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The Highlander needs a Reboot... and A Game

On 04/16/2014 at 05:29 PM by V4Viewtiful

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For all thoughs who don't know (or have been living under a rock) The Highlander is about a Scotsman killed by a Barbarian but discovers he is immortal.

The story goes a few handred humans at a time discover they're imortal after their first unnatual/violent death (you can die of old age but disease hasn't been adressed yet), Immortals can only ever die once their head is removed and this result in what is called a "Quickening", the energy keeping the immortals alive is absorbed by nearby (or the opponent) Immortal with this they gain strength, faster reflexes and sharper sense (the sharper senses can adapt to the Immortals personal atributes, like seeing ghosts, precognition etc). Immortals can sense other Immortals through the mentioned quickening, depending on the age or power of the Immortal the intensity varies and feels like a very loud noise in your head numbing your body if they aren't strong enough and immortals are infertile

The one rule all Imortals must obey without question is this "No fighting or holding weapons on Holy Ground" (any), in the first film it was a mysterious superstition in the anime? Struck by lightening.

Most if not all Immortals die in battle or a fight of some kind and so all immortals have an urge to fight and be the very last immortal to win the Ultimate prize, hense the phrase...

"There Can Be Only One"

The Ultimate Prize is unknown, it could be the power of god, the entire knowledge of the world (it's that), grant back you mortality (that too), or allow you to transend to a higher plain of existence.

For those who know I didn't want to talk about the first movie because I didn't wat to Spoil anything but for anyone else, The guy that voiced Lex Luthor in the Cartoons is in it as well as Sean Connery playing a Egyptian Spaniard, If that doesn't get you to watch it, I can only be ashamed of you.



Anyway I bring this all up because I recently watched the anime reboot The Search for Vengeance about the main hero of the series Collin McCloud tracking down the Roman Marcus Octavius for destroying his clan and his wife. And it occured to me we can do soo much with a new movie reboot.

Like better choreography, better effects. we could see how immortality affects different people or discover who was an immortal through history, reinvent the Highlander story like the anime did actually display the potenially magnificant power of an Immortal. I just feel they've forgotten this series and the only good one since the first one was the anime and that's sad.

Bringling back this classic franchise and giving it an update seems right and the name recognition and movie environmet is ripe for it.


A Game

With the rules and condition I've written above it occured to me you could make a decent action game from it like the Legend of  Zelda or MG:Revengeace with Leveling up elements as well.

The game can play through several centuries aquiring new fighting skills or weapons you can store in one location so every century you can retain what you've collected.

The RPG elements can be allocated to strength, senses, reflexes and fighting technique, durability and intelligence. depending on what you imrove the most can change you ending, also if an immortal is at a higher level enough it can actively weaken you. Maintaining your weapon every century. Improving your senses means you can discover ghosts to help you out, find weapons, items people etc.

Death can play as a mechanic, every Death can improve one stat but another fails or decreases, I wouldn't know what though.

A story aspect is seeing characters you form a bond with age and get reincarnated as the game goes on and you can team up with other immortals if need be and fight with them over time till you have to fight them next, A friend can turn into an enemy and vice versa. All of the above can alter your ending.


So what do you guys think, do you want the game, a movie or both, what are your Ideas?


This is V saying "It's Better To Burn Out Then To Fade Away!"



Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/16/2014 at 05:41 PM

I remember first watching this movie with my dad when I was a kid and going "Holy hell!"

There were decapitations.  There were boobs.  There was Sean Connery.  Great film.  I would love to play a game version. 


04/17/2014 at 02:04 PM

I recently bought he BluRay of Highlander a mouth ago on sale, so much win.


04/16/2014 at 06:05 PM

I loved the movie and followed the series very closely for a while. It would make a cool video game if it was done properly but what are the chances?


04/17/2014 at 02:06 PM

I watched all the movies but the second one but after a scolding review i've been afriad to Tongue Out


04/16/2014 at 06:13 PM

I'd like to see how immortality and the quickening could be unique for each immortal too. Perhaps some could be more like powerful sorcerrors hurling lightning bolts or psychics that fight with floating blades! Funny you bring up the anime remake....I was watching it recently as well!


04/17/2014 at 02:23 PM

That's what I was thinking, the quickening can give the immortals different powers, explain legends like vampires or werewolves. And explore different fighting styles as well, it'll be crazy! MGS Crazy!!

Cary Woodham

04/16/2014 at 07:22 PM

Never got into the movies, but my roommate in college loved the TV series so I had to watch it sometimes.  I remember it had a lot of flashbacks and had the same basic plot every time, like a Popeye cartoon.


04/17/2014 at 02:39 PM

I didn't watch a lot of the show so I can only vaguely recall, but a lot of the cool factor of Highlander is retelling an old story but in different ways, Like an Immortal is some able to be reincarnated just to fight one Immortal so he doesn't win the prize or something.

That's the best thing about Highlander, old can be renewed.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/16/2014 at 11:48 PM

I still need to watch the first one. 


04/17/2014 at 06:01 AM

Well hurry up, then!


04/17/2014 at 11:53 AM

I knew of the movies and TV show, but I wasn't a fan. I do think the Highlander story would make a good video game. 


04/17/2014 at 05:01 PM

The possibilities are there, it's just finding the right studio and approach to the game. It could go Dark Soul's or revengeance or a combination.

I barely remember the TV show myself.


04/17/2014 at 03:11 PM

Apparently there is a Highlander remake in the works and filming begins this year! Clancy Brown, who was the Kurgan in Highlander has done a lot of voice work for tv, film, and video games. He was Hades in God of War III. So if this remake gets made, it would be really cool as a video game too. Maybe it could be a bit like The Witcher?


04/17/2014 at 04:50 PM

Yeah I know, he has such a recognizable voice, a damn good actor all around.

I didn't know they where rebooting this year (i had heard it was in the works for years but it never took off) thanks for telling me.

Fingers crossed.Surprised


04/18/2014 at 03:17 PM

Yea, the wiki page says it's back in production after various people quit the project in previous years. Who knows if it will finally get released. Hollywood seems to have loads of projects in the works that never get finished. I got my fingers crossed for this one.


04/17/2014 at 03:39 PM

A highlander MMO would be cool with everybody competing for the ultimate prize. Almost like the book Ready Player One if you have read that.


04/17/2014 at 04:56 PM

That's a wicked Idea! You can do friendly matches to win people's stuff and increase your stats or you can challenge to the death and risk beheading to increase your rank/level.

So much potential.


04/18/2014 at 10:24 AM

Highlander, very much a great film. I think your ideas would help to really revive the franchise.


06/11/2014 at 03:56 PM

I thought they are rebooting this franchise with the movie Reboot of Highlander starring Ryan Renyolds as Colin McCloud.

Give it time adn I'm sure they'll make a game out of it. Anything to wipe away the stain that was Highlander: The Source...


06/11/2014 at 08:45 PM

Ha, love that review Laughing

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