yeah that's how I feel about Square Enix -- it's like "What the hell???"
Really, Capcom?
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![]() On 03/17/2014 at 07:55 AM by gigantor21 ![]() See More From This User » |
After Final Round XVII, an Atlanta-based fighting game tournament (which was awesome this year, BTW), Capcom had a special announcement on deck.
See, Capcom had promised 5 new characters to join their latest revision of Street Fighter 4. After 4 of them ended up being transplants from Street Fighter x Tekken, I had high hopes that at least ONE of them would be genuinely interesting. Perhaps one of the long-requested characters like Alex or Karin? A character adapted from a different Capcom game altogether? A completely new character made from scratch? The prospects were tantilizing.
Then they announced that the character was never in any of the older games, or ANY fighting games for that matter, thus knocking out all the potential returning candidates. And that it was a character from the comics, meaning they wouldn't be from any non-SF games either most likely. And it was a girl, which whittled it down even further.
A lot of people, knowing Capcom, expected it to be the Russian "doll" named Decapre. Mainly because she looks exactly like Cammy but with a face mask and claws--which is right up Capcom's alley in terms of how much effort they'd put into all the other new content for Ultra. But Ono insisted that "only 4 people have guessed who she really is!" So the hope for me, at least, is that it would be someone more interesting.
Well, guess what? Apparently, Ono didn't pay much attention to what people were guessing, because it IS Evil Russian Claw Cammy. And not only does she look exactly like Cammy, but most of her animations are recycled as well. Between that, and how batshit insane her movelist is (teleports, Wolverine-style slashes and projectiles? Really?), she comes off like a bad fanfic character more than anything else.
Really, Capcom? The reveal of Spinal and Fulgore in Killer Instinct was far more exciting, and we KNEW THOSE CHARACTERS WERE COMING WEEKS IN ADVANCE. What the fuck?
Almost all the "new" content in the game is reheated shit from a title that came out two years ago (that had more than it's own fair share of problems). You really couldn't spare the money for at least ONE new character from scratch? Seriously? I don't think that's too much of a stretch, considering this is going to be the fifth revision of a game from 2008, and you're using this "new" content as an excuse to charge for the patch this time.
Between this, the disastrous rollout of SFxT, the DmC reboot, the Resident Evil fanbase fractured and demoralized, Breath of Fire being turned into F2P crud, and all the franchises that they've lost interest in doing anything with--including goddamn Mega Man--it seems like Monster Hunter and Dragon's Dogma are pretty much the only things Capcom has gotten right in the past few years. They make it so hard to have any real faith in them anymore.
It's amazing to me that they used to be my favorite publisher growing up. *sigh*