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Birthday Blues

On 03/21/2014 at 02:29 PM by Ranger1

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Today, I'm 45. The age my grandparents were when I was born. For some reason, 40 didn't bother me, but 45 sounds old. Whatever. I don't feel much different than I did when I was in my 20s, so Im just going to shrug this silly feeling off.

I have no plans for today, which is kind of sad. I'm 150 miles away from most of my family, and right now I don't have the gas money for the round trip. Jason is working, and although I'd love to go down for the session in Portsmouth, I don't really want to go down by myself. And once again, there's the gas money issue. Maybe I should just go buy myself a big slice of turtle cheesecake and some chocolate fudge brownie Ben & Jerry's ice cream and drown my sorrows in chocolate. Anyway, it's just a stupid date, Jason will be here Sunday night, and we'll celebrate then. He'll make me dinner, and we'll spend the day together Monday, maybe he'll take me to see Divergent, or maybe we'll hold off on going to the movies until April 4th when the new Captain America movie hits the theaters.

Well, thanks for letting me whine. I feel better now, and I'm going to go hunt Penguinists outside of Flanoir. Hopefully the little bastards will drop some penguinist quills so I can advance the story.

A good friend posted this on my Facebook wall this morning. Enjoy!



Super Step Contributing Writer

03/21/2014 at 03:04 PM

I guess we'll celebrate our birthdays on the same day now. Glad you are feeling better! Penguinists ... what game?

I like that song, even though the lyrics are depressing. lol

Happy birthday!


03/21/2014 at 03:24 PM

Tales of Symphonia. And the quills are a random item drop and you have to have three to make a special pair of gloves to advance the story. Took me 20 minutes of random encounters to get them, and now they're dropping 'em like crazy.

That song rates right up there with Denis Leary's "Life's Gonna Suck When You Grow Up", lol. Two songs with depressing lyrics that somehow always make me laugh. Go figure.


03/21/2014 at 04:21 PM

Well, happy birthday, in any case. Tales of Symphonia is a great birthday game. It didn't take me long to get the Penguinist Gloves, but I totally went blank on the solution to the Ice Temple sliding puzzle! Thankfully, I still have my original ToS strategy guide.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/21/2014 at 03:08 PM

I was depressed on my birthday too.  But I'm better now!  Laughing


03/21/2014 at 03:25 PM

I dunno what it is about this year, usually I'm excited for my birthday.


03/21/2014 at 03:17 PM

Chocolate fudge brownie ice cream makes anything better! Happy birthday!


03/21/2014 at 03:26 PM

Yes, yes it does! Even better is Gelato Fiasco's Dark Chocolate Caramel Sea Salt, but at $7.00 a pint, a little out of my league at the moment.

And thanks for dropping by to wish me a happy birthday!


03/21/2014 at 05:09 PM

I love birthdays by myself.  My wife tells me I'm like an old man. Laughing 

We're planning to see Divergent Wed.  


03/22/2014 at 07:50 AM

Yes, but you have a houseful of kids. I can see wanting to spend the day by yourself in that case, lol.


03/22/2014 at 09:20 AM

I also enjoy the peace and quiet I get at work.  Is that bad? Laughing


03/22/2014 at 09:58 AM

No. It's called "Sanity", lol.


03/21/2014 at 05:39 PM

Happy birthday, I've felt like a forty year old since I was sixteen so you have my sympathiesTongue Out


03/22/2014 at 07:50 AM

Thanks, Ashley. I'll get over it, I was having a "poor me" moment there, but I'm better now.

Cary Woodham

03/21/2014 at 06:54 PM

Happy birthday!  Have another power pellet!

I was bummed when I turned 30, but that's also because I was unemployed at the time.


03/22/2014 at 07:53 AM

Thanks for the extra power pellet, it made a big difference :)

I think that may be why I had a pity party for one yesterday, Cary - not having worked in six months and not having the cash to go anywhere.


03/21/2014 at 07:03 PM

Happy Birthday Tami, take solace in the fact that no matter how old you get you'll never be as old as me. :D


03/22/2014 at 07:53 AM

This is so very true, Oh Ancient One! Taking solace as I type this :P


03/21/2014 at 07:27 PM

It doesnt get better I turned 48 on March 6th and thinking im 2 years to 50 makes me sick lol!!!


03/22/2014 at 07:54 AM

It was a momentary crisis, Rodney. I think I'm over the hump and can enjoy birthdays again.


03/22/2014 at 09:44 AM

Well im glad to hear it after 40 its just another day to me but we all get here and everyone that does is lucky theres alot of folks that dont :)


03/22/2014 at 03:08 AM

Happy bidet!



03/22/2014 at 07:54 AM

Thank you, John!


03/22/2014 at 02:32 PM

Belated Happy Birthday Wishes!

I've never really made a big deal about my birthday, but I do make one for my little brother and he does the same for me. Just another perk of sharing a birthday.


03/22/2014 at 03:41 PM

My birthday last year sucked as well. I turned 35. The weather was bad, and I didn't have anyone to celebrate with. Oh well, it's just another dumb day, anyway! With that said, no reason to be sad about it. Life goes on. =D

That song is hilarious, btw. haha


03/23/2014 at 09:41 PM

Holy crap see what I missed when I was sick...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry to hear that you can't spend it with your loved ones, but cheesecake, ice cream, and maybe some gaming is still good right?...and it sounds like Jason has some fun stuff planned. Again Happy Birthday, sorry it's late!


03/24/2014 at 08:35 AM

Thanks, Chris! I didn't get the cheesecake, but I did have ice cream and gaming. Jason made me fajitas last night and we watched The Amazing Race, so it's all good.


05/09/2014 at 05:33 PM

why didn't you just play a boatload of games and ring in your birthday in the most gaming epic fashion? that's my life long wish to be able to do on my birthday. Buying games is one thing but also being able to just play and get lost in the action is completely different!

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