Life continues to be fairly hectic. I am still making my way through Alundra in my free time. I have been binge watching HIMYM while playing the game. I am pissed at Ortiel again for updating Cookie Clicker's acheivement list.
I have taken advantage of Target's B2G1 deal on videogames to expand my 3DS collection. I think it was a wise decision because those first-party Nintendo games rarely seem to drop in price anyways. I grabbed copies of SM3DL, Luigi's Mansion, Kid Icarus, NSMB2, Mario Kart 7 and a second copy of ALBW. I had downloaded ALBW when it first came out at absolutely love the game. The reason that I picked up a a physical copy is that I eventually plan to upgrade my god-son's DS to a 3DS. If I already have a copy of the game to give him, then I don't have to worry about going to far over my gift budget when I finally get him the 3DS.
Alundra continues to be slow going, even though I consult a guide ever once in a while. I have put about 28 hours into the game so far and feel as though I still have a ways to go to get to the end. Thinking back, I want to say that The Witcher 2 was the last game that I put that much time into. That feels like such a long time ago...
Not much else is going on. I celebrate my birthday tomorrow. Last year I could not actually recall how old I was going to be. This year I know, it is 26. In some ways it feels like a lot of time, but in other respects it feels like nothing at all. Anyways, I have a brewery tour at Lakefront to look forward to tomorrow. I hope that they have Fixed Gear and their IPA on tap because I am craving those at the moment...