragic.

Believe it or not, Nier helped make me less of an asshole. I used to be freaked out by characters with “questionable gender identities” but Kaine raised my awareness and made me root for her. Seriously, I love Kaine. She’s one of my favorite rpg heroines (?) of all time!

On the surface some of the things in Nier seem to be done just for shock value but the truth is everything is explained well and ties into the greater story-line. There was never a moment I felt like “Oh,they did that just to be edgy!”.

Chances are if you enjoyed Zelda or Dark-siders you would enjoy Nier too. Just don’t go in expecting the usual “happy go lucky fluff” inherent within many other Jrpgs.


Resident Evil 6

Like Onechanbara, RE 6 is in that “dumb fun” category. Nothing about RE 6 is thoughtful or artistic but it was made on a big budget so at least the visuals and set pieces are nice to look at and totally “bombastic”. (Ah, Michael Bay would be proud!)

But the truth is “Resident Evil” never was designed to be deeply philosophical or psychological. Sure there’s the theme of “Going too far” and “The ends justify the means”. It’s all very “Mary Shelly” due to the fact Umbrella pretty much plays God and creates monsters to secure their world dominating superiority. Yet the characters and dialogue have always been cheesy. Seriously, Jill Valentine, Albert Wesker, and Chris Redfield could have been in the GI JOE cartoon during the 80’s whilst fitting in just fine with the rest of the over-the-top eccentric cast.

The scares we had from the series? It was all based on clever camera work and limited ammo. But even during RE 1, RE 2, and RE Nemesis the actual story was kind of unoriginal. If you ever watched the classic horror film “Reanimator” you know RE is like that only it starts in a mansion instead of a hospital!

Despite all this smack-talk I do love the RE series dearly! Something does not have to be “cutting edge” to be good. There are a lot of artsy fartsy indie games that I cannot stand. Sometimes I really do just want to unload hundreds of clips of ammo into ugly monsters bent on killing me.

RE 6 has problems. Even RE 4 had a foreboding atmosphere and I never felt that same sense of dread and discovery in RE 5 or RE 6. Then again, I’ve grown up. What scared me as a teen and a young 20 something does not have the same effect on me anymore. Still, there’s no denying RE 4 had something “magical” that set it apart both from the older games and even the newer games it shares similarities with. (Alas, lightning rarely strikes the bottle twice!)

There’s no getting around the fact Resident Evil’s evolution did not go in a direction I entirely approved of. But as a “over the top action packed 3rd person shooter” RE 6 is certainly generous with its’ content. We are talking about a campaign that can last at least 25 hours spread amongst a huge ensemble cast of RE celebrities like Ada Wong, Chris Redfield, Leon Kennedy, and Sherry Birkin. Not only that but there are plenty of memorable boss fights and even a few stealthy segments of “hide from the predator”.

Don’t buy RE 6 for the plot and certainly don’t buy it to be scared. Buy it simply for mindless enjoyment and to get your money’s worth from a robust campaign! For a flashy amusement park attraction it certainly delivers! (And if all this is "too much" consider RE: Revelations as a pleasant alternative!)


Deadly Premonition

Deadly Premonition has a nice fan-following these days but when it first arrived on the scene IGN pretty much took a steamy shit on this game’s metaphorical chest. But when have I ever listened to IGN without question? Probably never!

What I played here surprised me. Not all games are “art” but I would argue passionately this game is! You can tell DP was done by a small skeleton crew. It does not really excel in the eye candy department or the gameplay. There are even a couple of bugs and grammatical mistakes. Yet there’s something oddly appealing about a game that is a freakish fusion of Resident Evil 4,Silent Hill, and GTA. (Even if it uses none of those conventions perfectly)

As Francis York Morgan you arrive in Greenvale to solve a murder mystery. York talks to a “head-mate” called Zach about cartoons and 80‘s trivia. We are made aware right away he is not a normal FBI agent. The game deceives you into thinking it’s a farciful spoof on survival horror and murder mysteries but in truth there are some poignant heartfelt moments and truly stellar character development sprinkled throughout.

Deadly Premonition explores themes other games are afraid to. The game gets comparisons to Twin Peaks and that’s accurate enough although in my opinion the overall game if far more interesting than the show.

York can drive around at his leisure while trying to get clues out of the towns-folk. He can even peep into windows to see what is going on. Additionally there are nightmare segments where York faces “hillbilly ghost zombies” as he tries to find evidence of the murder. These segments play out like a clunky third person shooter but when the raincoat killer makes an appearance York has to hide or he will be murdered instantly.

Deadly premonition is best described as a zen sweet spot. It includes “dumb fun” but the eccentric and likable cast of characters ,narrative, and overreaching plot are food for the mind. This is a daring achievement in videogame design and it’s why we do not get many games like this.




02/24/2014 at 04:18 PM

Because diamonds are far too common, precious gems are way cooler.

I really wanted to play Neir, I am somewhat regretting not getting around to it.   


02/24/2014 at 04:22 PM

Have no regrets! There's always another tommorow. Wink But yeah,Nier is great. Only part you might dislike is "The fishing mini-game" but I did not have a problem with it as much as those complaining.


02/24/2014 at 04:34 PM

The issue is that I packed up my 360 and currently don't have one in the house.  I let my brother "upgrade" from his launch console.  He said that he was going to give the old one back to me, but he has been busy.


02/24/2014 at 04:38 PM

Damn hiiim! Beat your bro with a lead pipe until he compensates you! Wait,never listen to my advice. You'll end up in jail having regrets. Tongue Out


02/24/2014 at 06:41 PM

Loved Nier but a boss battle requiring the dexterity to pick up a bomb and throw it back at the boss stopped me cold. Especially since the boss battle was so frikkin' long and this was at the end.

Also as you know I just bought Deadly Premonition Director's Cut and I'm quite enjoying it so far. The respawning Japanese style undead are still annoying but they would have been less so had I remembered how to run. I was limping by the time I finished the prologue.


02/24/2014 at 07:11 PM

Normally I suck at games. I 'm surprised I was able to beat all the bosses in Nier without too much difficulty. Maybe I was just "lucky". lol.

In DP you are better off running sometimes.You also might want to look up a faq because goodies like the walkie talkie and the other weapons with unlimited ammo help a lot!


02/24/2014 at 07:24 PM

I was doing just fine until the junkyard boss. I wanted so much to continue the game and find out what exactly is going on. I guess I could just read about it but that wouldn't be the same,


02/24/2014 at 07:31 PM

So, you fought "him"? You were pretty close to finishing the whole game,Peter. Honestly, that fight was a bit frustrating for me too but I kept at it until I nailed the bastard on the third try!


02/24/2014 at 07:00 PM

I rarely buy a game based on professional reviews, it's usually more word of mouth. My biggest criteria for a game is: "is it fun?" and "are the controls going to make me go insane?" Those two things are generally not at the top of the list for big reviewers to discuss. Controls may get a mention, but usually only if they are impossibly broken.


02/24/2014 at 07:14 PM

I'm with you,Tami. My gut never really stirred me wrong. I'm trying to think of the last game I bought that gravely disappointed me but that was a long time ago.

"Frustrating control schemes" are a pet peev of mine too. Cannot stand em!

Cary Woodham

02/24/2014 at 08:42 PM

Gretchen looks cool.

Only part I liked in Onechanbara was the mini game during the loading screens where you killed cute little chibi zombies.  I wish the whole game was like that.

On that note, I think I'll send you a PM about another game that I liked, but am too embarrassed to say what it is here.


02/24/2014 at 09:08 PM

I think I know the game you are talking about but I will not say anything here,Cary. lol. The mini game during the load times in Onechanbara was actually fun too!


02/24/2014 at 08:47 PM

I think Lost Planet 3 is a piece of shit. No redeeming qualities at all. Yeah it has things in it, like a thousand other games have things in them, but none of those things are done with any signs of care or craftsmanship. Checking boxes means nothing when the bare minimum of effort was put into any of its mechanics or level design.  At least Lost Planet 1 and 2 had some kind of vision, one based on typical action game challenges, but still a mission statement on the part of Capcom; and some inspired boss battles as well. LP3 exists to take up shelf space and coast off of what little name recognition the other games built up, all for the sake of a few more dollars in the coffers of a cynical and creatively bankrupt publisher.  Glorified shovelware, more mediocre than 1000 Angry Birds or Farmvilles.  All those other games you mentioned are game-changing masterpieces compared to this flacid dick of a game.


02/24/2014 at 09:26 PM

You are allowed to have your opinion,Chris. Though your "dislike" seems to border on seething hatred. Sure, it's "generic" gameplay wise. We're getting another 3rd person shooter with Lost Planet 3. But truthfully that's even how I felt about Bioshock. Don't get me wrong. It had a good story and decent characters. Rapture was quite the underwate dystopian marvel. But it was a shooter. Pew pewing with a few "super powers" strewn about. On one hand you could argue Bioshock is redeemable but if you ignore the plot and ignore the "philosophical symbolism" it's no better than a lot of the other drek out there.

I don't see how Lost Planet 3 is different from that mold. Yes it is mediocre but if you're going to take a hard stance against it you kind of have to take a hard stance against many of the other games that are similar to it that none the less got ridiculous praise and high scores. 

Personally, I'm kind of burnt out on shooters too. But I tend to be able to forgive them somewhat if they can give me an okay story and characters I can bond with. I also try not to have ridiculous expectations. If a smaller studio with less money puts out a product I'll make a note of that in the back of my mind. Spark unlimited is kind of "low tier" so I'm willing to give them a chance without expecting a perfect home-run from them.

Comparatively I'm sure my own game would have been a lot better with a devoted team and some actual money to throw around. It's sad but true. Man-power and finances really help improve a game and sometimes even "experience in the field" is not enough without those other two benefits coming into play.

But if I hate LP3 and I think it sucks I'll warn people against it! Afterall, I don't want to mislead anyone. (Though really I just have opinions. Those should never be taken as facts. One man's garbage is another man's treasure!")


02/25/2014 at 01:51 AM

Yeah, I actually was just on the borderline of seething with hatred just thinking about the game. It's so incredibly lazy, which is worse than being bad but inspired like Deadly Premonition.  It's obvious that a lot of effort was put intio Bioshock Infinite's visual world and thematic concepts, which is why it still earns some semblance of respect and praise. But Lost Planet 3 feels like the publisher (I don't blame the designers, as they usually are pressured by the publisher, and the game isn't unplayable) lacks respect for the player's time and money.  I think it should be a rule that if they're going to half-ass a game, don't set it in an icy, desolate wasteland -only makes it more depressing.  And why didn't they build on the flawed but potential-rich base they built with Lost Planet 2? The mech combat here is sad in comparison.

Plus, I come at it hard because most of us aren't rich, and it would be a shame to put the money towards this instead of something better, but it's your choice. Hope it doesn't set you back or prevent you from checking out some other games. 


02/25/2014 at 11:39 AM

I heard LP2 had really good co-op but if you did not have a partner for some bosses you were pretty much "screwed". Otherwise I thought LP2 looked really cool!

  With Infinite I still feel torn because as much as I genuinely loved Bioshock I felt kind of empty after I beat it. (Though the ending was incredible. Almost made me tear up!) That's my problem with a lot of supposed "media darling" games. They're big on spectacle and high felootin philosophy but after you complete them there's usually not much incentive to return. I'm sure using new plasmids and going "the selfish evil path" is enough for some but to me that still feels as if it's a bit on rails.  

  As for the "Some of us ain't rich" angle I relate 100%! The reason I looked into LP3 is it's cheap on amazon right now. I wasn't exactly biting at the bit to buy it when it was $59.99. 

 Truth be told, when a bring a game to someone's attention it's usually partly because it's on sale. lol.


02/25/2014 at 04:26 PM

Yea, the demo for LP2 seemed like you had to have a co-op partner to play it right.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/25/2014 at 04:41 AM

Fucking cynics. Stupid assholes.


02/25/2014 at 11:41 AM

It's okay to be "cynical" sometimes. But I think that cynicism should spawn from what the individual thinks as opposed to being cynical just to follow the masses. Hope that cleared up my point,Joe!

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/25/2014 at 12:38 PM

I understood your point, I was just being cheeky. Tongue Out


02/25/2014 at 12:42 PM

Just checkin,brosepth! Tongue Out


02/25/2014 at 10:38 AM

Much like I said in a blog before, I'm not a big fan of caustic criticism. There's nothing bad of thinking you didn't like something and the world wouldn't be what it is without negativity, but when you have people that criticise, complain and just want to be negative just for the sake of it or they think that it's the true "objective" opinion, I just want to groan. Pretty much the reason why I try to avoid much of it to not spoil myself a game, movie or whatever. No matter if they tell me that Bioshock Infinite is overrated, that Arkham City is inferior to Asylum or Sonic Adventure is dated, i'm gonna play the game no mather what and make my own opinions.

That said, I do like caustic critism played for laughs. After all, AVGN, The Nostalgia Critic, Zero Punctuation and many more are some of my favorite sources of entertainment and they do that.


02/25/2014 at 11:48 AM

Yeah, it's okay to be critical. But acting jaded and cynical just because everyone else is doing it is herd mentality at its' worst,Alejandro.

I also hope noone ever sees me as "an authority on games" because frankly I'm often the odd duck that likes stuff many other folks do not! I would not claim my opinions are always 100% reliable.

I encourage friends to follow their own instincts!


02/25/2014 at 10:48 AM

I haven't played a new Resident Evil game since RE4, and the videos I saw of RE6 just cemented in my head that the series just wasn't for me anymore. Although I did find RE: Revelations pretty interesting, so maybe I'll give that a shot instead as you suggested.


02/25/2014 at 11:47 AM

RE 6 is an accquired taste. It's a dumb bombastic action game so you have to go into it with that expectation. Still, it has a lot of content for what you pay for and I've certainly played much worse! (Then again,I've played better)


02/25/2014 at 04:22 PM

Damn. You just reminded me to add all of these to my wish list. Thanks.


04/18/2014 at 01:49 PM

all of those games are games that I've either already bought or plan to buy in the future when they drop in price. They are games taht don't quite warrant an immdediate buy for me but something to keep an eye on when I want to try something different.

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