congrats! have fun with it!
Proud PS4 owner!!
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![]() On 04/03/2014 at 02:31 AM by MrUniverse_ ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello Pixlbit! It's been a long time since I've posted something on here. Just got caught up on some things. So as the title says, I finally bought a PS4! Ever since Infamous Second Son released I started to think a lot about getting a PS4. Originally, I was going to get the PS4 on launch instead of the Xbox One. From all the positive things I've heard with the PS4 launching and being $100 cheaper, I was ready to get it. When the time came to reserve either console, I was unfortunately late to reserve it. The Xbox One was still available so I just decided to get that. Besides, most of my friends were getting it anyways.
Want to know some of the reasons why I got a PS4 now? Well as I just mentioned, most of my friends were getting the XB1. Currently, I only own multiplayer games for the XB1. I had others like ACIV Black Flag and Forza 5, but I ended up trading those towards the PS4. Anyways, the only games I have now are CoD Ghosts and Titanfall. Lately, most of my friends haven't been playing which ended up me having to play by myself. Of course I do horrible when playing online solo. So those games weren't as fun as to when I played them with friends. I started to get bored and went back to playing my PS3. I didn't play my PS3 as often as my 360, but when I started to play it again I had the urge to consider getting a PS4 because I was playing the exclusives like Infamous 1&2 and the Uncharted series.
As I started to get back into my PS3, I really wanted to upgrade. So I figured, what would I do if I didn't have anyone to play with online on my XB1? Go back to playing my 360 and PS3? At this point, I knew I wanted to get the other next gen console. So I did a few trades and luckily I had credit in my Gamestop card. A few mins later, I drove home with a new PS4. I can honestly say, this console has convinced me to lean more towards Sony.
I always liked Sony, but I stood by Microsoft only because everyone I knew had a 360 and of course, I wanted to have a community to play with. Currently I only own Infamous SS, but I plan to get Killzone Shadow Fall and ACIV Black Flag(again) very soon. Reason I'm getting ACIV again is because of the graphics. I've seen that the PS4 graphics look slightly better. Now I'm not trying to sound like a fanboy or anything. It's just personal preference. It looks amazing on the XB1 as well, but I think the XB1 will be my multiplayer games console while the PS4 will be my single player console.
Well that's all for now Pixlbit. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm part of the PS4 family again and couldn't be happier! Hope you all have a great week.