I'm a big believer in fan fiction myself. I write my own, and I believe in people doing it. I think it's good to create a world people want to inhabit with their own stories. Writers who can't take it are bitches.
Darth's Blog, or: BrokeLeg Mountain
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![]() On 04/05/2014 at 05:00 PM by xDarthKiLLx ![]() See More From This User » |
So, as per a comment I made (belatedly I might add) in the forums yesterday about sending my copy of The Last Of Us to trade credit hell, im proud to report I got rid of it and my copy of FF XIII. I was a bit on the fence about trading in FF, as my ten hours with it werent unenjoyable. ....but when I think of the amount of hours id need to put in versus what im actually willing to put in...well it just wasn't ever going to get beat.
That's how I justified it in my head anyway. I've built a dodgy relationship with Gamestop over the course of 7-8 years, as have many of you have. And since day one ive hated the shitty trade value. But anyway. ....
I ended up using my trade credit to pick up the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection.
After hearing Big Boss sound like a straight-up pussy in Ground Zeroes (Kiefer Sutherland would have never been my choice) I figured I would go back and get myself the definitive Metal Gear experience, chock full of David Hayter. Im going to be playing them in chronological order according to story, so Snake Eater first followed by Peace Walker and then Sons Of Liberty. If im not sick of sneaking by then I may give the original ps one title a whirl. Actually...I seriously doubt ill ever get into the ps one MGS. Ive tried to on multiple whimsies and have never been able to get into it.
Ive beaten Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots...but back in 2009...and before they decided to at last add trophies. Plus...MGS4 is dirt cheap. I think im gonna get a copy.
Let's see. ..I also bought SMT: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Soulless Army via psn.
I gotta say, im very happy that I get the opportunity to experience gems like these from the recent past. The PlayStation 2 provided gamers with a variety of role playing goodness that is only rivaled by the SNES. Just my opinion, of course!
Ive only got 40 minutes into this SMT game and I can tell its gonna suck me in.
I have been binge watching Mad Men since I took my spill last Sunday. Man...the Sixties werd superficial as fuck, lol. Still...the drama and complex relationships these characters weave with each other makes for compelling television.
Game Of Thrones!!!! It's back on, tomorrow. I've read through all the books that Martin's published thus far, so it's really interesting to watch the show and see what has been changed and what the writers remained faithful to. I been reading some GoT fanfiction lately, and some of it is so good I have to stop and tell myself that none of what I'm reading ever actually happened in the storyline. I recently read that George RR Martin discourages fanfiction; if he'd get his ass in gear and produce more for us to read, we wouldn't be relying on other sources of nourishment, here. It's ultimately useless for him to discourage it though, right? The lore and characters of Westeros are rich and Marting fleshed out what he could...but what about House Lothston? What about some stories about the Dreadfort?
Fanfiction helps me scratch this itch. =)
Pete made mention yesterday of the Squeenix sale on GoG, as well as a badass Humle Bundle, so I'm gonna make my way there and see what I can see. I'll end this entry on that note!