beautiful art. I hope your MArch is a good one!
AlchemistLog: The End Of February...Start Of March..
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![]() On 03/01/2014 at 04:52 AM by AzureAlchemist ![]() See More From This User » |
(...At least at the time of writing this..)Well...I've been working on stuff and chillin' with my side hobbies when not busying myself but..With recent mini-projects that been sorta hard to get to side hobbies..(Plus recent life stuff.)But one of the things I've been working on as a bit of a project,is something that started as a request of sorts.(Didn't actually figure it was gonna be this specifically at the time..) During,or near the end of 2013 in December I think it was...I was asked if I did requests by a deviantArt user and since that was pretty much the first time I was asked about that.(Funny I know considering I've been sporadically active on deviantArt for apparently,roughly 5 years..)Kinda surprised and a little nervous it turned out to be an Original Character..But I was also kinda surprised at the pretty discriptive info he had.(Even if it was all still a bit rough.)Made it a a bit easier to come up with the character.(Although had some rough spots since I have mostly been used to drawing out characters from my head..)Still working on some things though but he's pretty much done linework-wise..And is only roughly done color-wise..(Although not fully decided but I threw together a "demo" of sorts..)I find some of the ideas behind him..Facinating.~
Heheh...Those two chibis unintetionally match...Oh I guess I should include this too..I did a request for GamerFoxem sometime as I was doodlind the Original character..(No name yet but wasn't sure if he had specefic preferences for that in particular..)GamerFoxem requested Shin Megami Tensei mixed with Pokemon..~
...Because I realize I hardly say much on this front and it's recently had it's own effect on my free time and whatnot I thought I'd just compile it real quick..Ended up a bit bigger than I thought.(You can skip the small chunk if you find life bland..:P)
The other stuff n' things that have kept me busy/pre-occupied at times..Is a fairly recent trend(Or during/near the end of 2013 I think...)with my Mom(And a lot of folks from her side of the family.)Getting together for stuff..Seems to be happening a lot so I guess they want to make a "Tradition" of it so Holidays and Birthdays have become a little more eventful..(Of sorts.)Aside from my occasional attempts to try and "schedule" stuff I'd like to get more "Effecient" or faster with..Life just has a funny way of throwing logs at you while you climb uphill..Anyway other things..We recently started visiting my Grandmother's.(Of my Mom's side of the family.)Sister(..Not sure if that makes her my Great Grandmother...Or somethin'..)For brunch..Although I think she looks pretty positive and well considering she's gone through some rounds of chemo,I believe I heard we are gonna visit her again..The 8th of March provided the weather doesn't get nutty. Well that and my Grandmother(Of my Dad's side of the family.)Has been starting to have it pretty rough,with her althritis coupled with bone cancer.(Yes..I think that was it..)It's gotten worse enough where my Uncles and Dad feel she can't be left to do much on her own,they pay a lady to pretty much do everything. Me and my older brother go to visit them every other weekend.(Since everyone else is pretty much busy...)..Well besides the stuff I do normaly to help take care of the house,as my Mom is busy going to classes..But yeah,I just kinda figured stuff had gotten busy enough to sort of warrant a little Update..Since I don't update too often also..But with that aside...
I hope everyone has a good weekend..~ Not sure what else to put here...It's late and I got stuff I'd like to get to.(With sleep being one of them of course...And my own little imaginary friends to develop and show the world..~)