You made a good choice in avoiding contrast. It's pretty fucking terrible.
If only I had the mental capacity yesterday.
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![]() On 03/31/2014 at 10:36 AM by transmet2033 ![]() See More From This User » |
This may end up being a rehash of stuff that I mentioned yesterday. The big difference is that I can actually think today. Yesteday I had not consumed a lot of food throughout the day. This meant that when I poured myself a beer it affected me a little bit more than I was expecting. So, now that I have a clear head I wanted to write a bit.
Over the past two years the higher ups at work have told us to lower inventory for the end of the year. We did exactly what they wanted, at a cost. We lowered it so much that the stores that we supplied needed practically every item that we sell, but we did not have any of the product packaged. So we have been spending the past couple of months playing catch up and working extra hours. While there have been several benefits to working overtime it has cut into my videogame time.
Last year between February and the end of April I was able to fly through a bunch of games from my backlog. Heck, I was able to sink the 30-40 hours into The Witcher 2 to actually complete the game. As I said yesterday, I had just finished my third game of the year. I think that the worst part is that two of them were short indie games. Of course, that does not mean that I have been unproductive when it comes to videogames. I have tried out quite a few games, like all of the PS+ freebies for the PS4. So far none of them have really held my interest. Dead Nation was fun for the hour or so that I played with my brother. Don't Starve wasn't too bad, but it just is not my style of game. It feels like one of those stress inducing games. I didn't even bother with Contrast. Resogun is cool, but yet again it really is not my style. April's PS4 freebie looks to be right up my alley though, Mercenary Kings.
I did just clear out some space on my Vita memory card. That means that it is settled and I will be getting FF X/X-2 HD collection. I am still debating whether or not to get the physical release. Since I have practically embraced the digital realm on the Vita it wouldn't be the worst thing to have one physical game for the Vita. Heck, there probably wouldn't be any good reason for me to remove the FF X cartridge from the slot, ever. I know, such a stupid little problem.
Since I finished Strider, I only have one game on the table right now and that is Alundra. My goal for April is to finsh that game ASAP. I am not ready to give up on the game, but I am ready to move on. Plus, I want to play FF X.
I just took a quick look at games with definite April release dates. There doesn't seem to be much coming that I will be interested in. Child of Light looks as though it should be awesome. Those UBIart games tend to look spectacular. Hopefully Shovel Knight will get an April release. Especially since I should have been able to play it later today. If I were to somehow manage to get a Wii U in April I would definitely download almost all of the GBA games. Now I wish that they would release those onto the 3DS, the platform that actually makes sense.