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MaDVania: No Sleep and All Work Make Something?

On 03/04/2014 at 12:07 AM by Super Step

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So I've been awake since 4pm yesterday, so this will be short. 

I watched Don Jon last night and it immediatly became one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time. 

I also watched porno spoof film Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza ... didn't expect gay porn, but based on this still, I probably shoulda

My top 5 favorites are movies that resonate with themes and philosophies in my own life. In Don Jon's case, it explored the relationship aspect of sex really well. I was always taught about sex being a beautiful thing that makes you a dirty little Hitler-Satan if you do it outside of wedlock. You guessed it: I attended Catholic schools until college!

Anyway, its take on modern relationships felt very real to me, and I'm too tired to write the essay I'd like to about why such a simple movie spoke to me (and no, it's not cause I'm a porn addict), but bottom line is I loved it. There's a couple things I found a bit hard to accept, but overall it surprised and impressed me a great deal. 

After Don Jon, I screwed around online before doing a new budget for myself and attempted to write a schedule for myself in my Excel Spreadsheet. I've always been on top of my finances, but schedules are tricky for me, because I kinda tend to take life as it comes, at least lately, and to be honest, maybe that's what I should be doing anyway, but I think I'd be more efficient and happier with a bit more structure. We'll see. 

After that, I started coding more advertisements for my professor until my friend gave me a ride to school and I worked all 4 of my office hours straight. Supposedly, the station's PC is good now, but there were a host of other problems that were taxing my and especially my GM's patience, cause she is also in the middle of advising students while all this goes on. Oy. Technology: it's great when it works, but when it doesn't, murder, rape, and genocide are seconds away from occuring. 

Then I went to class and had a pretty cool discussion on case studies. One of mine involved electronic billboards that can track what the most popular radio station is in a given area based on the frequencies, and change what ad appears on the billboards based on what market research has shown certain radio station listeners to like. I didn't know about that tech before, but it's pretty crazy! The ethical question of the case study was whether or not it's an invasion of privacy for such billboards to collect info on drivers without their knowlegde or consent.

I, being one who despises how much info Google and Facebook have on me already, said ... no, I don't see the big deal. It's honestly data Nielsen and Arbitron would have figured out anyway and is not tied to any one person. What do you think?

After class, I had dinner in the cafeteria which was ... well the fish was nasty, but I needed the protein. The meat was dry, but it was fine. I did like my burger and corn dog, though. Can't go wrong there ... though they have tried. 

To be fair, I'm impressed with the quality of some of the stuff the SFASU cafeteria is able to pump out, but this was not their greatest night. On the bright side, a few high protein items meant I was outta there quick and off to the gym. 

Technically, I didn't get enough protein, calories, or do my cardio yesterday, but I think the peanut butter I ate out of the jar by scooping it up and licking it out of my tablespoon measurement was good enough and so was all the running around I did getting my car "taken care of" yesterday and the lunges today that made me sweat way more than I thought they would have. Actually, today was one of the best feeling work outs I've had I think. 

"Car taken care of" is in parentheses because it still won't start after putting gas in if I shift it into gear, so I'll have to get it towed tomorrow I think. 

Which will be tricky since I just remembered that whole proctoring an exam at 8am thing when I went to my office to get warm clothes and saw all the materials on my desk. It was one of those "dammit, I knew there had to be another thing on my plate right this minute as everything is going insane" moments. You had those? I've had lots. 

But when I came home, I relaxed with some Dawn of Sorrow, which is shaping up to be my favorite of the DS 'Vanias. 

Whitewashed Japanese Michael Jackson, is that you? You look ... oddly how I'd expect

Mostly this is due to the excellent art design/graphics, not too easy (Portrait of Ruin) but not too hard (Order of Ecclesia) difficulty level, and the fact it actually tries using the stylus, though that whole Magic Seal system could be more forgiving, I think. 

I just beat the Cyclops guy whose name begins with a "B" and got to the Dark Castle I think it's called. Its design reminds me of the older Castlevanias, which I only ever experienced in my adulthood through emulation on moreso than the other DS titles for some reason. I like it. 

That's all I got for toda .... zzzz

Oh wait, right, positive message and demotivational poster. Or neither really, cause I feel like just posting this:

I ... really liked sleep as a kid too, actually. Sleep had sex robots and dinosaurs in it.

Good night, Pixelated Sex Dinosaurs! 




Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/04/2014 at 07:48 AM

you ate fish, a hamburger, and a corn dog?

Don JOn seems good.  I really like Joseph Gordon LEvitt and I'm excited to see his Sandman movie. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/04/2014 at 11:46 AM

And dry-sh pot roast with some kind of sauce, yes. Also milk and a couple sugar cookies. I know that doesn't sound very "diet-y," but all I need to worry about is calorie deficit, and what I ate added to a bit over 150g of protein, but only maybe 2800 or so calories, well within my budget of 3500 calories a day (2000 is the minimum I have to eat to keep my body active  for my weight lifting and cardio regimen as well as keep my metalobism going). 

I forgot about that. Yeah, JGL is great. Never would have thought the kid from 3rd Rock would go so far, but a great actor named Joseph in Hollywood is a beautiful thing. He did an incredible job in Looper as well. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/04/2014 at 01:46 PM

yeah I liked looper.  haven't seen it since I saw it in the theater.  would like to watch it again. 

I don't think I could budget my calories.  Thus, I am fat. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/04/2014 at 01:52 PM

Same here on Looper

Yeah, it's insane how many calories are packed into some things. A small piece of chocolate can run you 20-50 calories. I mean like a single Hershey's Kiss is in that range. 


03/04/2014 at 11:37 AM

I liked sleep a lot as a kid, and still do now. It's just unfortunate that for whatever reason my internal sleep clock is badly messed up, so I don't sleep much and even if I do, I still feel tired throughout the day.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/04/2014 at 11:49 AM

I think you might want to see someone about that, I can't imagine 4-5 hours a night is healthy. I could be wrong, though, but of course that's all the more reason to see an actual expert.


03/04/2014 at 01:14 PM

I did see a doctor a while back for something else, in fact he's the one who suggested I start an excercise regimen. Like I mentioned in my last blog, I think it's starting to have a positive effect on my sleep pattern, but maybe I'll ask him about it the next time I see him.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/04/2014 at 01:28 PM

That's good. My friend Austin has the opposite problem, he thinks he might be narco. They told him he wasn't, but based on my four phone calls to him this morning as he was my ride to campus today, I find their diagnosis faulty. 


03/04/2014 at 01:19 PM

I'll keep an eye on Don Jon.

Because it seems that Metroidvavia is shaping up to be a favorite genre of mine, I hope to play the DS Castlevania's soon.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/04/2014 at 01:30 PM

Do they have Red Box kiosks in Belgium? I wonder if that's an exclusively American thing. 

The DS 'Vanias are great. 


03/04/2014 at 05:35 PM

I think Red Box is an United States thing only.


03/04/2014 at 03:06 PM

At some point I will see this movie. 

That's interesting about those electronic billboards. They would be useless for me because it's either iPod, or Sports Radio, but I'm not a fan of how much info Google and Facebook have on me. Everything from sending my Android game info to G+ so it can keep track of my achievements and game saves to Google always wanting me to use my name instead of my original YouTube account (and those are not as serious issues). 

Sorry about the car. Hopefully that issue is resolved and doesn't cost a lot. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/04/2014 at 08:12 PM

If you think the movie is along the lines of that poster, you're in for a surprise! lol But as for the real JGL, yeah he probably planed that, but Johansen agreed to it. Just throwin' that out there, it's a two-way thing, sex. Or is it? Thus is the question posed by the movie at points.

Oh God, I HATE Google asking me to use a "real name" (Jimothy Jackson got past them, thank God) and what it does with linking accounts. The thing is though, nothing those billboards could figure out is tied to any trule personal info ... unless they added cameras to it that could take photos of the license plates and somehow illustrate what freq a car is tuned to, but that wasn't part of the case study, so my opinion that the lady against the billboards in said case study needs to calm down stil stands. Now if she proposed making absolutely sure that those billboards were taking the most popular frequency and nothing else, regulating the ad agency so that they could never add those future spy cameras to the stuff, I'd be 100% on board with her.

I hope so too. Gonna get it towed tonight and hope for best tomorrow I think. Thanks, man.


03/05/2014 at 12:24 AM

Oh the movie was reviewed on the Tony Kornheiser Podcast when it was released, and the reviewer warned Mr. Tony about the story. 

I figured the billboards only get the radio info, and nothing more. That isn't a big deal, and I know folks like me would probably listen to a random station like Christian Radio or something in another language just to fool with it. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/05/2014 at 01:22 AM

What was he warned about exactly? Cause there is lots of porn and sex in it, so if that's your reason for viewing, I'd say it earns that R in spades. lol Apparently Levitt "hand-picked" the clips himself.

And yeah, I'd probably do the same, but in order for that to work, lots of people would need to have the same idea at the same time. I'm sure since this was going up in San Fernando as far as the case study said, under the watch of Timothy McNabb, traffic might well get backed up enough near it for there to be a guy convincing everyone stuck to change to the same channel. lol



03/05/2014 at 11:21 AM

I think Mr. Tony thought it was just another cheesy summer film about a guy trying to get the girl, and the reviewer told him there was more substance to it than that. 

I could see a frat doing something like that, or a bunch of folks on Reddit having a meet up to do it. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/05/2014 at 10:15 PM

I could see that too. But depending on the marketing/ad agency, a lot of them are savvy enough to account for those kinds of unexpected changes and wonder what's up, so it would only work for a day or so unless people were willing to do it several times or the group planned it really well to have different divisions of those drivers every day, but it would still be fun. 


03/04/2014 at 08:20 PM

I enjoyed Dawn of Sorrow a lot.  I remember it more than I do the other DS Castlevania games.  Which is funny because I played it first. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/04/2014 at 10:44 PM

I can imagine. I already remember less about the sequels.


04/20/2014 at 06:54 AM

odd that I attended christian school but wasn't meant to think that sex was anything like that. They focused more on saving it for marriage and that it's something not shared out in the open. the funny thing is they didn't explicitly say that but it was implied. Also we had to learn that from our parents if we had questions so no sex ed classes.

their still trying to figure out those digital billboards. I myself don't care to see them myself. if only from my experiances with cookies on the websites I go to. I'm not sure how sites make the connections they do but I had alot of explaining to do when my wife happen to see me on here and she saw one of those banner ads for asian singles dating.

I need to play more DS castlevania. I've only gone as far as the GBA games since I didn't have access to a DS at the time. Might have to see about that this coming Octoberween.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/20/2014 at 05:27 PM

They never said to do it out of wedlock or to boast to anyone, just that it was a "beautiful, shared experience" for married people to enjoy. In my case, they did explicitly say, "don't have sex outside of marriage." 

Asian singles dating could pop up just because you were on a website with Asian material, and if you're a gaming fan, that's bound to happen. Cookies online are a really poor analogy for these billboards though, cause if you're seeing a particular ad on a billboard, all it means is most people near you are on a certain frequency. Good luck finding out much personal information from that. 

I need to play the GBA Castlevania games, so there ya go. 

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