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It's Monday ... The Sex Is Always BaD on Monday

On 02/24/2014 at 10:02 PM by Super Step

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

which is why I slept in until late afternoon, wrote my paper hastily and left for class at 4pm. Just now got done working out after eating after class. 

We watched an A&E special on Larry Flynt, which reminds me I need to catch The People vs. Larry Flynt and finish it when I'm able to. I had watched most of it at my friend Austin's via his Amazon Prime account last summer. My professor actually said that another movie he wanted to show was was too NSFW, and I'm pretty sure he meant that one. I'm not sure why he's concerned about Master's students, especially ones from my generation, viewing "explicit material," but I digress. I'd guess it might make him more uncomfortable to show a generation as young as us the movie than it would for him to watch it himself. I get it. Some of the cheerleader routines little kids have make me want to leave before someone thinks I'm a child molester just for looking at them; parents, as horny a ten-year-old as I was, please don't let your little ones imitate pole dances for bleachers full of strangers ... shit just gets creepy for all parties involved. 

Cheerleader cat has conflicting emotions about First Amendment rights




02/25/2014 at 10:58 AM

And another film I need to watch. Just so you know, Larry Flynt is played by Woody Harrelson, aka Haymitch from The Hunger Games, aka Tallahase from Zombieland (or twinkie maniac as I invented right now), aka, one of the protagonists from that new tv show, True Detective.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/25/2014 at 12:32 PM

I know, I saw most of it, just never finished it. His wife Althea was played by Courtney Love, which ... was an odd casting choice, considering the real life Althea looked pretty in that A&E documentary. Both crazy bitches, though. 


02/25/2014 at 11:47 AM

From what I remember from that film, it was an interesting but a sad tale about Larry's life. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/25/2014 at 12:33 PM

He's both an asshole and a tragic character in either film. I think he's more glorified in the Hollywood version, whereas the A&E special left me with mixed feelings to say the least. 


02/25/2014 at 12:56 PM

I agree, and Hollywood tends to do that especially in the film. There's a scene but I don't want to give spoilers but you do have some sympathy for Larry. I think I've seen parts of the A&E special, but I'm not sure.


02/25/2014 at 12:45 PM

I think I saw a bit of that movie a while ago, need to remember to actually watch the whole thing the next time I'm able.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/25/2014 at 01:03 PM

Same here. 


04/20/2014 at 12:19 AM

It's moments like those that make me glad I didn't stay in college too long. Didn't have to deal with that issue myself. The only questionable thing we had to watch was still picture slides of body autopsies or murder scene photos. Plus we had to eat lunch as we watched it, extra credit was given if we brought in a dish that had rice in it.

I brought in chinese food with extra shark sauce. about five students had to leave the room.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/20/2014 at 12:53 AM

I watched a few stills of FGM (don't look that up) in my Freshman Anthropology class that made me faint, but there was nothing explicit in the A&E doc. I want to watch the Hollywood film, which is explicit. 

What you did sounds far worse to me, and I'd have been pissed if they offered extra credit to people eating nasty lunch looking at violence. I have a much harder time stomaching (real) violence than I do stomaching sex, unless of course STIs are involved. 


04/20/2014 at 01:04 AM

that's interesting. i'm the reverse when it comes to such things. Don't want to see anything sexually explicit even if it's for "study" or "entertainment". I'd rather deal with violence, that I can understand.

My instructor was sadistic that way. Yet oddly he was the most liked instructor for that. Also he let the class watch South park Christmas speicals during the december months. No one really seemed to mind his instructions when it came to that class. I've been told it's been a cource tradition, along with being pepper sprayed, tazed and tear gassed. I guess students back in the day figured if the college didn't mind, neither should they.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/20/2014 at 04:38 AM

Wait, he pepper sprayed students?

And I can handle most mediated violence; Hostel II honestly just bored me; and I do get somewhat uncomfortable watching sex scenes with other people, but if I had a choice between watching FGM again or viewing porn in a classroom, I'd easily choose the latter. 


04/20/2014 at 04:47 AM

well it was actually students pepper spraying/tazing eachother as he supervised. It was a police science course so we had to do similar things like what would be done at the police academy. I'm told you can't get certified to use paperspray/tazer unless you experiance it. Now the tear gas he had to administer given he was the only one authorized to use it. I recall a good crowd oversaw us at the lunch balcony. I even yelled "Attica" as the cloud came towards me.

I'm not one for "torture porn" myself so I can't see what those movies would be like. But given the choie myself I wouldn't want to watch either FGM or porn in general. my fragile mind can only handle so much. So far violence hasn't broken me. Honestly I can't handle seeing two girls kissing on Jerry Springer. Let alone that class in general.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/20/2014 at 05:27 AM

Two girls kissing? Wow.

But the tazing makes sense now that you say it was a police class, as I've heard the same about tazer/pepper spray certification. 

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