Good Thursday to you all! It’s a grand day here in the ‘Burgh. No snow on the ground and although still cold, the sun is shining. Spring as not too far off!
I thought I’d spend a little time informing you fine folks of my experiences with Remember Me which is currently available from PS+ via the Instant Game Collection.
The dominant word for Remember Me popping into my head is “decent”. The game has some very clever ideas and some rather bone-headed ones which basically cancel each other out. This leaves the player with a rather enjoyable though not very good experience.
Let me start with the presentation. The world of Remember Me is wonderful to see. And I really mean wonderful. Set in the year 2084 in “Neo-Paris”, a future Paris subject to enormous class division, wealthy citizens are able to share & relive their memories via the antagonistic company’s ware. You control Nilin, who after escaping a facility where she has her memory partially wiped, helps old allies and tries to regain her full memory yadda yadda yadda. I’m not sure why they’re wiping memories yet but I’m sure it’ll come up. The story may turn out completely different but that’s what I’ve taken from it two hours in. Graphically the game is decent (there’s that word again) but does leave something to be desired. While the world itself is gorgeous, issues with lip syncing are rather frequent and other graphical anomalies occur fairly often. It’s not an ugly game but any means but it certainly isn’t on par with an Arkham Asylum for example (which I just finished!).

Gameplay consists of part traversal, part combat. The games traversal controls handle very, very similar to Uncharted but in my humble opinion are not as tightly developed. Combat on the other hand is rather unique as far as I’ve come across in a 3rd person action game though rather frustrating to start. The combat system is centered around hitting combos and building up a meter to unleash a special attack. It’s definitely my favourite aspect of the gameplay. While, there have been times where I felt the combo system didn’t work as crisply as I would like, for the most part, it’s entertaining. New moves are unlocked as you proceed which allow you to customize the combos as you wish. The interesting part of the combo system is the different effects each move added to a combo brings. Different moves add either damage, healing, special attack cooldown boost or link (boosts other moves) stats to each combo. This enables the player to pick and choose how they want to fight. I’m not sure I’ve gotten the full grasp of the system yet but it’s rather nice that it’s different from the norm.
Another great aspect of the game is the memory remix challenges. Here Nilin delves into someone’s memories to change things with some objective in mind (pardon the pun). The whole idea is kinda messed up but it’s certainly fun. I’ve only had the opportunity to do it once so far but hopefully there’s a lot more to come.

Get away from me you creeps!
Word to the wise, if you choose to play Remember Me, you better like linear game traversal cos that’s what you’re getting. This may be the most annoying thing about the game, predominantly due to the fact that the world is so interesting. The player has one path in which to travel and NOTHING ELSE. No popping into random shops which look interesting. No wondering down some alley to check for secrets. NOTHING! I’m not against linear gameplay, but to go to the effort of realizing such a wonderful world and yet not letting the player fully explore it seems wrong. After a while, it all feels like window dressing and honestly, it takes me out of the whole experience.
Anyway, therein lies my initial impressions. Some good, some not so good. If I end up completing it, I may write a separate review but more than likely I’ll give it a paragraph in a random update blog.
Hope everyone is keeping well. Weekend starts tomorrow!