Xenogears is so awesome. I have never beat it though, very long game, lol. The battle system is what I like about it, the story is pretty good as well. In the battle system you create combos and can link them together. Even when you get a mech, it has it's own combos. I need to pull that disc out of storage...
BrokeLeg Blog 4/15/14
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![]() On 04/15/2014 at 05:58 PM by xDarthKiLLx ![]() See More From This User » |
Here we go with another BrokeLeg Blog!
- This week is Spring Break, and it's my son's first EVER. He's having a good ol' time just hanging out, playing with his mountain of toys and watching the various animated shows he watches. I'm stocked and loaded for bear: plenty of Stouffer's French Bread pizzas and a veritable ammo dumps-worth of Capri Sun drinks, so he's wanting for nothing. He's been mellow through yesterday and today, which is all any parent can really ask for on Spring Break.
- I continue playing Ni No Kuni, mopping up a few errands here and there. Believe it or not I don't really think the story is anything to write home about. Save the world, yaddah yaddah yaddah. The battle system stinks a bit, but lately I've been filling up my bottomless bag with goodies pilfered from baddies via Swaine's mugshot ability. I also morphed a bunch of familiars into their second forms. Not sure why I did it, as I don't really use anything but the standard familiars each character gets at the beginning. The "catchemall fever" doesn't grip me here like it does in the Pokemon games; maybe it has something to do with the randomized nature of catch opportunities. I'd rather use a poke ball.
- I downloaded Legend Of Mana, Spyro The Dragon, Xenogears and Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night late last night. After reading the Alundra retro review I keep seeing on Pixlbit's front page I decided that I never gave the original Playstation its due, and that these games are a good starting point to pay homage. I'm also at a crossroads that I was hoping to get opinions on....should I buy Breath Of Fire IV or Chrono Cross? How about Chrono Trigger? Sadly I've never played any of these games, but I want to. My funding is limited, so I can't go on a mad spree and get all three. I can afford two of the last three titles I mentioned.
- Another Humble Android Bundle has netted me R-Type II, Bag It and Aralon: Sword & Shadow HD. I've already loaded Bag It onto my phone, and am gonna give it a whirl shortly. Maybe a review is in order, on my part....
- I'm nearly done watching Battlestar Galactica, with 3 episodes left. The heavy drama and posturing by all the cast is beginning to wear thin on me; I liked it much better when the humans and Cylon were enemies. The first 2 seasons were definitely the high point for this incarnation of the series. Once I'm done I'm definitely going to check out the spinoff series Caprica.
- I added a few new shows to Netflix Instant Streaming queue yesterday, most notably Terra Nova and Doctor Who. Terra Nova has dinosaurs in it; I guess it's about a dystopian future that sucks. Humans have scorched the atmosphere and made it nigh unbreathable, and population control has been imposed, stipulating that no family can have more than 2 kids. Terra Nova's protagonist family breaks this last rule, and sets the events of the show in motion. As for Doctor Who....well I don't know what to expect. It looks like lots of people watch it, so I'm gonna check it out!