I really want to finish Ni No Kuni too. I like that game, but the battle system doesn't do it for me. I like everything else about it though.
BrokeLeg Blog 4/11/14
On 04/11/2014 at 03:48 PM by xDarthKiLLx See More From This User » |
Good morning Pixls!!
Err, afternoon I mean. Since I've been on the injured list, I've been keeping much more.."collegiate" hours. I think I went to bed around 3 am PST this morning and woke up around 1130 am in the same time zone. I feel rested, but it sucks not making REAL money. I think it'll be another 3 weeks at the least before my short-term disability kicks in. Thank god the ol' lady has a job too!
I like to do my updates and pickups in blurbs...here goes:
- i ended up returning my copy of MGS HD collection and putting that money on a PSN card. i'm really hoping that a version of that crazy EU PSN Store Easter Sale hits us Stateside this next week.
- i picked up Surgeon Simulator 2013 and Guacamelle Gold Edition off the Humble Weekly Sale. I'll give SS13 a whirl later...doubt I'll play Guacamelee as I've already owned it and nearly beaten it on PS3.
- got back into Ni No Kuni, gonna play it heavily thru the weekend. Oh, and my copy of Far Cry 3 is itching for my attention.
- i finished up the Mad Men seasons available on Netflix and have moved on to Battlestar Galactica. That's a good, good space opera, for anyone who cares to check it out.
- i'm wanting to rent the Desolation of Smaug tonight...we'll see if the ol lady is up for it.
- i'm not currently reading anything.
Have a good weekend!!!