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I'm the official "owner" of! (UPDATED)

On 04/02/2014 at 10:49 PM by NSonic79

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A Message from the new "owner"

Hello everyone. I’m sorry I was “AFK” for awhile but I’m doing my best to get caught up reading/commenting to all the blogs and blog comments from the various sites I frequent. As you can guess life has been rather hectic since I went silent near the end of February. But there is a reason for such that I’m now finally able to speak about. It’s very exciting news that I hope every will be excited about!

As late as February I’ve been in negotiations with IGN about the possible ownership of Apparently someone at IGN noticed how frequent I’ve been on the site with the blog postings I’ve done, as well as the traffic I seem generate with my presence on there, and decided I was the best person to contact to see about possible collaboration on’s new direction. I’ve been in talks with IGN representative “Louis Friend” about possible ownership of some assets that are directly associated with It would seem that IGN is resistant to pulling the plug on given how it still generates some ad revenue yet is not willing to assign specific personnel to help bolster the website itself.

That’s where I came in.

According to Mr. “Louis Friend” IGN is looking for someone to be kind of a webmaster to with some ownership of the content on the site, while at the same time helping to gather a community to the site in helping it to become a more “user generated” website. The details are very fluid and complex but essentially it’s that IGN wants someone looking after the website itself on a regular basis yet at the same time not be an actual employee of IGN itself (AKA not getting paid). Various scenarios were drawn up on what my role would be with, from being a “shadow partner” to a mixing of “webmaster+community organizer”.  All that “Mr. Friend” and IGN were focused on is that it had to be someone with strong ties to the of old, as well as someone that was still active with the website itself. Honestly the whole ordeal got so complex that I had to retain a lawyer to help me draw up the final details that I am now able to speak of: to put simply I am the new “owner” of!

Though I’ll be register as a “private contractor” with IGN, I’ll gain access to the website and change what I see fit with the approval of IGN beforehand. Though IGN itself will still retain the rights to all the “features” articles on, as well as all the ad revenue generated by the site itself, I’ll be taking full “ownership” of the “user generated content” that is currently found on the site. Yes you read correctly, I basically own all user generated blogs, reviews, and forum posts as of 04/01/2014! Basically I’ll own pretty much everything that can be put to words on In the coming weeks emails will be sent out to active and non active users of informing them of the new ownership change. By late summer we should have the proper code installed on that’ll leave a little copyright symbol (with NSonic79 annotation) at the bottom of any written content generated on the site.

Now before you begin to log back into for the sole purpose of deleting your user generated content I ask that you hold off on that. Even though I’d be given “ownership” of the active/non active content on, any past content found on the site from before 04/01/2014 is exempt from this deal. So you don’t have to worry about me trying to monetize user’s hard work and dedication in what made the of old so great. But instead it’s all part of the new plan to help active users of the site to be able to monetize their work.  It’s only in the beta stage at the moment but the current plan works out like this: Any active or inactive user of that receive the email that informs you of my “ownership” of new content will get a chance to retain their “ownership” of the content they created, with the incentive to be able to monetize their work in the future. The deal so far gives users a chance to actually earn money from their content via page views.

Remember that “ranking” system” that used that had little to no bearing other than bragging rights to your activity on the site? That will now serve to help tier the earning potential users will have with the new! Right now the currently formula that IGN is thinking about is for every 0401 page views an active user gets on their profile page/blogs, they’ll bank .04012014 cents on the dollar! It might not seem much (and an odd number calculation at that to boot) but think of it: No worries about how many comments you get or thumbs up you obtain. All that matters is that the content you create (with specific guidelines of course) you can actually earn some money from it all.

Like I said though this is all in the final planning stages at the moment but we hope to have the beta of this project up and running in the coming months. All I do know about the beta is that it’ll only be available to past users till we are able to work out the spam blog issues and tighten up some vulnerabilities with the website that could be used to artificially bump up page views. Old users that do get the email and beta invite will have till 04/01/2015 to reply to either sign up or opt out.

I know I could’ve taken control of all the user generated content on, more so given how I’m not getting any money from IGN in either work performed or ad revenue received, but I wanted to give a chance to come back again.  We were told time and time again that the community and the commitment that users poured into ` was what help make it so great. And as much as I’d like to claim all that user generated content for myself, I want to be able to give back to the possible return of the 1up community with this deal that’s soon to close between myself and Mr. “Louis Friend” from IGN. Personally I think only a “fool” would pass on this offer.

As the “Owner” of, I do hope I see a return of the greatness that was From the wonderful content generated by active bloggers to the sharing of ideas and features that could be covered, I look forward to the day that I’ll be able to officially make this deal known to the public.


As we speak the final touches are being drafted to this deal. Expect to hear an official announcement in the coming days from IGN itself but for now here’s a video of the “unofficial” announcement of my new ownership of!


And in case you didn’t watch the video (or notice the title of the video posted)


April Fools!!!!

I know it’s a day late but I didn’t have the heart to post this on April 1st itself. That would’ve been a dead giveaway…





Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/02/2014 at 11:06 PM

did you hear? I'm gonna be a rapper. Tongue Out


05/19/2014 at 01:16 PM

If that the case you better be sporting one of these...

Captain N

04/02/2014 at 11:55 PM

Dammit, you had me for a moment, and such a tease on my bday, thought my wish came true Laughing


05/19/2014 at 01:17 PM

I hope I didn't have you for that long. I did my best to give plenty of hints to show my love for an april fools gag. Still it would be something if that came to be.


04/03/2014 at 03:10 AM

.04012014 cents here I come! Yahoo!!!


05/19/2014 at 01:18 PM

don't spend it all in one place!

Cary Woodham

04/03/2014 at 07:34 AM

Aw, they should've let me run  :)  Oh well, you can see my new endeavor on my blog, too.


04/03/2014 at 08:33 AM

Maybe next April Cary.


05/19/2014 at 01:19 PM

I thought about getting in touch with you to see if we could do another co-blog like my Star Trek blog to your blog. But it was simply on the fly and I wasn't sure I could even get this blog up much sooner. Perhaps next time?


04/03/2014 at 08:35 AM

You can't just go making April Fool's jokes on any day you like. That's like anarchy. :)


05/19/2014 at 01:21 PM

I know I am sorry. We don't want random chaos when it comes to our time honored traditions of april foolary. But what's the point in being civil if you can't throw in a little anarchy now and then =)


04/03/2014 at 02:35 PM

You jerk! Where's my email?

Non humor aside, great April Fool's prank.


05/19/2014 at 01:22 PM

thanks! Out of all the sites taht I've posted this one, pixlbit seems to be the only one to have noticed the prank.


04/03/2014 at 02:39 PM

A whole .04012014 of a cent? Don't have to worry about money anymore! Whoo!

Or not, darn post-April 1st April Fools.


05/19/2014 at 01:26 PM

Actually I wonder how much one could action earn with that equation.Would you be luck to earn a whole dollar by 10,000 views or would you be truely rolling in the monies? I never gave that much thought really.


04/03/2014 at 08:33 PM

Niiice. Plausible. And too bad, too, because I would have jumped back on there and been rolling in the half pennies in no time! Tongue Out


05/19/2014 at 01:26 PM

If that's the case I wonder if you'd be interested in some penny stocks I'm selling right now....Tongue Out

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2014 at 10:35 AM

I got here way too late. lol


05/19/2014 at 01:27 PM

It's all good. Next year I'll do my best to be more active so I can be more of a presense to notice. I need to come out of quasi-blog retirement.

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