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Pokémon Snap Review

On 03/03/2014 at 10:01 AM by TheMart22

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So let me start this review out by venturing into a slight history lesson of the personal sort. Why, you ask? Well, it’s my blog and I feel like setting the scene.

I never owned an N64 growing up. PSOne, sure. Gameboy Color, you bet your ass. But N64, not so much. For this reason, my previous experience with Pokémon Snap before this past weekend amounted to an hour at a friend’s house, where at the age of twelve we were too preoccupied with online chat rooms to stay too focused. This brings me to nearly fifteen years later (feel old yet?) and my next experience with Pokémon Snap.


Original N64 box art. Colorful enough?

Pokémon Snap should be used by gamers as olives are for wine tasters; a good palate cleanser. From my experience, I cannot recall many (if any) games I’ve played that have had the same effect on me as Snap. It’s just relaxing. The premise behind Pokémon Snap (for the uninitiated) is simple. You take the role of an up and coming Pokémon photographer and are selected by an eager Professor Oak to help him complete his Pokémon Report. Much like other Pokémon games, you are tasked to complete the hard work while Oakey bastes in the results. Lazy fucker.

 Pokemon Snap

A doduo? Snap him quick!

To sum up the gameplay, think on-rails shooter minus the death/murder. The objective is to photograph (or snap!) different types of Pokémon in different poses. Sounds simple enough right? It should, because it is. To help you in your challenge, players unlock items such as an apple (to attract Pokémon), a Pester Ball (to shock Pokémon out of cover) and a Flute (to cause certain Pokémon to react with new poses). The game gets interesting when pushing to uncover all Pokémon available. Scenarios such as attracting a Slowpoke to the river’s edge so that it may dip its tail in the river, get bit by a Shellder, and hence, evolve into a Slowbro, are the game’s best moments.

Pokémon Snap is not a difficult game. Far from it in fact. You proceed through the levels at a leisurely pace, trying to spot Pokémon doing interesting things while aiming for higher scoring photos. There’s no impending doom compelling you on. No rival to best. Not even a boss to challenge you. It’s just a nice time in the woods/volcano/river/etc. taking photographs.

Some slight detractions from the game include the total amount of Pokémon present and the length, however, after snapping all 63 available Pokémon in the five hours it took me; I had one prominent feeling: satisfaction. I’m not sure if there are many other games out there that compare to Pokémon Snap, but the idea of a HD version of a similar game has my mouth watering.


Want this in 1080p? Of course you do!

To sum up my impressions: Pokémon Snap is a good game. Maybe not great. Definitely not bad. But certainly enjoyable. I very much recommend to anyone who has yet to experience it to give it a shot. A general affection for (or nostalgia towards) Pokémon is not completely required but obviously helps the experience.

No scores here folks but I’ll give it the good ol’ fashioned Moriarty two-thumbs up!

Let me know what you think in the comments.




Nick DiMola Director

03/03/2014 at 10:15 AM

Man, this game disappointed me so much as a kid. Thankfully me and my brothers didn't buy it or ask for it for Christmas/birthday, so we didn't get burned. My cousin had it and we played her copy to completion in about the five hours you described. At the time, that was a completely unacceptable clock time for a game so we were highly disappointed.

Flash forward to around 2010 when I replayed it as an adult... and damn do I love this game. It's original, relaxing (as you mentioned) and just plain ol' fun. Would love for Nintendo to revisit the concept on the Wii U and make another.

Can't wait for my kids to get a bit older and get into Pokemon and give this game a whirl. I think they'll really enjoy it for what it is. Unlike them, I didn't have many games growing up, or access to many either. When games were short, we hated them because it meant we had nothing new to play. I've got so many games now, they won't have to have that hanging over their head while they enjoy something like Pokemon Snap.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/03/2014 at 11:22 AM

I had an awesome experience as a kid with renting it and going to print my photos at the Blockbuster kiosks for the game. I saw two copies for $9.95 at Game X Change this weekend and was tempted, but thought I'd better wait, cause I remembered it being short and didn't want to burn through my purchase in a weekend. 

So we had the exact opposite experience, basically. Interesting. lol 

I too would friggin' love a Wii U version though. Hell, I might even buy a Wii U if they were smart enough to realize the potential of a photo game in the age of Instagram and really put effort into making it more substantial. 


03/03/2014 at 03:18 PM

You're right about the age of instagram. If they allowed you to upload directly from the game also, it would help. Kids these days and their sexting....


03/03/2014 at 03:16 PM

If I recall correctly, my friend at the time was disappointed also. Am I wrong in saying everyone just wanted a 3D version of Pokemon Red/Blue at the time. I'm glad they made this though

Nick DiMola Director

03/03/2014 at 03:22 PM

That's about right - and we still haven't gotten one! Seems like they should do a full-fledged 3D Pokemon one day on home consoles, but Nintendo seems intent on not doing it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/03/2014 at 03:28 PM

Yeah, the one that really disappointed me was Pokemon Stadium


03/03/2014 at 03:30 PM

I forgot all about that one!


03/03/2014 at 03:30 PM

It's strange, especially with the amazing online community you could build up on the Wii U for battles. I wonder if the thought has crossed their minds with this gens troubles. I mean, there's only so much Mario people can take. Right? I feel like theres a missed opportunity here for a large scale open world 3D Pokemon adventure (as do a heck of a lot of other people obviously). Guaranteed system seller!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/03/2014 at 03:44 PM

Have you ever watched TGWTG Producer That Dude in the Suede's videos? I'm subscribed to him on He does movie reviews of the old Pokemon animations and the plot thread going on during the reviews is that he's being forced into watching them so he can play the Pokemon MMO beta, which is the only reason he'd put up with such torture in his adult life. 


03/03/2014 at 04:00 PM

I've never even heard of this before. I'll check it out.


03/05/2014 at 02:22 AM

Pokemon Stadium.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/03/2014 at 10:16 AM

Photography games:  Not enough of 'em. 


03/03/2014 at 03:19 PM

Agreed. Someone should release one on the Vita. Perfect console for it.


03/03/2014 at 10:21 AM

I really need to hook up that thrift shop N64 and play this game! I also need to put Afrika in the PS3 and go on a photographic safari. I love games that have photography elements in them, that may be why I loved Beyond Good and Evil so much...


03/03/2014 at 03:21 PM

I usually don't bother too much with photography elements to games of other genres unless I have to in order to proceed. I did play around a bit with it in MGS2 though. And I too own a thrift store N64. Best $20 standalone spend on gaming in the last few years easy


03/05/2014 at 02:24 AM

I couldn't find Afrika in any Gamestop near me. There's one like 1 1/2 hours away that I might trek out to sometime. Amazon has it but for much more than Gamestop's selling it for. I will have this game at some point.


03/03/2014 at 01:41 PM

Didn't own an N64 either, mostly relied on begging my brother to borrow his. Didn't get the chance to play Pokemon Snap either, but I wanted to.


03/03/2014 at 03:25 PM

I picked up my N64 for $20 maybe three years ago and we found Pokemon Snap in a box at my wifes parents house from when she was younger. So not my largest ever investment to play... Laughing


03/03/2014 at 04:43 PM

I personally felt this was an alright game, it wasnt something that occipied my attention span long but me and my sister did useit to wind down and relax when we were kids. We also had the the pickachu game where you talk to that was some creepy crap.


03/03/2014 at 04:48 PM

Haha, there were so many little Pokemon gimmicks between 1999 - 2002, it's hard to keep track. There's a collector somewhere sitting on a sofa made of nothing but pikachu pelts no doubt Laughing

Cary Woodham

03/03/2014 at 08:27 PM

Pokemon Snap was an excellent game, but then, it was made by HAL, creators of Kirby, so that's to be expected.  It's almost educational as it teaches kids about the basic elements of photography.  I would love to see a sequel on the Wii U or 3DS.

Back when I was writing for The Dallas Morning News, I reviewed Pokemon Snap.  I still remember my tag line that went on the front page for my review: "Smile and Say Pikachu!"  Defintely a high point in my game reviewing 'career.'


03/03/2014 at 09:15 PM

Sequel would be great and the more I think about it, the 3DS makes as much (if not more) sense than the Wii U. 

Great tag line too. especially when compared to "Catching Pokemon is a Snap!"


03/04/2014 at 02:43 PM

I used to watch my younger cousins play this and even if it wasn't my type of game I did like the concept of taking pictures in the game. I stumbled across a complete copy at Goodwill a while ago, maybe I should play it and see if I can get the same enjoyment they did.


03/04/2014 at 04:23 PM

I would, expecially after a hard day of work. Sipping a bourbon and Pokemon, nice.


03/05/2014 at 02:20 AM

Why oh why have they not redone this game on 3DS or Wii-U with all the latest Pokemon?


03/05/2014 at 07:42 AM

I've no idea. They could do a lot of interesting things with the second screen for it. Someday perhaps.


04/20/2014 at 06:15 AM

This idea of a pokemon game never realy intersted me. But then again this is coming from the same guy that LOVES the Fatal Frame series, the game that has you TAKING PICTURES OF GHOSTS TO FIGHT THEM OFF!

So yeah I doubt I'd be considered a sage wordmaster of this particular game.


04/21/2014 at 12:30 PM

Fatal Frame always interested me though I never got around to playing it. Photography games are a lot of fun to be honest. I'm hoping we see a good one on the Vita.

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