What? I have to post pandas in order to get you to show up?
Quick Hits: I Haven't Been Around In A Week...My Bad.
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![]() On 03/14/2014 at 05:51 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello Pixlbit! It’s been one crazy week and a bunch of random stuff got thrown my way but we’ve all experienced having our plates overflowing that keep us busy, and this week it was my turn. Looking at my inbox there are quite a few blogs/comments/and other interesting things I’ve missed. I don’t want to go into detail on what has been going on, but I’m happy that the plate is empty, and I think I’m shaking off/fighting a cold, which, sucks, but whatever, it happens.
So how are you good people? Anything new and interesting happen? Anyone get married, have a baby, win the lottery? I actually had a blog all good to go on Monday morning and then the stuff hit the fan so that was pushed aside and is currently sitting in a folder. Oh well it’s Friday let’s get back on track with some Quick Hits with Chris!
Hells Kitchen Is Back!
Oh one of my favorite Reality Shows because there is a lot of cussing (even if it’s bleeped out), and watching so called “chefs” struggles to make basic foods that they should be familiar with. Don’t forget a cooking student won the competition a couple of years ago. This season’s batch seems to follow the recipe for cooking shows. Someone who is loud, one that thinks they’re pretty, the guy/gal who too confident, and the ones that don’t make waves. This should be interesting especially after both teams chocked on appetizers. Seriously how hard is it to cook scallops? I YouTubed it when my local Fresh & Easy had them on clearance (yeah I broke one of my rules about buying clearance food).
Toys R Us And Lego Pricing
Earlier tonight while I was buying a steak for “I Love Cow Thursday” (it’s cheaper than an Extra Value Meal at McDonalds), I stopped at TRU because I had a couple of dollars burning a hole in my pocket and I wanted to pick up a new Lego set.
TRU is now raising the price on sets that are a little more in demand. The “TRU Tax” is in full effect, and this is why I go to Target for most of my Lego purchases. I left empty handed because this bothered me.
Crazy Taxi on iOS and Android
If you haven’t heard Crazy Taxi is on iOS and Android…and FREE! Can’t go wrong with free! I haven’t tried the iOS version, but the Android version is just like the version I played on the PS2 between classes when I was a happy undergrad (I didn’t get the Dreamcast version until a couple of years later).
I need to tinker with it to see if I can switch the driving from the on screen buttons to tilting the tablet. Hopefully that is an option.
iPhone Updates
During my iPhone update I found that my Bald Bryan app updated itself, which is nice because it adds more drops from the podcast.
Speaking of Podcasts
I’ve been a week behind on my Podcasts but I’ve officially started to listen to every episode of the Jay Mohr Sports Podcast. It reminds me of early Jim Rome where it used to make me laugh. The Jay Mohr Show is full of laughs, some funny callers, and decent interviews. The inside jokes and the impressions have me cracking up. One of the topics that had me in tears was when they were talking about the Cleveland Browns, and it turned into Jay Mohr doing a James Brown impression and calling the team the Cleveland James Browns.
While picking up dinner I stopped at the Big Lots to see if they had anything new and I found
I already completed this game on the PS3, but for $4 I’ll give it a spin on the 360, right after I complete Saints Row IV (have I mentioned this game is my favorite Super Hero game not involved with Lego?)
A couple of days later while picking up lunch (I do a lot of shopping while buying food apparently) I stopped by the GameStop next to the Pizza Hut, meaning to buy one game but ended up with two
I originally wanted Wipeout because I wanted more free space on the memory card, and it was $8. I saw Batman and figured why not. Turns out a new copy is $20 but whatever I don’t want to go return this game, and then drive back and buy a new copy. The gas alone isn’t worth it.
I’m playing more Wipeout and Batman is ok. It’s nothing mind blowing.
I bought this game while lying in bed for $1
I played one level and the game is nice. The controls were at first kind of odd but after a couple of minutes I didn’t even notice them. I really should play the newer Deus Ex games especially since I have one sitting on my PS3 hard drive and the last one I played was on the PS2.
I downloaded this game
purely for the fact that my Backloggery was at this number
I added some new stuff this week to the library
I bought these on the last day they were on sale at Target. I’m not a Rick Ross fan, but after hearing some positive reviews from some people, I took a chance, and enjoyed it. The samples worked well, and there are a lot of artists who added to a solid song lineup. I liked Ashanti’s early stuff, lost track of her, and I saw this next to the Rick Ross CD so I picked it up. I’ve only listened to half of it, and it’s ok. I’ll get a better idea of it once I listen to the whole album.
Some Thrift Store CDs
It turns out I already own a copy of that Grover Washington album, and I found a 1988 version of Abbey Road.
At a charity run thrift I found these albums which are in surprisingly excellent shape
I like ABBA, I’ve never seen Mamma Mia, so I might as well check out the album.
I like the Broadway Cast version of Circle of Life. The rest of the album is ok, but I bought it mainly for that version.
R. Kelly’s Gotham City and a clean version of Bone Thugs’ Look into my Eyes. You can’t go wrong.
It’s Sir Paul, why not.
At Goodwill I found another Hawaiian album
Yup Children’s Stories in Pidgin for my peeps!
I added some digital music because they were $4 bucks and on sale at Google Play
A couple of oldies but goodies.
So I saw a story about this app on the news and decided to try it out, and spent the $1.99 on the “Premium” version.
I want to learn how to speed read just so I can be that guy who zips through a book in an hour. The app is interesting, and all you do is import an article and it flashes each word in the article with the middle letter being in red so you have something to focus. It’s useless for me when it comes to numbers but I understood most of what I was reading. I need to kick up the speed a bit to see if I can handle it.
I have a friend who works with the Angels and when I mentioned I liked the new batting practice caps he offered to pick up one for me. I got sent a cool care package with some of the older giveaways like a wine bag and a bobblehead. *
*Fun Fact: I love sports yet I only own four bobblehead dolls. Two from SDSU (Tony Gwynn and Marshall Faulk) and the Angels (Torii Hunter and Chone Figgins). All were freebies.
I saw this at Walmart and I thought about it…for the basketball
I don’t have a Kinect, I don’t think I will ever get one, but $14 for a basketball isn’t bad? At least I don’t think it’s bad especially since I bought my current ball for $30 a couple of years ago.
Ok Pixlbit, we shall call it a blog. I’m a little tired, and since it’s No Meat Friday, I am going to go eat a fish lunch, and then spend time with the the bed. I'll get to all the blogs/comments/other goodies in my messages hopefully later on today or the weekend.
That’s all for now, more later!