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I been gone. Little update and WiiU VC...

On 04/01/2014 at 08:06 PM by asrealasitgets

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I finished up my play through of Silent Hill 0, 1, 2 & 3 and Shattered Memories. I've yet to play 4, 5 & 6. Don't know when I'll get to them, but I'm sick of silent hill for now. Not in a bad way, just can't handle more old school survival horror right now. In short. I loved the experience-- story, music, characters and world(s). I still prefer RE series more though that is certain.


Why does the word dissappointment alway come up with any new Nintendo news? I wasn't too thrilled to find out that Gameboy Advance games are appearing on WiiU and not 3DS this month. I am happy to see that the first few games are great though-- Advance Wars, Metroid Fusion, Golden Sun, Mario & Luigi RPG. However, I just saw a play through video of these games running all blowed up on a big screen and didnt see any demo of the games running on the gamepad, just the TV. I hope this is fixed. I don't want to play these games all blowed up on an HD tv, just on gamepad is ok for me. I want to be wrong about this. I will be purchasing Golden sun when it is available Mar 17, I think? 

Anyone else care about GBA on WiiU? Just me?




04/01/2014 at 08:18 PM

Like you I'd rather have them on the 3DS and not just because I don't have a Wii U.


04/01/2014 at 08:45 PM

and if I do buy them on WiiU, I will still have to buy them again if they ever appear on 3DS. Yell

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/01/2014 at 09:23 PM

hey hope you have been doing well. 

I'm excited to play Mario and Golden Sun, but I hope i can at least play them on the gamepad. 


04/01/2014 at 09:36 PM

All is good! Haven't been playing many new games. I could play Mario RPG and Golden Sun for a while though. Keep me busy & entertained. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/01/2014 at 10:59 PM

Do you already own a physical copy of Golden Sun


04/02/2014 at 02:20 AM

yes I do, but I dont have a GBA anymore or a DSLite which had a GBA slot. $8 isnt so bad to play on WiiU or on a big screen really. 


04/02/2014 at 03:09 AM

I just rebought the DS Lite with the GBA slot because my GBA SP wasn't bright enough. It's cool they're bringing GBA games to Wii-U and 3DS. I might go for that if a hard-to-find title comes up. 


04/02/2014 at 04:19 AM

I also have a gameboy advance player addon to my gamecube, but I can never find my gamecube, and I don't want to hook up yet another system. GBA games are better suited for portability though. I honestly cant play on tiny screens anymore. 3DSXL or gampad is the way to go.


04/02/2014 at 01:55 PM

Funny you should say that. I was just debating with myself whether to play my GBA games on the GameBoy Player or not. Seeing as I have plenty of console games to go through, I decided to play them on my DS Lite and experience them the way they were designed.


04/02/2014 at 06:02 PM

But my poor eyes! Oh god!


04/03/2014 at 02:23 AM

I know what you mean. I may change my mind. It's really cool on the big screen.


04/02/2014 at 08:20 AM

I've been emulating some of my GBA game on PC just to pretend it's a SNES and the GBA Player on the GC was great.

This is interesting but It'd be better on the 3DS.


04/02/2014 at 11:31 AM

I wanted the GBA stuff on the 3DS as well. I mean the games are for portables why not have them on your handheld? This would have been my way of trying out some of these games I missed.


04/02/2014 at 06:05 PM

I think because the WiiU is lacking games, and these GBA games have been blowed up so you can play them like a console game on HD TVs. Not entirely terrible idea, but they should at least be cross-play with 3DS like PSN and Vita.


04/02/2014 at 12:36 PM

It really doesnt bother me them being on the Wii U. The Wii U really needs what it can get right now, I know new titles would be more preferable but this prolly will help with sales some. Not to mention they were prolly thinking the 3DS has a pretty big backlog on games that it could wait a bit for them to get it.


04/02/2014 at 02:06 PM

Well, i'm one who welcomes GBA games on the Wii U and either way, I want to play again GBA games since I don't have my GBA anymore.


04/02/2014 at 06:06 PM

Lucky for you then GBA is coming soon to WiiU!


04/03/2014 at 01:27 AM

I'm glad to see GBA games coming either way. While I think the 3DS would have been a better fit for them, I'll gladly play them on my Wii U.  I think at some point they probably will show up on 3DS, but Nintendo is trying to shore up the Wii U somewhat so I see why they're doing it. I hope Metroid Zero Mission and Tales of Phantasia show up on the Wii U or 3DS VC at some point. The games they've announced so far are great.

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