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Pixlbit: Year One

On 03/13/2014 at 12:45 AM by Captain N

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My 1 Year Pixlbit Anniversary


 Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! How is everyone? Well today is my first anniversary on Pixlbit, it's been one whole year. I don't really know the exact day I joined but it was on a March, and my first blog on Pixlbit was posted on March 13, 2013. Maybe one of the Pixlbit overlords who are in charge of the tech stuff here might know. But wow, an entire year on Pixlbit, reminds me of my first anniversary on 1up, that was a hoot. But yeah, speaking of 1up, I'm not sure how many of you have forgotten, I know I haven't. When the news hit, it was something that hit me really hard because 1up was pretty special to me like it was for everyone else. I mean the site wasn't perfect, but the community and people there made it special. 

When the news hit about the sinking ship, I refused to believe it was over. I didn't want to believe it, like I'm sure everyone was having a hard time taking that in. I was hesitant to move on to another site at first, it meant everything I posted at 1up would have gone to waste and I really didn't feel like starting from scratch. It was like an rpg where you have put in a ton of hours and made significant progress, only to stop and start from scratch. But also the good times and memories would all be gone, so I refused to move on. I was living in denial right there. I also had a huge burden on my shoulders that relates to the night before that day, I still do and have accepted it with all that I am. It's something that still haunts me a bit because it is kinda related to 1up.

I eventually saved all my blogs just incase 1up would sink to the bottom but told myself that I would stay with the sinking ship till it finally sank. Funny how things work because despite the staff no longer active, 1up is still alive. I still check it from time to time in hopes of bringing new users over here. I like to think I was successful since one of the new 1up users happens to be on Pixlbit's staff right now. 

I knew about Pixlbit, and one of our former 1up members who now is a staff member at Pixlbit was welcoming everyone to Pixlbit. I know alot of the important 1uppers were making the journey there and I told myself I will too, but until 1up went down for good. 1up is still around, if I would of waited that long, I wouldn't be writting this right now on this site. But I'm glad I decided to join. I still stay in contact with lots of my 1up buddies through twitter and met some awesome new people at Pilxbit. If you wanna follow me, my twitter thing is at my page here.


I wanna say thank you Pixlbit, for having me, no for having all of us at the site, especially in our darkest hour. I also want to thank everyone from the staff that makes the magic happen here. It's also no coincidence that this year might be Pixlbit's 5th anniversary, well that what it said when I scrolled all the way down. Can't wait to see what happens. But what's next for me? Well I have blogs still planned, as well as a secret project that I can't say much about yet. I also plan to make a youtube channel for reviewing stuff like games and stuff. I also plan on redoing a challenge I made years ago on 1up since my opinions have changed alot since that list. And that's about it. So thank you very much for reading my blog and my blogs in general, thank you Pixlbit. Thanks for reading and...





03/13/2014 at 01:33 AM

I remember when 1up was reporting the site being shut down. It was a sad day indeed but at the same time I didnt think I did much but post some silly blogs on there. I have thought about bringing them here eventually but at the same time Im unsure. Im glad its still going even if the staff is gone from it, shows that a community can keep things going.

Happy One Year Captain N!

Captain N

03/13/2014 at 08:22 PM

Yeah I was sad too since I joined 1up at the right time during my recovery phase. I enjoyed reading and commenting on blogs as well as trying my hand at making some myself. But what I remember the most is all the great people I met, and that is what made the site special. But many of us made the change over here and glad we found a new home. And thanks, looking forward to all the good things this year will bring.

Cary Woodham

03/13/2014 at 07:34 AM

Yeah I was pretty bummed when 1up went down, too, since I had been there for nearly 8 years.  I'm glad PixlBit is around since it's the closest thing to what made 1up so great.

Captain N

03/13/2014 at 08:26 PM

Same here, this would of been my 4th year on 1up once May hits. But you're right, Pixlbit is the closets thing we have to 1up.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

03/13/2014 at 08:53 AM

I can't believe I haven't been following your blogs here over the past year.  I'll have to fix that :-)

Man, what a year it been!  I too remember the dark day that we all found out that 1Up, at the very least, would never be as lively as it once was (since I can't say that 1Up shut down at this point).  I migrate over to PixBit a year ago in February.  Best decision I could have made.  I really like it here.

Captain N

03/13/2014 at 08:31 PM

It's fine, there's still alot of people I still haven't followed!

And yeah I remember that day, it was a very dark hour indeed. 1up is alive which we can't deny, but it's a ghost town. But glad we all made it here. I like it here too.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

03/13/2014 at 09:08 AM

We're so glad you came over and brought some friends with you. Our much larger community is awesome!

Captain N

03/13/2014 at 08:33 PM

Thanks, I try to do what I can!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2014 at 09:44 AM

Sweet, you're gonna make Back to the Future IV?!

Captain N

03/13/2014 at 08:34 PM

Great Scott I am?! Naw, the closets thing we have to BttF lV is the game from TellTale. It's really good. But damn, wouldn't making BttF lV be something.


03/13/2014 at 10:54 AM

I think we should also send regards Michael117, since he was the one that told us about Pixlbit in the first place,

I'm very much glad I joined Pixlbit.

Captain N

03/13/2014 at 08:36 PM

We really should do that. I'm glad to be here too.


03/13/2014 at 11:47 AM

Pixlbit has been a good home.

Captain N

03/13/2014 at 08:36 PM

It sure is a great home.


03/13/2014 at 02:22 PM

It's been a year since I joined Pixlbit too, though I didn't start blogging until December. It's certainly been an interesting experience, one that I hope only gets better and better.

Captain N

03/13/2014 at 08:37 PM

It seems alot of us joined around February and March, but that makes sense. And indeed it has, I know it's going to get better.

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