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The Unnecessary Evolution of Mario Party

On 04/05/2014 at 08:50 AM by daftman

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When Nintendo released Mario Party in 1998, it further solidified the N64 as the system you played with your friends. That first entry established the formula the series would follow for years to come: Moving around a nonlinear board to collect coins and buy stars while going head-to-head with the other players in minigames. Mario Party was a hit, of course, and was followed in 1999 and 2000 with Mario Party 2 and Mario Party 3, respectively, both for the N64. After a year off in 2001, the party moved to the GameCube with Mario Party 4 in 2002 and didn’t stop until the release of MP7 in 2005.

Mario Party 7 was the culmination of the series to that point. It offered tons of everything—modes, boards, minigames, characters. It even came bundled with a microphone for certain games (though that started in MP6) and included a mode that let up to eight players play minigames at once using four controllers (everyone got an analogue stick and a shoulder button) and it was a blast. Mario Party 8 came in 2007 for the Wii and other than the addition of waggle control, not much changed. After nine years and eight console releases, serious franchise fatigue had set in.

Mario Party 1-8

That's a lot of games in a short period of time.

2008, ’09, ’10, and ’11 passed with no new game, the fatigue no doubt exacerbated by the instability of Hudson, the series developer, which was absorbed by Konami in 2012. But 2012 also saw the first new game in the series since 2007. Mario Party 9, however, held some surprises for longtime fans. Instead of moving around the board independently, all players ride in a vehicle together down a single path (optional detours always return to the main path). Players take turns as captain of the vehicle and shoulder the brunt of the good or bad things that happen that turn. You also no longer collect coins to buy stars, instead collecting mini stars along the way. Minigames are triggered by events or spaces on the board rather than waiting till everyone has moved. Another change is the addition of boss battles, minigames where everyone works together to defeat a large enemy. These occur at the middle and end of each board.

The result of these changes is a game that doesn’t really feel like Mario Party. Whatever the game says, “boards” is no longer an accurate term. “Stage” or “level” would fit much better, a fact accentuated by the boss battles. Much of the competitive spirit is gone too, even though there is still a winner. Forcing players to stick together while traversing the level and giving them a common enemy creates more of a disgruntled camaraderie. And again, there are no big stars to buy. None of that is to say that Mario Party 9 isn’t fun. It just doesn’t feel like Mario Party.

Mario Party 9 promo

Coming next year: Mario Party Road Trip!

Mario Party 9 is the latest console release but there has been a game in the series since then. Mario Party: Island Tour came out in 2013 for the 3DS and pooped all over series tradition. Full competition between players returns but so do linear boards. You won’t be buying any stars because this time it’s a race to the finish! This game might as well been called Mario Party Race. Items are plentiful and have way too much impact on the outcome, causing luck to be a more crucial factor than any sort of skill. But the minigames are so dull that you won’t notice if they require skill or not. The silver lining is download play. If you have three friends (local, of course), you can all suffer together, which improves any experience. Perhaps a portable entry is the best way to try new things but the race gameplay never should have made it out of the prototype stage, if you ask me.

Mario Party Island Tour promo

As you can see from this picture, this is the game where Princess Peach discovers that she can blow bubbles out of her butt, so that's something. Must have been how they arrived at this game.

So what is the series to do? Stagnate? Die completely? I think Mario Party could benefit from looking at Mario Kart, one of Nintendo’s other great multiplayer franchises. First of all, Mario Party got into trouble by having too many games too close together. It was a common joke in the GameCube era that Mario Party should just affix the year to each title. Mario Party ’05! Mario Kart, on the other hand, has kept itself to a single entry per system and Mario Party should follow suit. Nintendo should take its time with the Wii U entry for the series and then just let it stand. Mario Party ought to be an event, a piece of software you’ll continually bring out to play for the life of your system, not yet another yearly sequel to roll your eyes at. That way Nintendo can incrementally improve each one without the formula growing stale. And there is certainly room for improvement and innovation. The boss battles from MP9 are really fun, for instance. But we shouldn’t need to change the franchise into a starless race just to keep interest.

Mario Kart 8 promo

The Mario Kart series began in 1992 and is just now getting its 8th entry. Oh, and it's had online play since 2005.

The other thing Mario Kart has been doing since the DS days that Mario Party still lacks is online multiplayer. Seriously, Nintendo, let us party with friends and strangers from around the world. That will give the game legs like no entry before it. As long as the core game is solid, that’s all anyone should need till the next system comes along.

Mario Party is a lot of fun and it deserves better than it is getting. Mario Party 9 is an interesting—though still fun—departure for the series. Island Tour, on the other hand, barely warrants the name. Moving forward, I hope Nintendo can give us games that do push the series forward while still being unequivocally Mario Party.

Mario Party 10 mock up

This is just a fan mock up but I hope the actual Wii U game is worth our time.



Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/05/2014 at 09:34 AM

What a great blog!

I'm not a big Mario Party player, in fact outside of a GameCube demo I played with my son a bunch, I've only really played 9, the one that is apparently an outsider. Your plan for one per system sounds like a good one, although I think Mario Kart hasn't done the best job of making that game truly appeal to "everyone." 


04/05/2014 at 02:02 PM

I lost a lot of faith in the series with Mario Kart Wii but MK7 for the 3DS did much to restore my confidence. I'm looking forward to MK8. It's certainly not for everyone—my wife is not a fan, for instance—but I think it has about as wide an appeal as a racing game could hope for.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/05/2014 at 03:56 PM

My main beef is with the single player. I still had a lot of fun on Wii with multiplayer, online and off. I still had the same issues with single player in MK7 that I did on Wii, but I probably just don't have the patience to get good at it any more. 


04/05/2014 at 06:32 PM

Well, judging by your profile picture, you're a very old man. And apparently not a patient one Tongue Out

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/05/2014 at 09:34 PM

Major Super Points if you know who and what specifically my avatar is from...


04/06/2014 at 08:42 AM

Pretty sure it's Gorbachev from the Cold War-era Soviet Union. I don't know where that particular picture comes from though.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/06/2014 at 11:12 AM

OK, you get 1 Super Point. It's from the pinball game Taxi... which sadly was not present at the Texas Pinball Festival.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2014 at 11:30 AM

I don't think I've played a Mario Party since N64, but working togethersounds awful.


04/05/2014 at 02:05 PM

Collaboration was not a good addition. Those boss battles are fun though.

Cary Woodham

04/05/2014 at 12:30 PM

I've played more than one Mario Party game, but I really mostly only played the first, and I think that's all I needed to play.  I have one of the GameCube Mario Party titles, but I only bought it because it was at a charity auction.


04/05/2014 at 02:13 PM

I really like the first one, no doubt because I played it more than any other. I'm surprised you're not a fan of the series. Seems like it'd be right up your alley.

Cary Woodham

04/05/2014 at 08:25 PM

Mario Party games are fun, but only if there are a lot of people you can play with.  And my number of gamer friends who can still play with me is dwindling.  Plus, all Mario Party games are pretty much the same.  If you've played one, you've played them all.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/05/2014 at 03:25 PM

 i played a lot of the first couple MArio Parties and they were great.  My friends and I had a lot of fun.  Lost track after that, and moved on, but I always heard the new ones weren't good. 

I'm quite excited for the new Mario Kart. Looks like so much fun. 


04/05/2014 at 06:30 PM

I played gobs of that original game and most of the others since then. None have been bad, except Island Tour, but it all gets very samey.


04/05/2014 at 09:11 PM

I use to go gaga with any Mario Party, but now i'm kinda normal about. I like to play the games and of course it's fun with other people, but that's my extent with the series.

Though I should say that ironically, Mario Party cause more friendships being broken than Smash Bros. (which ironicaly does the contrary, it creates more friends).


04/06/2014 at 08:24 AM

I don't think anyone got excited for them anymore, which is probably one of the reasons the series went on a long break. Having a bigger gap between games would help people get excited because it becomes more of an event. And it's amazing the reactions different people have to different games. A lot of people say the New Super Mario games destroy friendships but I'm never had problems with those games.


04/06/2014 at 04:03 AM

I tried one of the early Mario Party games, I forget which one, but I found the mini-games so incredibly simple that it just didn't hold my interest. I'd like to hear about which one is the best though so I can give it another shot. Maybe I missed something.


04/06/2014 at 08:29 AM

The most important thing you need to enjoy a Mario Party game is other people to play with, the more the merrier. It's rather dull as a solo affair. As for which one to play, I'm partial to the original because I played it so much as a kid (you have to set the ground rule that you won't use your palm to rotate the control stick though; that's the only game in the series that uses that mechanic) but MP7 is probably the most robust. I don't think the imprecision of motion controls do the minigames any favors in MP8 & 9, not that they ruin the games either.


04/06/2014 at 04:23 PM

I played it with a friend of mine. I wouldn't even consider playing it solo. I've heard from others the early ones are the best.


04/06/2014 at 08:42 AM

Damn I didn't realized there were so many Mario Party games.  I don't recall playing any of them myself.  


04/06/2014 at 08:44 AM

You should get one. It'd be a blast playing with your kids Smile


05/20/2014 at 03:39 PM

Perhaps the Wii U version will have better onilne integrartion with their MiiVerse setting or whatever they have on there right now that's working so well with some of the online connected titles?

I haven't played a mario party title so I wouldn't know. For me I never thought of Mario for party games. Two player perhaps but never party. The only exception being Mario Kart. That's one of the reasons why I made sure to get a 60" HD TV for Mario Kart Wii to ensure four player splitscreen was playable.


05/22/2014 at 10:01 PM

Too bad Mario Kart Wii was the weakest entry in the entire series (in my opinion). But if you have enough people for four-player Mario Kart, you really ought to try out Mario Party. It can be lots of fun.

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