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BaD Ep 28: Captain N's Q/A Extravaganza!

On 02/28/2014 at 02:10 AM by Captain N

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

I bet alot of you were wondering "when is Captain N was going to answer our questions?"  Well I haven't forgotten, I was just saving the best for last since today is the last day of BaD. I would like to thank everyone for sending in their questions, but now lets get on with the long awaited Q/A blog!

State_Alchamist asked: What Keeps You Busy During Most Of The Weekdays (Aside From Gaming Anyway...)

answer: Excellent question. Besides gaming, well I think I've said this and I've even told you but I like to draw. Sometimes I don't have time to draw anything because I'm usually helping out on something. I like helping out others and don't mind not getting any reward in return since I'm used to it anyway. I also like pondering about stuff sometimes, my mind likes to wander around sometimes. Sometimes I like to think about stuff, often I try not to procrastinate and just get things done. Besides that, I do like collecting other stuff, mostly like toys on my favorite video game characters. And also, what really occupies my time is on the secret project I may have emntioned to you. It's still in the drawing concept stages but it's coming oout nicely. I'll post what that is when I have a good presentation. I did take the time to draw this especifically for the question:

N Team Drawing

Joe Step asked: How's your sex life? Kiddin'.

answer:  Well I did say no topic was off limits so I asked for that. Well I don't have a girlfriend or anything, heck I never had a girlfriend before if that tells you something. I will say that I do like someone though. Who it is, I'm not telling :P

KnightDriver asked: "The torch light flickers ominously.  You awake in a dangerous labyrinth filled to the brim with all matters of ghosts,demons,and monsters.  The question is what class do you choose? Fighter,mage,or rogue?"

Is your answer still Rogue after all this time?

answer: Hmmm...I remember saying I'd be a rogue if I can use a sword since I prefer a sword over a gun. But a fighter would be nice too, nothing like going against an armed enemy and beating him with your fists. Plus Batman uses his fists all the time so I guess there's that.

Chris Yarger asked: Robocop vs. Terminator... Who would win and why?

answer: You know what, Screwattack's Death Battle's is going to have a video on that subject, so you'll have your answer then. I do like Robocop and would vote for him, but the way I see it, Terminator might win only because he knows every form of combat known to man and the weapons he has, whereas Robocop only has police training. Should be an interesting fight, I'd put it up here but we have to wait a few hours for the video to go live.

Matt Snee asked: what do u like the least about Nintendo?

answer: Oh boy, prepare yourself for that one. As everyone knows, I love Nintendo alot. I was first exposed to video games in the form of Super Mario Bros. at the age of 2 back in 1992. I've own a Nintendo console from the N64 till now as in the Wii U. I always thought that I will only need a Nintendo console to satisfy my gaming needs but I decided to give the others a go. I have no problem with the other guys like Microsoft and Sony, I just favor Nintendo more because they have a special place in my heart, plus they make games of my favorite franchises.

But what I do dislike about Nintendo is I guess the fact that Nintendo seems really late again this time around in terms of power. I mean the console is really good, I don't understand this spec techowitchcraft but from what I know, it's more powerful than the 360 and PS3, but severly lacking in horsepower compared to the Xbox 1 and PS4. I know power isn't anything as long as the games and gameplay is fun, that is a rule I live by in games but while in theory it seems good, it's going to hurt Nintendo in the long run I guess. It's a reason why we wont have the same games on the Wii U that the X1/PS4 will have. The developers woould be okay making games for it, but if they didn't have to make 2 versions of the same game.

 Another thing, Nintendo refuses to make new IP's or use more of their dormant IP's. I mean I always have a blast with Mario and Pokemon, but they need to release more than that to make people intersted in the Wii U. It's been a while since we've seen a new Metroid, Star Fox, F-Zero, and any other IP not named Mario or Zelda. Pokemon get's a pass from me. That's a reason I loved the Gamecube because it had a ton of games from Nintendo from nearly all their IP's with some new ones thrown in the mix.  Also I want a unified purchase account, like buying SMB on the 3DS will mean I can play it on my Wii U and vice-versa.Those are probably majority of the things I dislike about Nintendo. But they keep making fun games I actually like so I sometimes tend to turn a blind eye.

C.S.3590SquadLeader asked: Have you seen any of the Cornetto Trilogy (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, The World's End) and if you have, do you have a favorite?

answer: I'll be honest, I never seen any of those movies. I always did want to see Shaun of the Dead. But if I do want to see them, which would you have me watch first or recommend the most?

Alex-C25 asked:

1.) What character are you excited to play as in Smash Bros 4?

2.) How are things going at the Playstation forum?

3.) Favorite anime? (if you have one atleast)

4.) Going back to a question from ye olde 1up, is Gardevoir cheating from Gallade?

5.) And last but not least, why do you like to scare people at your main page with The Touch on auto-play? :P


1.) Rosalina. Besides Samus, Rosalina is my most favorite female character from Nintendo. I think she will be really fun to play with. And maybe Mega Man.

2.) Last I checked was earlier this year and things seem to be fine. I haven't been there in ages though.

3.) Ehhh... that will be hard since I've watched alot over the years and it will still be hard if I even narrow it down to a few most favorites. But here are a few that are my most favorite: Pokemon, Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z, Trigun, Initial D, and Speed Racer. I'm going to have a blog on my most favorite anime soon, it was supposed to be a blog for BaD but scrapped it in favor of answering it here and giving you a longer answer later on.

4.) I'm going to reveal this, but Gardevoir never cheated on Gallade, it was that asshole Gallade who cheated on Gardevoir with Gothitelle. But now that Gardevoir has a Mega form, I think she wouldn't have a problem finding someone new, plus her Mega-Evolution looks classy and regal in a way.

5.) If I scare people, then I must be doing my job as Batman right. But The Touch is my most favorite song, besides Dare from Stan Bush. I like the Touch, it inspires you I guess saying that despite all odds, you can do it. I put it on my page to inspire people and mostly if they are/had having a crummy day. So whenever someone is having a bad day or needs inspiration, my page is one click away. I may put up a play list at some point, till I figure out how to get it to work...

Well there are my answers to your questions people. I'll say it was alot of fun answering them. Appologies for answering them late but I wanted to give people a chance to send in their questions. I would also like to thank everyone who read my blogs for 28 days, and this is the first time I ever completed BaD, I attempted last year but with 1up going down and stuff I had to put that on hold. But yes, a milestone indeed. I tried to come up with interesting topics to keep you all interested and never did I once gave into temptation to post images of the internets favorite pet.

What Will be next for me? I don't know, I've been wanting to do a redo of a challenge I did on my first year of 1up since my opinions on certain topics and games have changed alot since then. Also, this wont be the last time my Q/A will make an appearance, I'll have another one at some point this year. So with that, congrats to everyone who participated on BaD. thanks for reading and later...

I am Batman ending on BaD...



Super Step Contributing Writer

02/28/2014 at 02:55 AM

You should watch all the Cornetto trilogy. Hot Fuzz is my favorite. Trigun is a favorite anime of mine as well. I agree with what you said about Nintendo, it's why I haven't bought their systems past Gamecube and don't plan to. 

As for my question, it was a joke, but that's cool you answered. Hope you get to go out with whoever it is.


02/28/2014 at 06:44 AM

I didn't ask a question. I feel sad. Cry 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/28/2014 at 08:16 AM

hey i forgot about this.  Good answer, I completely agree. 


02/28/2014 at 09:57 AM

Great QA, and thanks for answering!

As for The Cornetto Trilogy question, I recommend to watch them in the order they were released, though the three are stand-alone films with only thematic similarities.


02/28/2014 at 01:27 PM

Can't go wrong with the order in which they were released, though Hot Fuzz is my personal fave.

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