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Fukua Me Once, Shame on Me...

On 04/01/2014 at 04:51 PM by Vice's Assistant

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Its weird to say that you hate being right, but yeah I kind of do. That's due to the fact that I'm usually right about bad things, or in the case of Ultra Street Fighter 4, things that turn out to be bad. Yeah, I did call that character was going to be Decapre but man I really screwed up by over-hyping myself. I do still like Decapre and I kind of still want to try her out, but the more we learn about how unfinished she is, the more angry/terrible/frustrated I and whole mell of a hess of other people are. The fact that Capcom keeps delaying a public demo of her proves how much they done messed up. I thought that my salty nightmare would eventually be over...

Not if Skullgirls Encore has anything to say about it. Enter Fukua.

Yes, Fukua is a clone character of Skullgirls heroine, Ms. Fortune Filla. Yes, the trailer lampoons the Decapre trailer perfectly as well as her character perfectly. But here's the wildest thing; she's not just a fun little thing that the developers whipped up for April Fool's Day, she's a playable right now via PC edition of Encore. Even crazier, she could be a real deal character that could be made available for the console versions in the community feels she's worth it.

Shot Fired, Capcom. This is the perfect April Fool's Day joke. A clone character that playable and free? I should be rolling right now with laughter, right?

No, I'm not. I'm not laughing nor smiling. Really I'm sort of crossed. I'm not mad that Lab Zero made her or saying that she took time away developing the other DLC characters. Hell, one of the DLC characters IS a sprite clone, Robo-Fortune. I guess my lack of laughter about the joke is whether or not its worth it. I mean, sure its a great jest at Capcom that I'm sure a lot people will get and love. But will that translate into people investing or reinvesting time into the game? That's what I really worry about. Everyone might get a good laugh and all, but at the end will people still care about it? It sounds vaguely familiar to when Skullgirls was first released three years ago (Has it really been that long!?). I was super sketchy about the game at first and ended up loving it. Everyone else in the FGC, however, largely proclaimed it "dead" after a few months after its release. Despite the fact development on patches for the game continued even with the problems that the developer's faced, most of the FGC wrote the game off as a joke. It really wasn't until last year's Indie-Go-Go campaign that really saved Skullgirls from just waltzing off into night. Even after that, patch problems (and the drama that got stirred with its former publisher Konami as well as the lost of a publisher in Japan) keep it from fully developing on consoles. In a short, its kind of weird that a game that so many written off as a joke is making a joke character when its still written off by so many as a joke. Then again, you can say that about a lot of fighting games: Divekick, Tekken Tag 2, Soul Calibur V,Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate (Especially the new DLC character Marie-Rose), Street Fighter 4, Super Street Fighter 4, Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012 Version, Street Fighter X Tekken, Ultra Street Fighter 4, The Future Patched Version of Ultra Street Fighter 4 that you know is coming out ,ETC...

Skullgirls Encore is an awesome game and this joke isn't killing my love for the game. I'm still going to write about the game, wear my two Eighty-Sixted hipster t-shirts (but really great tees I honestly recommend you check out) I bought to support the game, and don't plan on asking for my money I donated back from the game that I gave to its Indie-Go-Go campaign. Oh, I'll still play the game which is the most important damn thing to do to support it. I just kind of think that its a bit silly that a joke character will help drum support to an already great game. Frankly I think the better joke part of about Fukua isn't the character. Its the fact that Lab Zero whipped her up in less than month. Seriously, think about it: they made a complete clone character based on an unfinished clone character, gave her own colors, and did it all in less than a month. For free. Decapre isn't even done yet, and the arcade version of Ultra premieres this month.

Holy cow. Now's that's comedy.

Other Fighty Thoughts:

  • By the way, Skullgirls Encore is out in Europe now. You should totatlly get it, if you haven't. Now. Right now.
  • 95.That's the price that seriously making me regret and reconsider spending nearly $80 on the limited edition on BlazeBlue Chronophastma and DLC in fighting games in general. Plus, that damn thing didn't even have the two things I wanted: A FULL soundtrack and Kokone.
    • I should note that digital version of Chrono is discounted, comes with Kokone, and theme if you have PS plus.
  • SRK have been doing an excellent series of retrospectives on great fighting games you might have missed. Today's entry is over the Breakers series. Check it out.
  • Not exactly fighting game related, but this is what you should be watching tonight.

Consider donating to the Super Arcade Project, to save Super Arcade in California, home to the weekly stream of Wednesday Night Fights, won't you?

Find more fighty gaming stuff on my tumblr.*

*May not be anything good  on it though.



Super Step Contributing Writer

04/01/2014 at 05:34 PM

I need to get Street Fighter IV next Steam sale it has. Wish I had NatGeo for Rifftrax. Skullgirls looks awesome. Blazblue is how much?

Vice's Assistant

04/01/2014 at 05:54 PM

You don't need worry about Steam sales, SF IV and all of its incarnations frequently sell pretty cheap on Steam, however, Ultra is going to be your best bet though. Ultra will be the only SF IV PC game that will use Steam servers for online gaming. All othe versions of SF IV including Street Fighter X Tekken use Games For Windows which is shutting down in June. Something tells me that Nat Geo special will be on DVD soon, so hopefully you can watch that. Blazblue, at least the normal version, is $50-ish. The Limited Edition I have is $80 dollars. So you can see why I'm a bit miffed I have to spend more, to get what's already on the disc.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/01/2014 at 10:57 PM

Yeah, I'd be pissed. I'd expect that from a Capcom game, but isn't Blazblue another studio unrelated to them? I know it's the same people who make Guilty Gear, but the name escapes me. 

Thanks for the heads up on the Steam servers! I'll definitely look to buy the Ultra version then. That I'm guessing won't have as nice a sale, but I've always wanted to play a fighter online, so I'd be willing to pay more for the newest version. 

As for NatGeo, I'm betting I can stream it somewhow. 

Vice's Assistant

04/04/2014 at 06:49 PM

Arc Systems Works is its own company. It just had its 25th anniversary last year which was also Guilty Gear's 15th and Blazblue's 5th anniversary. Arc recently has been doing some rather dubious things as of late with its fighters. Its most imfamous was the release with Guilty Gear Accent Core on PS3 and 360. It took months to have the game released in Europe after an American release. Plus it took a year and half to upgrade the game to its newest balanced verison, which was announced right after the announcement of a digital console release. In a word, Arc System is just a bad as Capcom or Namco Bandai with its DLC, if not worst.

Oh and by the way, The Rifftrax Nat Geo riffs are now avaible as VOD on the Rifftrax website.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2014 at 12:14 AM

What's VOD, video on demand?

Vice's Assistant

04/05/2014 at 08:00 AM

Yeah, video on demand. You can download any video you buy, no DRM, or watch it on the Rifftrax website. Its pretty great.

Cary Woodham

04/01/2014 at 09:00 PM

I'd like to play SkullGirls at some point.  But I'm too lazy to pay for it, and fighting games aren't my number one favorite anyway.  I like the character with the hat that has the big orange arms coming out of it.

I'm reviewing the new BlazBlue game, so I'll probably write a blog sometime about my top five favorite BlazBlue characters.  So keep your eye out for that.  You should also read the blog I just put up today.  I have a big announcement you'd like to read.:)

Vice's Assistant

04/04/2014 at 06:54 PM

You should play Skullgirls if you do like BB, there are a lot of cues it takes from BB. Plus its heck of a lot easier to learn. It really had a very good and detailed tutorial that.


04/02/2014 at 01:46 PM

All the hype building up to the reveal and the character isn't even ready? What a letdown.

Vice's Assistant

04/04/2014 at 07:09 PM

Yeah, really its the hype that killed the enusatism for Decapre. Its kind of interesting to see a modern representation of how Alpha 3 Cammy was with some new stuff but if they didn't hype up so much, it would be so bad. Then again Capcom kind of is in a damn if, damn if don't situtation.


04/02/2014 at 02:00 PM

A clone character that was made as a joke to a clone character, which wasn't a good joke, but then looking it more, now it got funny and it's a joke.... jokeception?

Bad humor aside, great you have a Tumblr so I can also follow you there.

Vice's Assistant

04/04/2014 at 07:13 PM

Thank you, Alex.

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