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AFK: BaDs Mission Failed

On 04/11/2014 at 11:31 PM by NSonic79

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Time to come clean

It’s about time I finally get around to blogging why I’ve been “AFK” for this long. It just doesn’t feel right to blog again until I get this off my chest. Aside from my brief “April Fools” blog I haven’t done much on my various SN sites, besides commenting on other people’s blogs of course. But basically here is what I’ve been up to in a nutshell.

Interwebs finally kapoot.

During the last week of February my ISP finally decided to work at a snail’s pace. I wasn’t even able to DL the free DLC offerings of Burnout Paradise over it. Even now I’ve finally been able to DL my free games offered in Microsoft’s “Games with Gold”. It was so bad I had to file a formal complaint with my ISP. That got me a month’s credit of internet use and so far it seems I’m back to normal when it comes to internet access to my home. Hopefully they’ve finally upgraded their network enough during the 1st quarter.

BaD second guessing

I had big plans for blogs during February’s Blog A Day Challenge and though I had most of the foundation set for these blogs, along with helpful ideas for blogging by various commenters, I wasn’t able to get them off the ground. Not in time for the final week of course. Besides that reason being due to my internet woes, you could also say it was because I was having second thoughts about posting them due to their nature. The more I re-read those blogs, the less and less comfortable I felt posting them. I know that the BaDs are suppose to be a way for those to blog about more than besides games, but about anything that could put more of a face with the person that blogs. It was like looking into a mirror and not liking what I saw staring back at me.


Seriously! Look at this face! This is from only 28 days of not shaving! My wife said I looked like a cross between a demented Paul Bunyan and a wild Sasquatch.  She wouldn’t even kiss me anymore, not fearing for her life mind you but for fear of the upper layer of skin she’d lose off her face if my “epic” beard scrapped it away. Okay, in all seriousness that’s not the reason why I game up on BaD this year. I mostly found how despite me thinking that I’m a man of concrete stances on issues; I seem to be a jumble of contradictions.


I’m not one for drugs or alcohol yet in my blog entitled “Drugs in my Gaming” I find that in every game I play I use said drugs/alcohol if offered in the game play type. Be it drugs that help me be stronger, faster or just to drink for drinking sake I’d do such.

I’m a man that values life, be it born and unborn, yet in my blog entitled “Why I Play: I like to kill”, I find myself relishing in the fact that I am indeed a “virtual reality sociopath”. If my kill count could be attributed to real life situations, I’d be up for war crimes against humanity.

I’m a man that believes in the faith, yet in my blog entitled “Religion in my Gaming” I have no problem playing games that have a theme that would run contrary to my faith or have a plot that consists of me protecting/resurrecting a God or killing that God.

I’m a man that holds a form of respect for civility and respect toward others, yet in my blog explaining why I despite the East Coast/New England/Connecticut you’d think I was about to declare war on the whole area.

These themes are nothing new to me mind you. If anything I thought this would make me more tolerant and less polarizing when it came to such issues about my dramatis persona. Yet at the same time I feared I could get called out on this given how it seems that everyone is to assume you’re so polarized about any issue you have to be one way or another in all issues that are spoken of. Call it a momentary weakness but that’s what stopped me this year on BaD. Perhaps these blogs will see the light of day eventually but for now I think I’ll tuck them away.

Experiencing my own personal “Twilight Zone.”

As of late I’ve been having the most lucid dreams that I’ve ever had in memory. In the past I use to document these dreams on a blog back on MySpace. But with MySpace’s blog option gone it would seem that those dreams that use to come have also eluded me. Until now that is. I don’t know why or how they started up again but they are so confusing and odd I’ve found myself writing more about them than my blogs in general. These dreams are not only lucid but also interconnected! My favorite kind! The general themes are as followed.

Shopping for an old book written by Jennifer Hoyt about “Encounters with the Dead” and actually reading a chapter

Being at a class reunion only for my class to abandon me in some futuristic resort that has a mass evacuation of its workers, leaving the occupants to fend for themselves against something.

Female classmates making a business of home cosmetic supplies and having me quality control them.

And lastly, and most oddly, reading about “Peanuts Porn”?!?!?!

My wife is the one that suggested that these dreams are my own personal “Twilight Zone” given how it is me experiencing them and not just some dream persona.

Playing Catch-up:

To date I still have over 400+ messages in my pixlbit inbox. And I don’t even want to say how many I have in my IGN/ accounts. It’s taking me awhile to answer them so please forgive me if I’m still a month or two behind on blog reading/commenting.

That about covers what I’ve been up to but worry ye not, I have much to blog about so the floodgates should open soon enough, once I get a handle on things.






04/11/2014 at 11:40 PM

Well, don't worry about commenting on any of my back blogs. I get to a point and I can either read all of them or I can read some and leave comments. No need to make life crazy :)


05/30/2014 at 02:51 PM

I'm sure that day will eventually come, when I am too busy to comment on people's blogs.

but so far that day has yet to come! 200 and dropping!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/11/2014 at 11:43 PM

I dream about reading stuff a lot. 


05/30/2014 at 02:52 PM

I LOVE that when that happens in my dreams. It's where I get most of my story ideas. Plus I hope to have a Lovecraftian moment in my dreams.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/30/2014 at 03:09 PM

Yeah man i read some seriously weird stuff in dreams.  Very inspirational


05/30/2014 at 03:12 PM

So THAT'S where the immortal giant talking spider and immortal ol hippie came from!

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/12/2014 at 09:43 AM

Don't worry about flaking out on BaD... well at least I'm not too broken up about failing myself. You might not know that yet since you're still actually reading my blogs from back then. ;)


05/30/2014 at 02:53 PM

So I have learned the truth.

You must be punished.

Deliver to me your donkey kong cabinet! I command it!


04/12/2014 at 07:35 PM

I find your efforts to keep up on BaD blogs admirable. Don't sweat the small stuff mmmkay?


05/30/2014 at 02:53 PM

it is the least I can do given the awesome sauce that is all the blogs that came of that day. One day I might not sweat it but I want to atleast try while the fire is still in my belly!


04/12/2014 at 08:29 PM

its all good old friend.  though I admit, its always nice to read your musings.

What's the story with your eastern seaboard hostility?  I was stationed @ SUBASE NLON in Groton CT for a spell, back in my navy days.  I'd be interested to hear your take on the chowdah heads


05/30/2014 at 02:56 PM

I'm glad that someone enjoys my rants and ravings of a VR sociopathic madman. i'll do my best to entertain.

From the years of 2004 to 2008 I happen to leave in that region of the world. And for a time it was good, yet sadly I was overtaken in how many idiots I ran into during my time. and how progressively worse they came during the years I lived out there. I could go more into detail but I fear I need a whole blog to speak of my burning despising of New England and most of those who live there.

So you served at the old navy sub base? Interesting. I wonder how it was there during your time there.


04/12/2014 at 09:00 PM

I've been off here for a while. I have been really busy with work and life. Hey things happen.


05/30/2014 at 02:57 PM

I understand that all to well. I'm glad most understand too. either way I'm doing this for myself if only to show I can do it. for I fear the day will come soon when I'll be unable to do it at all...

Cary Woodham

04/12/2014 at 09:52 PM

I have strong religious beliefs, too, but many games that have contradictions to what i believe in don't bother me much because they're just make believe stories.  At least that's how I look at it.  Although I did stop playing Bayonetta because I didn't like to beat up angels.

I have weird dreams, too.  One time I dreamed I was a White Mage in a Final Fantasy game and the storyline for my dream was so epic it felt better than many existing FF storylines.  I think I even wrote a blog about it at 1up a few years ago.

And you should go and read my blog.  Because...uh...I said to. :) --Cary


05/30/2014 at 03:00 PM

I've usually seen games as a means to perform actions that are considered unacceptable in regular society at large. And that's worked out for me so far, there have been times I've been not allowed to play a game in my youth by orders of my mother for fear that it would warp my persception on matters but for the most part I wouldn't consdiered them a bother. it just seems that things are so polarizing right now in society that you seem to get jumped if you don't follow the strick rule expected of you if your for one thing or another.

Can't say I've dreamed of a FF scenario but I will admit that Tifa Lockhart has appeared in my dreams now and again....O_o! No wait!

Link to your blog? you have so manY i'm not sure where to look.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/13/2014 at 01:43 AM

I often choose not to post things I think are too volatile as well, unless I have a really good grasp on what I'm talking about, which isn't always the case, even when I think it is. 

Sorry about the Internet thing. 

Anyway, I think you're being too hard on yourself with some of these "contradictions." We're all hypocrites to some degree, but I think you can give yourself a pass for enjoying fantasy games that aren't in line with your worldview. 

Nice beard though, I think that's what's making you have Twilight Zone dreams. Even if you shaved it, I think The Beard still lives ...


05/30/2014 at 03:07 PM

The best rule of thumb for me when it comes to posting that kind of blog would be to see how much I know about the subject at large before I try to speak on it. If I don't know much or don't want to research too much into the subject matter I tend to leave it be. I try not to write knee jerk blogs as well but I do try to practice some civility and not get too crass. So far I think I've stayed ahead of that.

thanks. my internet is good so far yet sadly I now have new issue :(

Being a hypocrite is one thing but what bothers me is how you'll get jump for being a said hypocrite for the SMALLEST THINGS OUT THERE, espiecally if the have nothing to do with the subject matter in question. I get annoyed too many times when I'm called at as a christian when I speak of playing games taht let me kill when other christians or unbelieves do all they can to throw bible verse and quote to force me to explain my stances. It's even worse when tey use such bible verses and quotes completely out of context!

It just seems you have no groud to stand on anymore if you deviant even just a little but on a subject despite all that you know and stand up for it. It's like how people still trash Rush Limbaugh for his pain killer addiction from years past and ignore everything he says, even when it has relevants, just because of that one event way back.

The beard is gone, yet the dreams still continue. The latest was me sleeping with a skunk. O_o...


04/14/2014 at 02:55 PM

I've had some pretty weird dreams myself, maybe I should get around to sharing some of them. Hopefully it'd be interesting to read.


05/30/2014 at 03:08 PM

You shoould! I'm still debating if I should on there though. I try to have blogs that are centric themed like video game blogs on a video game site, general blogs on a general blog site, etc. I still need to document them again.


04/18/2014 at 09:24 AM

I think that's a thing about videogames, they create an escapism that would allow you to do things you're not suposed to do or don't want to do in real life.

I been there on having a mindset and beliefs but sometimes not quite following them in certain cases.

Ever since I was a kid, I either had weird dreams, dreams based on media I liked and the two were sometimes even combined. Sometimes I may or may not appear as myelf too.


05/30/2014 at 03:11 PM

Yes exactly! in the past that seemed to be enough to convice the majority of people that a game is simply that: a game! yet it seems now that such is not the case given the split views of people when it comes to the concept of games. is it fun? is it art? is it not art? is it too violent? is it too nasty? is it making women look bad? is it warping our perception of reality?  You can't seem to be able to enjoy a game these days without someone questioning the merits or worth of the game itself.

I had thopse kind of dreams too as I grew up. I got so good at the dreams i was able to deduce them in-dream to find out if they ere media influnced or something deeper. The media ones I either joined in, controlled it or ended it. The non media ones I just went along for the ride to see what it was about.

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