I got Xillia when it was on sale. Played a little bit and seems fun so far, but I probably won't get back to it for a while with South Park on the horizon.
Random update 2-25-14
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![]() On 02/25/2014 at 08:22 PM by Ranger1 ![]() See More From This User » |
I've been a slug the last week. Just ask Bandit, he currently rates me as most boring human on the face of the earth (but he loves me anyway).
Reading: Jason forgot his most recent National Geographic here when he went home last night. The article about horses and Native Americans has gorgeous photos, hope the writing is as good as the pics. Also looking forward to reading the cover story abot Black Holes.
Watching: Finished off the five seasons of Waking the Dead currently streaming on Netflix. There are several more that I hope Netlix decides to add, and soon. Jason and I watched the first episode of the new season of The Amazing Race. It's an all-star race, so I already know what teams I hate, and that's at least 2/3 of them.
Listening: Some Aimee Mann, some Bruce Molsky, some Eileen Ivers.
Playing: I'm doing a second playthough of ToX to see if I can platinum the game. At least until my copy of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles arrives. Unfortunately, I decided to buy it after I cancelled my Prime membership, so I'm stuck with the free shipping option, which means they'll take their sweet time shipping it out. Also been playing a little Zen Pinball 2 and Pinball Arcade.
Other stuff: savoring the last of my Winter Woodchuck Cider. It's good, not as good as the Fall (apple pie in a bottle, anyone?), but good.