Superstar Saga and Pokemon Emerald all the way. I never got to play Minish Cap on the GBA, and tried it via Android via emulator a while back...but the touch controls weren't responsive enough.
I dig this list.
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![]() On 04/03/2014 at 11:52 AM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
So we're getting GBA games on Wii U today. I don't get why Wii U either, but I'm not complaining because I LOVE the GBA. I've enjoyed it more than most systems out there (thanks in part to SNES games, but I won't mention those here). So I thought I'd give my ten favorite GBA games.
10. Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure
I had a hard time deciding between this and Sonic Advance, but went with Crash because, well, it's Crash. While it did not reach the greatness of the PS1 games and lacked any original areas, it was still a solid new Crash game and much better than Wrath of Cortex.
9. Metroid Fusion
While Fusion was too restrictive on where you could go for my tastes and had way too much dialog, especially for a Metroid game, there is no deny what this game got right. It still had that great sense of getting stronger, tight controls, and some really epic boss fights. That giant spider still gives me nightmares.
8. Warioware Twisted
Warioware was an awesome idea. Give the player just a few seconds to realize what the hell is going on and react accordingly is a unique experience. If I had to pick between this and the original, I'd have to give the edge towards Twisted, especially since back then motion controls were rarely seen in games.
7. Dragonball Z: Supersonic Warriors
Most will say that Budokai are the best DBZ games. They're wrong, it's this game. Featuring very fast paced fighting that captures the feel of the show perfectly and team system where each character has three different power levels allowing for a great number of team combinations, SW is the GBA's best fighting game.
6. Pokemon Emerald
A Pokemon game not in the top 5, you ask? Yeah, Hoenn was definitely the weakest of the Pokemon generations, but there's still a lot of good stuff here. The starters were all good (for the last time until X/Y), the gyms were pretty great, and it still had that addicting quality only Pokemon has. If only it didn't have so many water areas.
5. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
Ah, Kirby. Always in my top 5, but never my number one. Amazing Mirror took a more non-linear approach to Kirby games, allowing for a fun twist on the formula while making the powers more fun to use than any prior Kirby game. Just wish I could have tried the co-op.
4. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
For some reason, I could never beat a Paper Mario game, but adore the Mario and Luigi games. It was a unique mix of platforming and RPG design, where rather than have platforming challenges, it was more about basing RPG combat on the traditional Mario mechanics. The super moves were tricky, but fun to pull off because of this, making combat a blast to play. Add a wealth of side missions, fun minigames, and some great puzzles and you have one hell of an RPG.
3. Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen
This made up for Hoenn completely. Replaying the originals with updated (i.e. not crap) mechanics was an awesome experience. While Kanto seemed a little basic after Hoenn, this did not bother me as the area was still addicting as hell to raise Pokemon. Nintendo, please put this on the 3DS with online support.
2. Metroid: Zero Mission
My favorite Metroid game, Zero Mission took what Fusion established and removed many of the restrictions. The result is a fast paced and fun sidescroller with perfect controls. I didn't even know this was a remake until I read about it in an EGM, that's how good of a job they did of redesigning the original areas. Then that ending area they addded, so great
1. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
This is not just my favorite GBA game, it's my second favorite Zelda. Why exactly is hard to say, but I think it's a mix between how every item was being used the entire game, how much stuff there was to do in the overworld, and that epic final boss fight. Minish Cap is just a fantastic, underrated gem from start to finish.
My most-wanted GBA games:
1. Metroid Zero Mission
2. The Minish Cap
3. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
4. Sword of Mana
5. Golden Sun (which is among the games announced for the VC now)
6. Final Fantasy V (best version of that game available in the US)
7. Tales of Phantasia
8. Sword of Mana
Another game I hope Nintendo will seriously consider is Mother 3, the sequel to Earthbound (Mother 2). There's an excellent fan-translation out there, but it would be really awesome if Nintendo were to use that fan-translation, pay the folks behind it a small sum of money, and release it in English. Since it's Nintendo and Nintendo is notoriously protective of its IP, it isn't likely. But then, Nintendo has surprised me before.
Even if I had a GBA (which I loved all the way), I sadly missed some of the important games like The Minish Cap, Metroid Fusion and Zero Missions, Golden Sun, etc. Really hoping to get a Wii U soon just so I can not only play the game I used to have but also the ones I never had a chance to experience anyway.
As for my favorites, they were the Sonic Advance series (specialy 3), the Mario remakes, Mega Man Zero (first and second game) and the GBA versions of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 and 4. Atleast those are the ones I remember enjoying the most.
Loved Minish Cap when it first came out. The only part I kinda didn't like about it was that I unknowingly waited too long on one of the Kinstone fusions and couldn't get the Light Arrows. My brother managed to get it and when he showed me, I was less than thrilled.
I really, REALLY need to find me a GB Player for my GC. I was so stupid to trade it in back then ugh.
From my ratings on my collection it seems I only played 12 games, but I do have a few more either unfinished, or unplayed. I would say that my top favorites would be both Golden Sun games, FF Tactics Advance, Castlevania Circle of the Moon, Kuru Kuru Kururin (I also have the import), Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure, and Drill Dozer (even though it's the lowest rated game on my collection).
Of these, I own and have beaten Fusion and Zero Mission, and have rented and beaten Minish Cap. I have to say, I agree with Minish Cap being #1; I need to get myself a copy.
I actually didn't mind the linearity in Fusion at all when it released, because I was not used to the Metroid formula, so the GBA game was a lot more accessible to me than Metroid Prime was at the time.
Zero Mission is awesome, but I definitely knew it was a remake, because I was playing NES Netroid before it released via the Metroid Prime unlockable version. I like it a hell of a lot better than the original, that's for sure. I respect the original, but every time an enemy passes through a door I just closed and hits me, without my being able to move out of the way or combat it, I want to kill something.
You'd enjoy the Metroid games a lot, especially Zero Mission. Mario and Luigi I could maybe see you liking, it's less about navigating menus and more about getting your timing right, puzzle solving, and exploration. At the very least, I know you'd enjoy this jump rope minigame a lot and would love the Beanbean Kingdom. Wish Nintendo would revisit that area.
my wife and I still whip out the minish cap every now and then. Every summer I swore to myself I'd play that game on my GBA player and finally beat it. Sadly it never comes to pass. Perhaps when I move to the Wii U i'll see about getting this digital buy for future attempts.