Hello everyone. I’ve got another batch of games I’ve been reviewing lately on this blog. Please click on the links and read as many as you can and maybe post a comment or two. I’d really appreciate it and thanks for reading my blogs.
Tomba 2: The Wild Adventures (PS3)
First off, I’ve got some good news, and I’ve got some bad news. The good news is that Tomba 2 is finally being released on PSN! It’s one of the best PSOne 2-D platformers out there. So what could possibly be the bad news? Well, they released the Japanese version of Tomba 2. Which I don’t understand because it’s a very text-heavy game and goals were not always that clear in English in the first place. I know that MonkeyPaw Games said that they had emulation troubles with the English version, and they do have a guide on their site for playing the game. But that’s still a poor excuse and nobody should ever have to play a game like that. You either figure out how to release the English version here or don’t do it at all. What’s even worse is that I read from some people here on PixlBit that the English version was actually released in Europe. I hate to give a game a bad review, but in this case, I think I needed to. I still recommend you read the review, though, because when this game first came out on PSOne, I actually reviewed it for The Dallas Morning News. And I found my old review of it online and I put a link to it in my GamerDad review! It’s a bit short, but keep in mind it was for a newspaper with limited space. Now I feel kind of old. I bet not many reviewers have been doing this for nearly 20 years! I guess you could look at it another way and say that I’m very experienced!
Yumi’s Odd Odyssey (3DS)
Natsume has released a lot of interesting fishing games in their lifespan, aside from the Harvest Moon games. Such as the fishing RPG series Legend of the River King. But Yumi’s Odd Odyssey is a fishing…2-D platformer? It’s actually not a new game at all, as it first came out in Japan on the Super Famicom. I actually played that version at a friend’s house a few years ago. If you like Bionic Commando, you’ll love this game, as you use your fishing line like a grappling hook to swing around. You can also reel in fish enemies with your rod, too! Only problem with the game is that it’s WAY too hard, but then, I was never very good at Bionic Commando anyway. It’s still a good game; you just have to be super hardcore to enjoy it. I also really like the character designs in this title. The ‘grown up’ version of Yumi is just so adorably cute. You know I’m a sucker for cute video game characters. Ha ha!
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Official Strategy Guide (Book)
I’ve never played FFX or X-2, but that didn’t stop me from reviewing the strategy guide for the HD version! My brother Jeff played those games, though, and when I asked him if he thought I’d like them, given my taste in RPGs, he said, “No!” So I’m going to trust his judgment on that. I think my favorite FFX character is the one lady who uses plush toys of classic FF characters as weapons. That’s so cool. What are your favorite FFX characters?
Reader Review: The Powerpuff Girls: Defenders of Townsville (PC)
My friend is a huge fan of The Powerpuff Girls. I like the cartoon, too, but he’s a bigger fan than me. Plus he has a Steam account so I had him review this new PPG game. Believe it or not, it actually has Metroidvania aspects to it. Who are your favorite Powerpuff Girls characters? I like Bubbles, the Mayor, Big Billy, and Mojo Jojo. I also think it’s cool that one of the Amoeba Boys has the exact same voice as Blinky the Ghost Monster from the old Pac-Man cartoon!
Reader Review: Escape Goat 2 (PC)
And speaking of reader reviews, here’s another one my friend did. It’s a sequel to an indie maze action game where you get to play as a goat. Sounds like fun.
Cut the Rope: Triple Threat (3DS)
Believe it or not, I’ve never played Cut the Rope before this. But then, I didn’t play Angry Birds right away either. I can’t play ALL the games out there, you know. I do like casual games like this, though. People may balk that you can get these games cheaper on a tablet than buying them on a console system, but keep in mind that not everyone has tablets and smart phones, and parents who don’t want their kids playing with their phones, this game is ideal.
Globlins (iPad)
This is a fun little puzzler that’s brought to you by Cartoon Network, surprisingly enough. Only problem I have with it is that it’s not a free-to-play game, but it treats itself like one. You have a limited number of times you can play before you have to wait for a meter to fill up. If I pay for a game, I should be able to play it whenever and wherever I want!
Eets Munchies (iPad)
This is a Lemmings style puzzler where you place objects on a level so a cute little hungry critter can walk safely about and eat all the food in the level. I liked the hand-drawn graphics and peppy music. I swear I’ve seen this game before somewhere, though. Maybe I previewed it at PAX or something.
Penombre (iPad)
And last is yet another continuously running 2-D platformer with a spooky theme. Why do they keep making these kinds of games? It’s all right, but I’ve played better.
And that’s all for now! Thanks for reading and commenting on my reviews and blogs. I don’t really know what you can put in the comments section here. Maybe if you find a picture of something you think I’d like or whatever, I don’t know. Later! --Cary