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Random update 3-3-14

On 03/03/2014 at 09:43 AM by Ranger1

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Ah, it's March! I love March! Lots of good things about March - Spring starts (theoretically anyway), I have a birthday (I was an equinox baby born in a snowstorm), my first official day of work is the 30th (I get Sunday and Monday off at this time of year, so it won't actually be until April 1st), and the Iditarod is happening. It's also Bandit's seventh Adoption Day anniversary today. We're going to go buy a new dog bone later to celebrate. And the other really good thing about March? It's not February!!!

Playing: I'm done with Xillia for now. I'll run through Milla's story at some point, but down the road at some point. I did pick Graces back up and realized I had in fact gotten past the horrible floor puzzle. I finished the main story yesterday (even though I can't really remember what the heck was going on, or the finer points of the battle system). I'm doing the extra bits at the end now while waiting for Symphonia to arrive.

Reading: Just finished Serenity Leaves On the Wind #2 that Jason brought over for me with my coffee this morning. in a little bit, I'm going to go looking through my books for a book of short stories called The Merry Widow Foxtrot and reread that. One of my favorite professors from college wrote it and he passed away last Thursday. Professor Mortland had a huge impact on my writing and my education. I only took one class from him, but he inspired me to be better academically than I might otherwise have been.

Watching: I've gone back to Supernatural, a series I liked, but lost track of early in the second season. It's one of those shows I can't watch more than a couple of episodes of at a time and it looks like it was shot through an ultra-drab filter. There's very little color in the show and that bothers me for some reason that I can't quite put my finger on. But I like it, don't get me wrong. I'm also watching Kyle XY. Don't judge - after watching five seasons of Waking the Dead, I needed something not as heavy and grim to watch. It's amusing and holding my interest so far, but I've only watched a few episodes.

Listening: I've been stuck in the eighties lately. Huey Lewis and the News are what's in the CD player at the moment. There's also been some Hooters and some Bryan Adams. I haven't listened to much folk lately other than at Tom Hall's memorial service on Saturday, and the place was so crowded that I was way in the back because I got there late and I couldn't hear much at all. Someone did do a really great version of The Parting Glass, someone else sang How Can I Keep From Singing?, and the other one I could actually hear was The Seaman's Hymn, which we started ending all our shanty sessions with a few years ago. That one, the room went silent and everyone front to back joined in. I have no idea who is in this video I found on YouTube, bt it's a pretty good recording of the song. Now imagine 100 people singing it at once in a bar and you get the picture.

Have a good Monday, people. I'm going to go see what Asbel and crew are up against next.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/03/2014 at 10:17 AM

i wanna get back and do the post game stuff in Graces.  It's been what two years it came out. jeez. 


03/03/2014 at 10:22 AM

I realized that my last save for that game was almost two years ago, no wonder I couldn't remember what the heck was going on!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/03/2014 at 11:12 AM

March is awesome! Laughing I almost forgot we have a birthday this month, and only two days apart! Happy Adoption Day to Bandit! And damn straight Spring only starts "theoretically," it's 23 degrees here in Nac! It was nice Spring weather not two days ago! Sometimes I don't like the fact Texas doesn't actually have seasons and just changes its weather mood as it pleases. Blech. I don't mind though, I felt fine in the rain yesterday and who knows? Maybe that 20% chance of precipitation will come through today and leave some slick roads to keep me out of my office tomorrow. I can dream. Is the Itidarod streamed online? I know you follow it somehow, but I forget exactly. Might be interesting to expand my sports horizons. 

That's awesome you have a professor that wrote short stories, although I'm not sure if I'd relate to the old-age related tales in The Merry Widow Fox-Trot, but the review I just read makes it sound like there are great characters, and I'm a character-driven story kinda guy, so it sounds interesting. I had a Creative Writing professor my Senior year who had a few poems and short stories published in The New Yorker, which I didn't mind being required to subscribe to. Being from New York, she was culture shocked that Texas professors actually stop and visit with each other during the day! lol I love talking to my professors when I check the station's mail box upstairs. Makes my job feel like more of a community kinda thing, which is needed, cause otherwise I'm holed up in my office staring at a screen. 

Of course, I'm not sure if some of the kids in that class did anything to help any stereotypes she may have had of "ignorant southerners ..." the stereotype is not exclusively accepted by people outside of the south (God knows Dallasites do not have the most favorable view of those in rural areas), but hopefully she knows we're not all so ignorant. 

Well, anyway, I am glad that your prof had such an impact on you and may he rest in peace. 

And according to Wikipedia, you're watching a show that takes place in Seattle and was filmed in Vancouver? No judgment here. Those both seem like two great places to me. Why does he have no belly button, though? He an alien? I'll have to get around to giving The Walking Dead a try on Netflix, but being not at all a zombie fan, I have my doubts. I wonder if Supernatural is on there. 

"And We Danced" was one of the songs I played whenever I could back in my DJ days for Classic Hits. I'd love to see a version of the song you posted with people singing along. My brother and I both love live CDs for that reason, it adds a whole level of atmosphere to any kind of music. I've been stuck in the 90s lately myself and will probably listen to some live Pearl Jam, Goo Goo Dolls and Metallica w/Michael Kamen & the San Fransisco Symphony Orchestra here in a bit. 

Who is Asbel? Anyway, have a great Monday! I'm gonna get myself turned back around today on sleep, I know it! Even did a new budget today to account for my smaller paychecks ... now the weight lifting after being awake 24+ hours might be tough if I don't get that out of the way before my 4pm class ... hmmm ...


03/03/2014 at 11:43 AM

Lots of questions, lol. The Merry Widow Foxtrot isn't just old people stories. He was an excellent writer, and his voice comes through clearly in all his stories. It's very regional, though, so I don't know how much would resonate with people "from away". I used to love it when he's bring a story he was working on to class and read it to us.

The Iditarod has parts that are streamed live, but you have to pay for the privilige and I don't have the spare $35 this year. I mostly just follow the updates on the website anyway. I love how it's endurance, strategy, luck, and how well you take care of your dogs all rolled up together. I love how it seems that experience and age has more of a chance at winning that youth and pure strength. Gender isn't really an issue. And the head games the mushers play with each other are a riot.

I watched a British show called Waking the Dead about a cold case unit, not The Walking Dead (which I also like, even though I'm not a fan of zombies as a rule). And yes, Supernatural is streaming on Netflix. Just about everything I watch, I watch on Netflix. As for Kyle's belly button issues, that hasn't been explained yet. I think he ws grown in a lab, personally.

Asbel is the main character in Tales of Graces f.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/03/2014 at 02:33 PM

British crime show sounds a lot more appealing to me than American zombie show. Hmmm ... 

As for the Itidarod, a lot of the stuff you just mentioned seemed to be true of Formula-1 racing when I watched Rush. I never have been able to watch that or NASCAR on TV. I get bored fast. However, I think if I were to see these events live, I may change my mind. 

Unfortunately, I just worked out my new budget this morning, and I only get $48.99/mo for Entertainment, so $35 for a live stream ain't happening, but I'll see if I can glean something from the updates I suspect you'll post here. 


03/03/2014 at 12:13 PM

I saw you playing Tales of Graces yesterday. I am trying to complete all the inn requests at the moment although I spent a while solving switch puzzles in the Sandshroud Ruins. When they got too complex I made my exit and continued to look for request items and uncover secret locations. 


03/03/2014 at 02:22 PM

I just shut down Graces because Symphonia arrived in the mail today. I may get back to it, I may not. I refuse to feel guilty about it either way.


03/03/2014 at 01:32 PM

I watched a bit of Kyle XY before I had regular access to cable, from what I remember it was kind of interesting. Which reminds me I need to find something to read to counter all the grim stuff I've been reading lately.


03/03/2014 at 02:26 PM

I recommend Who's Afraid of Beowulf by Tom Holt, if you can find it.


03/03/2014 at 02:04 PM

March.......It was 75 degrees a couple of days ago. when I left work today around was snowing...very light but snow none the less.  March is okay...I hate April..busy time of year for tornados.


03/03/2014 at 02:24 PM

April is nice up here, but then again, tornadoes aren't really an issue in this neck of the woods. The entire summer I lived in Minneapolis it was one tornado warning after another. Add that to being too far away from the ocean, no mountains, not many trees and you get a very unhappy little New England girl. I hated Minneapolis!


03/03/2014 at 04:37 PM

It's been pretty warm this week in Colorado, sunny and mild. I'm really happy I didn't have to chisel and scrape ice off the car windows this morning. I love looking at winter but actually being in it is never fun. I tend to stop playing guitar during the winter because my hands feel stiff and slow because of the cold, basically for the whole season. I get back into it during spring and certainly summer though so I have that to look forward to. At the very least I'm glad that I still have the dexterity in my hands during winter to play games.


03/04/2014 at 08:34 AM

It's been a strange winter here. We're still having sub-zero temps at night, which isn't normal for March on the coast of Maine. I suspect we'll have a couple more storms before spring really gets here. I had a snow day my senior year of high school on April 1st, so you see anything goes.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

03/03/2014 at 05:19 PM

When you get to the end of Supernatural's season 5 you can stop watching. Keep watching at your own peril. It's not bad. It's just so so. Season 5 is my favorite. I think the show lacks in "colour" because they're hunters. A hunter's life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Also they pretty much hunt at night when not many people are around, and they won't attract any unwanted attention. Besides they do some comedy episodes once in a while that are worth watching.


03/04/2014 at 08:36 AM

I know why they film it like that, it just amuses me that outside in the daylight things don't even have any vibrant color. I'lll keep watching until I get hit by the "I'm not enjoying this anymore, why am I still watching it?" thought.

Cary Woodham

03/03/2014 at 08:23 PM

March is always a refreshing month since February usually turns out so sucky.


03/04/2014 at 08:38 AM

That is a very nice way of putting it, Cary. I usually add a lot more colorful metaphors (that is a Star Trek IV reference) when I'm describing it.


03/03/2014 at 09:05 PM

Stuck in the 80s?!?!?! Story of my life lol. Laughing


03/04/2014 at 08:39 AM

In my opinion, there are many worse decades to be stuck in. Like the 60s and 70s.


03/04/2014 at 02:34 PM

A friend of mine keeps telling me to watch Supernatural. So many seasons though!


03/04/2014 at 06:59 PM

Well, if you watch just one episode at a time, it's not so daunting now, is it? But I know what you mean.


03/04/2014 at 02:39 PM

Nice Bandit gets a pretty cool pickup, and Happy 7th Adoption Anniversary!

I went through a bit of Huey Lewis revival on iTunes a while back. I bought their Greatest Hits and it was flashbacks to growing up. 


03/04/2014 at 07:01 PM

Sports and Fore! both came out while I was in high school. I like Huey Lewis' music because it's generally upbeat.

Not only did Bandit get a new bone, but it was a filled bone with cheese and bacon! And he got a pig's ear, too! Oh happy day for a dog!


03/05/2014 at 02:09 AM

I can't wait to play Assassin's Creed IV. Apparently there are a lot of sea shanty songs in it, and they are really good.


03/05/2014 at 07:28 AM

Wonder how many of them are "real". I'll have to have a listen somewhere. I know that Johnny Depp and a bunch of others released a CD after one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and it was not by any stretch of the imagination mde up of shanties.


03/06/2014 at 02:44 AM

I've heard that the shanties in ACIV are real and very well performed, but I haven't heard them yet myself.


04/20/2014 at 06:04 AM

I find it rather shocking how far the series Supernatural has lasted like it has. Fans are indeed keeping this series strong. I'm the same way with the series, can only handle a handful but usually get back to it when I can. moreso during Octoberween.

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