Serious Sam looks fun, and that Shadow of Chernobyl monster invites a lot of euphemistic jokes I'm too classy to type.
BaD Games: Top 10 First Person Shooters Part 3
On 02/28/2014 at 01:15 AM by Blake Turner See More From This User » |
HOLD UP! Wait just a minute! It seems I've forgotten a game... So, we'll take SWAT off this list, move everything back, and make this number 6...
6. Serious Sam
How in the ever loving fuck did I forget this gem? This is probably the most intense game I've ever played! It's a testament to the series that when I see heath and ammo I start to get nervous.
Serious Sam is hard.
Serious Sam is nerve wracking.
Serious Sam is had me more scared than most horror games I've ever had. But holy fuck, Serious Sam gives you the biggest adrenaline rush in gaming.
4. Painkiller
Painkiller is fucking mental. To quote Yahtzee Croshaw: "There's a gun that shoots Shurikens and Lightning." Yeah, that's right. Your shotgun's alt fire is to freeze people so that when you shoot them they shatter into tiny pieces. There's a stake gun the sends enemies flying through the air to be impaled into whatever surface you can think of. Also, as this was one of the first games to use Havoc Physics in a big way, enemies get knocked back 10 feet with every shotgun blast.
There are roughly one million different enemies to kill, and each have their own strengths and weaknesses - which usually involve killing dudes.
3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Imagine that Fallout 3 had no levelling system or V.A.T.S. Imagine the combat system was replaced with excellent tactical shooting. Imagine the horror elements were ramped right up. Imagine it was tense and unforgiving, seeped in despair, and full of Russian culture and folk lore. Yeah, that's STALKER.
This is truly one of the most immersive experiences in gaming. You aren't a hero. You are a guy trying to earn some cash and survive in an area devestated by a nuclear blast. You collect artefacts, and do odd jobs for people. There is a story, but the meat of the storytelling isn't in dialogue, but in the world design. In the way the characters behave. In the little things you find.
Oh, and this is one of the scariest games I've ever played. Just wait until you're deep under ground in the pitch black and you start hearing noises...