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Vanguard Princess and rants at the SJW brigaide!

On 03/07/2014 at 04:11 PM by BrokenH

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What have I been up to? Committing social suicide on twitter! Seriously, if you want to embarrass me just look at my twitter account. It’s a goldmine of puerile obnoxiousness!

I’m tempted to go “punk” and say “I don’t give a fuck what people think of me!” but the truth is I do care about my friends and probably even care how they perceive me. What can I say? Humans are social animals! It’s a good thing my friends are open minded and are patient enough to put up with my bullshit! (Er,most of the time)

Gaming wise I’ve been dividing my time between Phantasy Star Portable and Vanguard Princess. I must say I’m really impressed by Vanguard Princess. To think one person lovingly drew each of the 10 female combatants and the support characters frame by frame is remarkable. Overall the game feels like Japan’s answer to Skull-Girls but I believe it was around first.

My only qualm with VP is it’s unforgiving harsh even on “easy”. Still, I’ve managed to beat it twice. Once with the perky energetic girl with the batons and the other with the coldhearted tsundere assassin girl who specializes in claw attacks. (She’s a cross between Litchi and a female version of Iori Yagami) I apologize for not remembering names. Vanguard Princess really deserves better!

So yeah, there’s a lot of fan service. The creator literally includes a “free download” that’s an uncensored director’s cut. Do I have a problem with it? Nope! The game is so fun to play it stands on its’ own as a worthwhile fighting game. Even if you are not fond of all the T & A you’ll probably still have a blast with the game. I got it for $3.99 on steam so I cannot say I feel ripped off. I highly recommend VP to anyone who enjoyed Arcana Hearts or Skull Girls!

Remember that blog I wrote addressing the female gaming collective? My condolences for the poor wording! Let me uh, rephrase that!

Dear Social Justice Warrior Amazons & White knights on the internet,

It’s been awhile peeps. Remember when I wrote that honest blog simply expressing some confusion and frustration concerning the opposite sex that offended you all enough to gather a lynch mob from a neighboring forum? All in the name of “tolerance”, right? (More like intolerance!)

Never-mind that I would never express bigoted hatred for women and never mind the fact I’m liberal in most cases. (Yes, I believe in gay marriage, pro choice, and equality. Seriously you plebs, do your research!) Additionally I don’t care if someone is a brony, furry, Hindu, Pagan, Wiccan, Buddhist, Christian, trans-gendered pole dancer, or is hard gay so long as they treat me kindly! My “friend admittance policy” is very slack.

"This guy is awesome! I'd so be his bro!"

But oh, I like heterosexual “fan service” and I have the audacity to look up porn and hentai so that obviously makes me an angry neck bearded otaku who secretly has a lair devoted to helping the patriarchy! Seriously, how do you idiots jump to such sweeping ad-hominem generalizations so quickly? I’d call it an “art form” but because it’s stooped in ignorance, vitriol, and stupidity I refuse to give it that honor.

Let me entertain you by covering some related topics, special delicate snow-flakes!

"White suburbanites....always reminding me to check my privilege!"

“Check my privilege, huh?”

I don’t mind if you call me 1st world privileged. Even though I’m poor I have clean drinking water, electricity, internet service, and a roof over my head. I accept those are luxuries not everyone in the world has. It’s a sad fact but very true. As poverty stricken people go, I’m very fortunate!

But when you insinuate I’m privileged because I’m “white” or I am “straight” yes, I take offense to that. You are assuming you can measure me by my sexual preference and the color of my skin without truly knowing me as a person. You realize what that is, right? It’s called bigotry! Congratulations on becoming the very thing you claim to fight against!

“Your sexual desires make you a pig!”

"I do not have a problem with this...."

"Yet YOU have a problem with this!"

Ah yes, my mental masturbation is so fucking evil. Yet you gals can look at your yaoi fetish manga art, posters of Sam and Dean from Supernatural, and your romantic smut novels (That portray unrealistic expectations for my gender) yet NOONE will call you out for it!

Can’t we agree to simply not judge each other for our kinks of choice? I do not think your porn makes you a bad person so please extend that same courtesy to me in turn!

And for the guys calling me out? Admit it, you’re doing it just to impress the ladies because you want to tap it! Fake chivalry is just a more accepted way of getting into a woman’s knickers! At least players are more honest about the whole process! They don’t hide behind the veneer of pseudo moral superiority!

Thoughts and fantasies are crimes!

Everytime an artist creates a sexy illustration or someone tells a raunchy joke you people are there to scream you are offended. You do it so much in fact no one takes much stock in it anymore! You can only cry wolf so many times before it falls on deaf ears.

First of all, you have no right to dictate what I fantasize about or what I create. Beyond that, should a person not be judged for their actions as opposed to their fantasy escapism of choice? Is “what we do” not more important than “what we think”?

I admit I have some very dark musings and vivid nightmares but I’ve never physically assaulted another human-being nor have I murdered anyone. This is because despite what I may think about when I’m angry or upset, I have enough humanity to empathize with other human beings. In other words, I don’t act based on my immediate impulses!

If you are going to judge me do so based on my deeds!

1st world problems….serious business

While you take time to deride my art, slander my character, mock my tweets, and trash-talk my game amongst your echo chamber of chums, women are being stoned to death, children are starving, animals are being harmed, homosexuals are being beaten into comas, bullies are abusing their authority, and in general people in less fortunate countries than ours are living through hell on earth. You have all that potential energy yet you squander it on the most asinine and useless crusades!

Activists? Don’t flatter yourself by using that word! If your activism does not extend beyond blogging on tumblr or beyond complaining about social media YOU ARE A FLAKE AND A PHOONEY!

When confronted with “real hardship” I have the feeling most of you would wither and die like an early blooming flower caught in a harsh winter wind!

"So wholesome and sweet! Is that an angel reading to those kids? "

The marginalized women other women do not defend

By the way, that's Sasha Gray! Porn career aside, she’s a nice person. She’s read to children, fights against historical censorship, and even puts out some decent music. Yet many of you “social justice retards” will never show Sasha respect or be her friend simply because “she did the pornos” and thus somehow contributed to the misogynistic male controlled empire!

So what if a woman wants to be a stripper or even a prostitute? It’s just her job, it’s not who she is as a person. Yeah, you’re so quick to call out people for “slut-shaming” yet why is it so many of you do the same offense to others? Women should be comfortable and proud of their sexuality. Stop trying to shame your own friggin gender! Not everyone wants to be or was raised to be a prude!



Joaquim Mira Media Manager

03/07/2014 at 04:19 PM


03/07/2014 at 04:20 PM

Hard-gay is the best super-hero chef ever! He needs his own manga & anime! Laughing It's ironic the actor who plays the character is not really gay.

 I understand how that might be "offensive" but I think the zen of life is about laughing at ourselves just as much as laughing at others. The problem is people cannot take many jokes these days,Joaquim.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/07/2014 at 04:56 PM

 My general life view is who is it hurting? If you watch porn, are you actually hurting anyone? No! If you play games with fan service, are you doing any harm? Of course not. When I argue that women should be better portrayed in games, I don't mean I want all of the skimpily clad girls to go away too. They're still in films and no one complains.

 We just need a more actual female characters to justify the boobs.


03/07/2014 at 05:03 PM

I'm for fair reprsentation,Blake. Yet I also want there to continue to be diversity too! Kind of a precarious tight rope to walk but films and books have done it for years. Games are simply a young medium and need to catch up! 

But again, I like diversity. I enjoy protagonists like Alice from Madness Returns but I'm also fond of lovable ditzes like Juliet Starling! There's no reason to phase out either archetype.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/07/2014 at 05:08 PM

Yeah! I've been replaying Resident Evil 4 at the moment and I still have to look up Ashley's skirt every time she's on top of a ladder, if only because it's hilarious that she ends up falling in love wih a guy she's called a pervert roughly 2 million times.

 Also, I don't think you can really say fuck you Japan, depict women better! It's a part of their culture that us whities aren't going to change, so we should just enjoy it.


03/07/2014 at 05:13 PM

I prefer the term saltine waifer! Stop being racist,bro! As for Ashley Graham, good heavens she could be annoying sometimes! I get she's no "elite navy seal" but I'm sure Leon could have taught her to use a pistol. Then there's Ada who is pretty much a coldhearted manipulator who plays every side. Leon's tastes in women kind of sucks. Still, I could at least "like" Ada.

 I love RE4 but the storyline and characters are throw-away cheese for the most part. Kind of makes you wonder what RE 4 would have been with better writing. 

 That stated,the game was tense,atmospheric,and scary when I was not splitting my sides laughing. As an experience I'd compare RE 4 to Evil dead 2!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/07/2014 at 05:28 PM

 At least with Ashley you could tell her to hide in a box a lot of the time. There were very few times she actually annoyed me in gameplay. Her voice though... that's another matter entirely.

 I think better writing would make the game lose a lot of the charm. Yeah, Leon's taste in women is terrible. Why didn't he just get with Claire instead?


03/07/2014 at 05:33 PM

True that. lol. RE 4's cheesiness kind of makes it a classic like Evil Dead 2. I always liked it when horror met comedy. Still, my inner snob wonders what RE 4 would be like if the scenario was written by the same guys/gals who did Telltale's Walking Dead or the author who wrote the narrative for The Last Of Us.

As for Ashley? She annoyed me "sometimes". I never understood the seething hatred for her though. All that vitriol put into loathing a fictional non-entity is lulz worthy!

PS: Yup,Claire is great! Leon missed out!


03/08/2014 at 03:52 AM

Hard gay! Ooooo! Hard gay! OMG what a wack show.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

03/08/2014 at 05:54 AM

Just imagine this character in Professional Wrestling... which it was in fact. In Japan.


03/08/2014 at 01:12 PM

There was a character in the Japanese Streets Of Rage 2 just like Hard-Gay. lol. He was one of the bosses!


03/08/2014 at 02:22 PM

Him and his twin were in God Hand or maybe he could be a boss in Bayonetta.


03/10/2014 at 02:09 AM

God-hand was "so good". Best cheese ever!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/07/2014 at 05:09 PM

i stopped thinking after reading "transgendered pole dancer".  but that doesn't mean I stopped reading!

seriously though, yeah I get what you're saying.  group thought sucks no matter what.  I believe in pluralism and having all shit out there, and you pick n choose what u want.  you can't ban things you don't like.  i don't like fox news or pop music.  Guess what, I don't watch it or listen to it.  Do I think they need to go die?  Sure, but I'm not advocating for it.  Tongue Out


03/07/2014 at 05:15 PM

I'm tempted to boycott Fox News,Matt. So tempted!

Cary Woodham

03/07/2014 at 07:28 PM

That Vanguard Princess game looks interesting.  Any characters you think I would like?

Hop on over to my blog for a tour of the Pac-Man Museum!


03/07/2014 at 07:37 PM

There's a little girl who is a grappler/wrestler type named Lilith. It's funny because she's the "short goth lolita type" so it's that much more hillarious when she pile-drives you into the ground,Cary!


03/08/2014 at 03:54 AM

I was thinking lately about female leads in games and the fact that they never have love interests. I guess it would be too weird for the male majority playing games to play a lead character who has the hots for a guy. If the lead is a guy though, oh he's got babes on top of babes.


03/08/2014 at 01:21 PM

I dunno,if I played female Shepherd I would not feel weird. I guess at that point I would simply pretend I'm the lucky guy boning my hawt female Shepherd! If male protagonists can have romantic interests it seems odd to deny female protagonists the same courtesy.

I do find all-girl fighters sometimes play up a lot of girl on girl overtones. But in the case of Vanguard Princess I admit it would be cool to have one male hero who can essentially pursue any girl fighter via a branching story system. Would have added a lot more re-playability for me personally!  Heck,even have it where each female can pursue any of the other characters too!


03/08/2014 at 03:05 PM

I just see the publishers saying, "Lead female? Well, our demographic is mostly male, so make her eye candy and don't give her any love interests. That'll turn off our audience." It annoys me to think these games aren't just works of creativity or someone's personal vision, but an attempt to please a particular audience to turn a profit. I guess I should know better. This is entertainment, not high art.


03/09/2014 at 08:03 PM

Ah,it's not entirely hopeless. I still think some people make games without caring about demographics. I know when I made my rpg I was not thinking about how many people would like it and from what age group. Sure, I hoped some people would enjoy it but I knew it would not have mass appeal.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/08/2014 at 07:13 AM

I want Sasha Gray to read me a bedtime story ... after reading her test result papers and providing me adequate evidence that the results of it are legitimate, I wear a condom, and she takes birth control, because I seriously saw her fuck a guy in a bear suit once, so I want to be safe here. 

Also, the story better not be green eggs and ham for similar reasons ...


03/08/2014 at 01:16 PM

Sasha is hawt. I'd roll in the hay with her....and probably disappoint her with my lackluster performance. lol. Joking aside, porn stars tend to be very clean. I believe they go into the business knowing the risks so they do countless check ups and exams on their own time. And I doubt the biz would hire someone who was STD positive. (But hey, I'm sure there was that "one time" someone screwed up thus the scary urban legends started!)

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/08/2014 at 06:21 PM

They do tend to regularly check up on themselves, but pretty much all of them have had an STI of some kind at one point, though usually less severe ones than say AIDS. I wouldn't trust those "clean"stars for the following reasons  


03/09/2014 at 08:07 PM

Well Joe, I'm safe. No porn starlet is moving the earth to get with me. lol. My loser status appears to have certain silver linings!

  But really,who makes it through life entirely untainted and entirely pure? Even virgins can pick up certain stds because of public restrooms! Yell

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/10/2014 at 01:09 AM

Apparently, not so easy to cath from a toilet seat actually, since the cold/outside-body surface doesn't really do much for STDs ... but yeah, virgins can get it from needles, hereditary passage from the parent, and/or kissing of all things.,,20307293_2,00.html 

Still, while I have no problem dating a sexually active person who is safe about it, a porn star who's had countless amounts of sex with unprotected men and women is just not something I'm into. lol


03/10/2014 at 02:13 AM

Depends on the person for me. I mean the total package. Is she nice? Is she funny? Open-minded? Those things matter and even if she had a few "mild stds" I could probably work passed that.

Also while it's "difficult" to get toilet seat stds it's happened. I'm just saying life is unpredictable,Joe. Lightning even strikes the supposedely chaste man on occasion!  The universe can be a real bastard/bitch!


03/08/2014 at 01:17 PM

Sometimes I wonder if those people are aware of how hypocritical they sound when they call for things to be banned while 'fighting' for greater acceptance, they have to be aware of it on some level, don't they?


03/08/2014 at 01:24 PM

You would think so. lol. I think a lot of it deals with ego. These people want an echo chamber where everyone agrees with them and "special treatment" for "being special". We live in a very self indulgent era.


03/08/2014 at 09:24 PM

Hehe..Your more funny than annoying in my book Ben..~


03/09/2014 at 08:10 PM

Thanks,bro! You a true bro,bro! Tongue Out


03/09/2014 at 03:41 PM

Vanguard Princess is currently on my wishlist and I would have gotten the game on promotion, but I wanted to save some money. It looks interesting and i'd be lying if I denied that I would play it just for the anime look.


03/09/2014 at 08:12 PM

Luckily it plays as good as it looks,Alejandro. And don't worry it's cheap on steam and you can get the non-translated Japanese version free at certain places!


04/22/2014 at 02:07 PM

That's it! I'm following you on twitter! Though we seem to have the COMPLETE OPPOSITE views on practically everything you state on (I myself a conservative who believes in traditional marriage, pro life, and what some now say is inequality instead of the confussion between moral and social issues.), I can't help but continue to read up on all you speak of if only to understand further why the stances are as they are.

I'm in!

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