I could def support a Green Arrow game, I dont watch the show, I plan to of course jsut havent yet. I loved Green Arrow in Injustice. I would love to see Raven get a game but I know it wont happen unless it is a Teen Titan project which is slim in itself.
BaD 26: Super Hero games I want to see
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![]() On 02/26/2014 at 01:16 AM by Captain N ![]() See More From This User » |
Ah yeah, Brave and the Bold!
Super hero games have always been a mixed bag, there are some exceptions that when done well, they can be quite good. It seems that last gen was sort of a renaissance for super hero games, Batman had the Arkham games, Marvel has the vs. Capcom games, then there are the Lego games, Injustice, and more. There are some heroes I'd love to see get their own games but I guess just because it sounds like a good idea doesn't mean it should be made. And linking isn't working for me, as usual. Sorry for that.
And with that out of the way, here are super hero games I want to see:
The Punisher: We all know who the Punisher is but for those who don't know who he is, his name is Frank Castle who lost his family in a crossfire between mobsters. Now Frank Castle wages a one man war against crime using his own methods of justice like killing. If you can call that justice. The Punisher is apparently a martial arts expert, he's good at stealth, and has access to alot of weapons. If done right it could be a good game if they could take all of the Punishers skills, though with the way the Punisher handles foes, the game might be rated M.
Green Arrow: With the popularity of the show, I'm surprised they haven't done a game based on Green Arrow. Heck they don't have to base the game on the show but that one might be cool. Green Arrow is proficient in archery and has alot of variety of trick arrows for every situation. He is even good at hand to hand combat and he's pretty good at stealth too. If DC wants people to get excited for the Justice League movie and if Green Arrow is in the movie, then it's about time they give the Emerald Archer his own game.
Blue Beetle: I've always assumed there were 2 Blue Beetles, Ted Kord and my favorite, Jaime Reyes. But I found out yesterday there was another Blue Beetle before Ted Kord. Dan Garrett is the original Blue Beetle and his origins are different than the ones we know. Dan's father used to be a cop till he was killed, and I guess Dan took the role of Blue Beetle. Dan is the Golden Age Beetle, Ted is the Silver Age Beetle, and Jaime is the Modern Beetle. Each Beetle has their own weapons and gadgets and then there's the Scarab, a device that turns Jaime into the Beetle but the Scarab has been around from a while depending on the comic. It would be cool if they had a game where you could use all 3 and they had each Beetle have different skills. Plus Jaime Reyes is the closest DC has to someone like Spider-man.
The Avengers: I think there was an Avengers game back in the 16-bit era but I don't think there's been one since. They could make a game where you use all the Avengers, well at least the ones from the movie and each can have their own playstyle. Like Captain America could be the guy who is the hand to hand combat expert, Thor could be the guy with the magic based moves, Hulk smashes stuff, Black Widow could be close quarters with gun play, Hawkeye the long range expert and Iron Man could be the tech guy who especialises in technology, hacking, and flight. Heck, add Nick Fury as well and he can deploy S.H.I.E.L.D agents and ships from the Helicarrier so it could also have this strategy element to the game. You could even use co-op so you can team up with someone else and have the levels have multiple areas that only certain Avengers could get to. It could be a really good single player and co-op game in the right hands.
A Good X-Men Game: Besides the arcade game, I don't think there's ever been a good X-Men game since, though I heard the X-Men Origins Wolverine game was pretty good. But picture this, you're one of the X-Men, and there's all this prejudice against the mutants so you have 2 choices, be good to show humanity that mutants aint bad, or be evil and work against humanity. The game could involve missions like stopping bad mutants but in some missions have humans in trouble, so you have to choose between helping humans or stopping the bad guys. But you also have to deal with Magneto and the Brotherhood and they are the ones that are giving mutants a bad name. You could also level up your abilities since alot of the mutants abilities and powers increase over time. The only thing is that I don't know if they should allow you to use a pre-existing mutant or make you own, but I guess it could depend on the story. But if it involves X-Men that already exist, they could allow you to do quest pertaining to their own stories, like a side quest of sorts for each like their own specific quest or something.
A Good Superman: Self explanatory. It's like Lex Luthor isn't Superman's worst enemies, it's actually his games. There has never been a good Superman game, I think it's about time there is one. I don't think even the developers know how to even make a good Superman game. It may sound easy but the thing is Superman is pretty much invulnerable, he's super strong and fast, and I think developers can't think of a way to use that in a game or how to make it fun. I mean a game where you use Superman's powers to save the day and beat up bad guys sounds good on paper, but not so much on a game. Maybe we'll never see a good Superman game, but who knows.
Batman Beyond: Batman Beyond has only ever had one game and it wasn't good at all, I know I've played it. I think it's about time Batman of the Future got his own game. He had his own villains in the cartoon, they weren't as memorable as Batman's Rogues Gallery but they were interesting and cool in their own right. Terry even fought against some of Bruce's enemies at some point. Picture a huge futuristic Gotham, with all the neon a futuristic stuff, and you're the new Batman flying all over the city. The commissioner wants the new Batman down so the police isn't on your side, you save people in trouble, and take down villains. You have access to all of the futuristic gadgets and the Batmobile to get to areas faster and ones that are far away. Then you have Bruce Wayne guiding you through your missions all while uncovering a bigger plot that eventually leads you to probably the plot of Revenge of the Joker. Well I'm sure they'll think of a story. But the scope and size of future Gotham is huge, and the fact that Batman can now fly means you need to have all this freedom in the streets and in the air. I'm sure current consoles can do that now.
A Good Iron Man: We've had 2 Iron Man games and they weren't very good. I mean Activision was working on one and that one seemed better than the one we got from Sega. An Iron Man game has alot of potential. Like you are Tony Stark, you build the Iron Man armor and of course you're rich. You have alot of money but you'd have to use it wisely on the tech you want to use it on. You would also go and beat up bad guys like A.I.M. Hammer, and the Mandarin, all while having S.H.I.E.L.D. in your back. You could combine melee with repulsor combat and weapons from the armor. I originally had this be in first person for the repulsors but then there's the melee moves that would pose a problem. But I guess you could alternate between first and third person because seeing from Iron Man's visor for status stuff and scanning opponents seems too cool to pass up. And how about te ability to use your own music like how Activision wanted to have in their game? But here is how the game could be, kinda like Vanquish. Wouldn't that be cool? Not sure how it will work in first person though.
Are there any super hero games you want there to be made? Thanks for reading and later.