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Quick Hits: What's On TV, Some Sports, And Pickups!

On 04/04/2014 at 12:28 PM by goaztecs

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Happy No Fish Friday Pixlbit Nation! I still miss bacon, but hey one day out of the week isn’t so bad, besides Easter is almost here…right? Anyways the weather here in sunny SoCal has calmed itself. On Tueday and Wednesday there was crazy wind, and it was cool enough for me to use a hoodie. Since it is another fun filled Friday, it’s time for another Quick Hits with Chris. In today’s entry I want to talk about What’s On TV, The US National Team’s new Uniforms and of course Pickups! So if you’re like me, sit back, enjoy that Fillet O’Fish (a couple of weeks left) and let’s get this party started!


It was breezy while getting lunch


Chris’ TV Watching


Oh Game of Thrones is back this Sunday. I’m still in the early chapters of the second book, so I have some serious catching up to do, but there are a ton of trailers promoting the new season. I listen to a spoiler free Thrones podcasts and there were some subtle hints about what to look forward to, but we shall see if this season is just as wild as last season.


Survivor has been getting interesting over the past couple of episodes and I’ve switch favorites from someone I couldn’t stand, to now wanting them to win (no its not the girl I mentioned last week. Still not a fan of hers). I can’t wait to see what happens next week!


Ok so my next TV Watch is How I Met Your Mother’s Finale. There will be spoilers. If you haven’t seen it, skip this








Ok so I was a big fan of this show, especially the early seasons, but the past couple of seasons were blah to me. I did enjoy the Final Play Episode, but much of this season I didn’t watch. I did catch the Mother’s episode, which was ok, but I wanted to see how this finally ends. I also wanted to see if they ever address that Danny Tanner himself, Bob Saget is the voice of older Ted. Well after watching the episode I have to say I wasn’t too impressed with it. It was a half hour of way too slow, with another half hour of lets cram everything we can into the episode. You know what would have been fun? Using that last half hour of storyline for this season. Each episode being a moment in the future would have been interesting because after all it is Ted telling the story, with the final moments of the Finale be the actual finale.

The one thing I did like was Barney’s reaction meeting his daughter. That was the best part of the episode. The whole Ted meets the wife, they have a life, and then she dies storyline feels like it ripped off City of Angels. It was interesting that they filmed the kids scene 9 years ago which is cool because they could have ended the story at any time, but the whole Barney and Robin divorce seemed rushed because they were good for each other, while Ted and Robin is just annoying. Anyways HIMYM had its moments where it was really funny, but I think Friends is still a much better Series.







**Spoiler’s Finished**



US National Teams New Jerseys


Last night the USMNT wore their new jerseys against Mexico in a friendly at University of Phoenix Stadium. The rocket pops/Dominoes Pizza looking jerseys are ok. I like the Don’t Tread On Me Red and White Stripes but hey it could be worse, they could be an Adidas team.


I do like that there is another logo behind the crest


This is still my favorite, and is currently hanging in my closet.


This is still my favorite…even the funky alternate baby blue.






Like I said in Monday’s blog, I was going to pick up MLB 14 The Show, and on Tuesday Morning, I took a trip to Best Buy because I had a Gift Card burning a hole in my pocket, and I knew I was going to buy two copies of the same game. After spending 10 minutes looking for a store display I finally asked an employee and when he couldn’t find it, called the back to get my copies of the game. 

Am I the only one who finds it odd that for a new game, they are not on the floor? After waiting a couple of minutes a nice employee came out with my games and proceeded to ring up my purchases. We had a short conversation about the PS4, where she said she commented on why Sony staggered the release dates for the PS3/Vita versions and the PS4 versions. I agreed it was odd but Sony probably needed an extra month to tinker with the Next Gen version.



I paid a total of $50 for both, but I think I should have preordered the Vita version at GameStop because while I was there I saw that the preorder bonus was some in game currency.


Inside the PS3 game I found something missing. C’mon Sony at least try, and maybe put a piece of paper that says digital manual. Anyways after going 1-10 or something like that in Topps Showcase in Road to the Show, I was drafted by


Sorry Royals fan, I decided my character needed to go to college and leave after their junior year to go 2-10 and get drafted one round lower by


I’m not a Dodgers fan, but at least it’s on the West Coast, and I get to play AAA ball for a team that wanted to leave Springfield but Homer fought it!*

*Simpsons Reference

I now leave my Vita on standby throughout the day because if I have some free time, I continue my RTTS game, then upload it to the PS3 and continue it.


So while I was at the GameStop I picked up these games


I’ve never played the original Saints Row, and after playing 3 and 4, this one is underwhelming graphically, but still over the top fun. I’m thinking of buying Saints Row 2 for the 360, because I want to have a complete run on console.

Supremacy MMA is a fighter where you can either tap the heck out of the screen, or actually use the buttons. This fills my need for fighting on the Vita, especially after removing Fight Night Round 3 from the Memory Card so I could fit Killzone (I already uninstalled it after completing it).


I saw this game last night during a Survivor Commercial Break


It’s a typical Temple Run running game, except you are in a car, trying to collect nuts (hold the jokes), and complete “mission” tasks. There is also the Stig who shows up every once in a while and tries to get you to crash


The game has in game purchases and I have to say I’m guilty of spending $2 to get double the number of nuts (use your jokes here). After I bought this option I proceeded to play this game for over an hour. I’m not a fan of Top Gear, and I don’t have the BBC to watch the British Version, but I do like this game. You can customize the helmet and car of your character buy using the collected nuts. It’s not as fast as Temple Run, but is close to Subway Surfers.




While picking up my copies of The Show, I spotted this in the music section


I was curious about the tracklist so I bought the album, and I found a couple of songs I liked, but it’s nothing great unless you’re a fan of these bands. What was fun was that there was a bonus disc that was stacked on top of the album, and it is a sampler of other acts on the Fearless Records roster. It would have been nice if the CD had a 2 disc tray but I guess that would have cost too much so they just packed it on top of the other album.


Some Thrift Store CDs


I haven’t seen a Heavy D album in the wild in years!


Some random CDs found at another thrift store. Who knew Charo had an album…and Frederic “f’n” Chopin




While at Costco, I was looking at buying a 4TB Hard Drive (it is around the same price as I paid for a 20GB hard drive while in college), I decided to wait until buying one but I did upgrade the 2GB USB Stick/Bottle Opener on my keychain


It’s a good thing I waited and didn’t buy the one at Target because this one came out to $16. Of course now I need something to put on my new USB stick.

Well Pixlbit, it is a nice Friday, and I will call this a blog. Have a good weekend everyone!


That’s all for now, more later!





04/04/2014 at 01:28 PM

Dude I been seeing you playing The Show on my friends list.   Question: were I to obtain a copy...being a total noob to the baseball sports there a training mode that would teach me the game? 


04/07/2014 at 02:55 PM

Haha yeah I've been playing a ton of that game. So much so my Vita is now on standby for most of the day. MLB 14 The Show can be picked up anywhere that sells video games. The game is customizable (sliders, and adjustable difficulty) and I think there is a one button hit mode. I'm not sure if there is a tutorial, but there are exhibitions, and HR Derby to play along with the Franchise and Road To The Show Mode. 

If you are unsure about it, check out one of the older The Show games. They're under $10, and the general games modes are the same. I was playing a bunch of MLB 12 The Show before making the jump to 14. 


04/04/2014 at 01:59 PM

They prolly did push the date back some to make sure it runs smooth on the PS4. Atleast it released on current gen first instead of next gen. I really want Saints Row 4 but I have always played them on the Playstation 3 so Im thinking of waiting till I buy a ps3 again and then nab 4.


04/07/2014 at 02:59 PM

Saints Row IV is so much fun, I was thinking about playing it again on the PS3 (I decided to tackle the backlog instead). Saints Row The Third was one of the PS+ freebies awhile back and that's what got me into playing the games.


04/04/2014 at 03:18 PM

I'd like to play MLB: The Show sometime, but I'm just not that into sports games anymore.


04/07/2014 at 03:01 PM

The Show is fun. I haven't tried the Franchise stuff yet, I'm just playing Road To The Show, where the only times I play is when I'm batting or fielding. Each games takes maybe 5 minutes so it's quick fixes of baseball here and there...or in my case I sit for an hour or so on the Vita, upload my gamesave to the PS3, take a break, and then play another hour on the PS3. 


04/04/2014 at 04:15 PM

Heavy D and the Boyz.  Half that group is dead.  That's depressing.  


04/07/2014 at 03:03 PM

Wow that's right. For some reason I thought only Heavy D was the only member to pass on. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2014 at 11:33 PM

I literally just had catfish that my dad got from the Knights of Columbus. It tasted great. As did the pizza in the friedge from Eno's I heated up. Don't think there was meat on either. ... I gotta be honest, I really don't see how any of this is a penance, exactly. As an agnostic, I'd love to eat this stuff on Fridays from now on. Oh well, I digress. 

I haven't watched any Survivor, Game of Thrones or new episodes of How I Met Your Mother  in a damn long time. Hell, I still need to finish House of Cards Season 2, which I started on Valentine's Day. I think I'm on episode three, maybe four, of thirteen? I am interested in GoT and HIMYM, but I could care less about Survivor ... and their seemingly photoshopped heads on their bodies. I know it's not, but it just looks off to me for some reason. Might be the shadows near their chins? I dunno. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, I guess. 

I actually really like the new U.S. soccer uniforms. Reminds me of the Domioes guy from the first TMNT flick

I recognize a few of those 90s punk bands. I might like like that CD. I do like the 90s. Lol at Charo. Chopin is the classical musician and composer Chopin, right? I'm not watching a five minute clip. Tongue Out lol

Have a good Friday! <--- See what I did there to make you more anxious for Easter? 


04/05/2014 at 08:12 AM

The whole fish thing has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with economics.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2014 at 11:25 AM

Oh I knew that already, but I'll click your link for yucks when I get back from the concerts. lol


04/07/2014 at 03:15 PM

Ha I knew it! It also explains why nobody ever gave me answer about it was bad to eat cow on Friday yet it was ok to have cheese on my Fillet O Fish. 


04/07/2014 at 03:12 PM

Haha yeah I always figured the church was in incahoots with local fisherman to increase business. Its the one Catholic thing I do (the Casual Catholic) and if I stick with it, it evens out me not going to church. 

Oh Game of Thrones started up again. I think it's going to be a good season, but like many folks I'm already starting to wonder who is going to be killed off this season. I should hurry up and finish the second book, but I kind of like the suspense and surprise of the show. Survivor I have been off and on about. I only started watching this season because of Cliff Robinson, kinda funny considering I never watched the season Jimmy Johnson was on.

I didn't know what to expect from Charo, but it turns out it was a lot of Flamenco Guitar which is actually not bad. It was my soundtrack as I walked around the neighborhood during the Neighborhood Garage Sale.

Yup Chopin is the Classical guy. I should have mentioned to just watch the first minute of that video. It's the scene from Tombstone where Doc was playing on the piano and one of the Cowboys was questioning his song selection. 

I see what you did there. LOL!


04/07/2014 at 12:48 PM

I kind of like the new jerseys, though didn't realize they were new when I was watching their game against Mexico. Guess that shows how little I pay attention to the one sport I actually follow.


04/07/2014 at 03:16 PM

It's all good, I tend to go nerdy about the uniforms. The white Team USA jerseys I might get. 

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