Dammit, I thought this was going to be a gangsta Rap.
Chillin villain spillin!
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![]() On 04/14/2014 at 06:10 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
Been drawing villains. Some of these are just modified from illustrations I did awhile ago. Frankly I think my villains always "suck" when compared to my protagonists. Maybe it's because I know these are the ones that are going to die so I do not usually bother to make them as "sympathetic" and "multi-layered" as they could be.
Yet I also think we live in a society that tries to glorify,empathize with, and exalt villains. The nuanced tormented anti-hero is all the rage and whille I agree complex and sympathetic villains are great characters there are times a spade should probably just be a spade!
Robby was the son to Principle George Mackley. As such he got away with "too much" in his youth and that spoiled him! Yet behind the scenes Robby was very devoted in helping his father hunt down and murder "freaks" who possessed paranormal powers. (Freak being the term Robby used for any supernatural) In his youth Robby bullied Ben and later on he,Nathan,and Charles raped Sarah and left her for dead in the Gutterdelve National Park. Robby at least expressed a little remorse over the deed when interrogated by the police but he never gave a "full confession". Due to his family connections and the lack of evidence Robby and his friends were acquitted of the crime and the case was dropped. (Much to the chagrin of those who wanted a semblance of true justice) When Sarah was later resurrected as a homunculus with amnesia, Robby developed a sick attraction for her along with his father and both of them ritualistically sexually assaulted her repeatedly to assert their dominance and to make her more submissive. Deidre (Sarah under a new name) later escaped but there was the possibility that she would become a mindless assassin if either George or Robby used a special word in her presence. Robby tried to trigger Deidre after his father was killed but she was able to resist her subliminal brain-washing and kill Robby herself. Robby expressed a twisted kind of love for Deidre as he did eventually consider her family and referred to her as his sister with his last dying breath. As a hunter Robby had acute reflexes and super agility. Because he helped Betty and George create homunculi he was also a very brilliant science student as well....
Here's Betty. (Elizabeth) She's the first boss fought in the hospital. It was revealed she was Liam's foster mother and did cruel testing on him & Kara before they were saved by Max Hemmingway. Because she's sort of a "mad scientist" I figured a job as a nurse would give her access to the equipment and chemicals she needed for her experiments. Betty was able to preserve her youth with a compound of her own design but it did not stop her from having a stroke at 65. (She looked not a day over 30 when she died. Her skin was as hard as marble to boot.) CRADLE would later bring her back as a "homunculus" with the ability to change shape and mimic people's vocal patterns.
Zipper-mouth is not in the game,sadly. Kind of a shame on account an evil "Teddy' has a lot of potential! Some of you probably know who the inspiration was. lol. Anyway, a lot of my villain concepts deal with popular types or semi-successful types. Zipper-mouth on the other hand is that unpopular invisible guy no one ever noticed. This is that unremarkable easily forgotten person who probably volunteered as the town mascot and maybe even ran the college newspaper. He hoped that he would be recognized for his intellect or willingness to contribute to the community but sadly not a single "Thank you' or "That's a good read" was ever given. An eagerness to assimilate into the fold quickly became resentment. Zipper mouth began to get a contemptuous thrill out of exposing people's flaws online. Yet when people found out who was being the local paparazzi peddler,Zipper-mouth's already fleeting popularity took another nose-dive. "They did this to me!" He thought with indignant rage. Dressed in his mascot costume,the disturbed young man loaded his shotgun heading for his usual destination. On that day Robby bumped into Zip and offered him more. "Shooting up a college? Small-time my friend. In another year or so no fucks will be given!" Robby's grin became a lopsided jeer. Zip knew he could have put a hole in Robby right then and there. Yet he was somewhat intrigued. "Maybe so but it will make me feel a helluva lot better!" He retorted in a muffled tone beneath the costume. "Dude, you have to learn to direct your anger at the right people. There's "true evil" out there. "Freaks" that have hell-spawn powers who deceive and manipulate humanity for their own ends. Why go out being a whiny emo bitch when you could become a true hero?" Rob's words enticed Zip just like a low hanging piece of fruit. After that it was a blur. Zip remembered getting hit in the back of his head with an aluminum bat. He remembered being kicked and beaten on the ground until his organs were ruptured and his ribs were broken. The pain and eternal bleeding were intense. Then came sweet nothing,an end to all the pain. Zip was dead.Well, he was dead for a little while. Somehow "they" had brought him back. It had all been some sort of strange macabre initiation. But for the first time Zip felt accepted. "This is your big day,Zip! All you have to do is help us kill these freaks!" Robby handed Zip the pictures. Dwayne Redding, Kara Hemmingway,Liam Hemmingway,Amy O'sheely, and Ben O'Sheely. It was fine. Zip had grown to loathe them all. "I'll do it!" he rasped beneath the mascot costume he was still wearing. Zip was only another shambling homunculi, a mere disposable pawn on the chess board. But he was too busy swimming in his own delusions of grandeur to even care....
Charles is the typical frat-jock bully. More than anyone else,he was always at Robby's side and had a love for malicous pranks and seeing people suffer. The root of Charle's psychosis is unknown as he did have a loving family and was popular in school. In other words, he had no reason to turn out to be a bad egg but maybe it can be chalked up to the company he kept! As a hunter Charles gained the ability to make objects molecularly unstable. His favorite weapons were exploding baseballs. After Charles died on a hunt, his conciousness was used as the nightmare vault's "brain" that trapped the protagonists in a pseudo alternate reality...
George Mackley was the principal of Gutterdelve high and seems to have a grudge against the Redding family that traces back to Dwayne's father. Reputedely Jason Redding and George loved the same woman and when she chose Jason, George festered with a jealous envious rage. Unbeknowst to most, George was a hunter connected to Cradle. One night George drove through the park and hit Diane and Jason with his truck when they were having a romantic picnic. Jason was paralyzed from the waist down and Diane died in Jason's arms. Through a corrupt paid off jury George got off easy on the charges of "involuntary man slaughter". Later George helped in making Sarah into a homunculus and likewise taught his son Robby how to slaughter supernaturals. Liam and Dwayne confront George as he is threatening to kill Max Hemmingway. Before anything can be done, George injects himself with a "necro-serum" that mutates him into a monster. However, due to the serum's unstable reaction to living tissue,George eventually dies leaving behind his son Robby who swears revenge. As a hunter George was not imbued with any powers per se, but he was a good strategist,scentist,weapons expert, and tracker. He and Betty may have been lovers but this is neither confirmed or denied.
Nathan was not so much sadistic as much as he was apathetic and sycophantic. He went along with Robby and Charles mainly because they were "popular" and he wanted to be popular too. Seeing CRADLE as an elite VIP club he gladly threw in his lot just to be a winner. When given his "holy gift", Nathan discovered he could sway the masses effortlessly with his charisma and make people change their minds with a little coaxing. This was used to get CRADLE out of many a jam with the local law enforcement agencies. Like Charles, Nathan got careless on a hunt and was killed by the supernaturals they were pursuing at that time. When brought back as a homunculus Nathan's mind control powers were increased exponentially but his personality was altered into a flamboyant masked actor with a flare for big words and dramatic speeches. Nathan manages to kidnap Ben's sister Amy but is fortunately thwarted before he can do harm to anyone....