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RETROspective: Genesis Mascots

On 04/17/2014 at 11:57 AM by The Last Ninja

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They may not be around today, but these guys dominated Sega's second console

When you think of video game mascots, you usually think of Nintendo; after all, they have had tons of mascots throughout the years (even having a series with all those mascots duking it out, the Super Smash Bros. series). However, back in the day, a little console named the Sega Genesis had quite a few mascots. These characters either started on the Genesis or were made famous on the console. Most of these characters are gone today, but they starred in some great games in the 90s, games which could only be played on the Genesis. Today we pay homage to these nearly forgotten characters, and analyze why they attained such great status. This time Sega gets the spotlight, not Nintendo.


pic 1

First appeared: 1987, Shinobi (Arcade)

Developer: Sega

Total games on Genesis: 3

Shinobi started as an awesome arcade game and grew from there. Three very cool Shinobi games were released for the Genesis, all of them being good. The term "Shinobi" simply means "male ninja." Joe Musashi was the name of the ninja himself, and this dude was awesome! He could double jump, throw shuriken, fight with a long katana, wall jump, and even use ninja powers! And he did all of this in a white uniform--classy! Shinobi disappeared after the Genesis days, only to re-emerge on the PS2 in a crazy 3D action game. Most recently he starred in his own game on the 3DS, developed by Griptonite Games. Let's hope this means that the Shinobi series will continue, and not disappear like a vanishing assassin.

Golden Axe Cast

pic 2

First appeared: 1989, Golden Axe (Arcade)

Developer: Sega

Total games of Genesis: 3

This series of beat 'em up games stars three main characters: Ax Battler (buff barbarian), Tyris Flare (hot chick with a sword), and Gilius Thunderhead (axe-wielding dwarf). Together they slice and dice their way to get to the evil Death Adder. Sadly, they only appear in the first two games together to vanquish evil; Golden Axe 3 only has Gilius out of the three original, but he isn't a playable character. Still, the Golden Axe games helped the Genesis to be a console with some seriously fun and awesome games on it. The most recent game in the series is Golden Axe: Beast Rider (2008), which stars Tyris, but the game did not do well. Perhaps we've seen the last of these three noble warriors.


pic 3

First appeared: 1991, Sonic the Hedgehog

Developer: Sega

Total games on Genesis: 6

By far Sonic has the most games of any character on the Genesis; he quickly became Sega's main mascot. Sonic's main things were speed and attitude, two things which other developers tried to imitate, but most failed miserably. Sonic became the main competition for Mario, who had been unrivaled to this point. Suddenly Mario was slow and stupid and Sonic was fast and awesome (atleast that's what the commercials said). Sonic has managed to live on, although many of his games are not that good, unlike that old rival Mario, who keeps pumping out great titles. But we have to give Sonic credit; he bore the burden of the Genesis on his shoulders, and he did it in style.

Toejam & Earl

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First appeared: 1991, Toejam & Earl

Developer: Johnson Voorsanger Productions

Total games on Genesis: 2

These totally rad aliens have crash-landed on earth and must find all the parts of their ship in order to escape. The two are depicted in 90s fashion, with Toejam wearing big sneakers and a backwards cap, and Earl wearing some boxers and sunglasses. The first game is a dungeon crawler while the second is a platformer. But in both games the two aliens are absolutely crazy and goofy. The Toejam & Earl games were truly something unique on the Genesis; if nothing else, they had their own personality. After a long haitus, they appeared again in 2002 on the Xbox, but were received with average ratings. Since then, the two have seemed to go back to living in peace on their home planet Funkotron.

Axel and Blaze

pic 5

First appeared: 1991, Streets of Rage

Developer: Sega

Total games on Genesis: 3

The Streets of Rage series was a series of beat 'em up games. Over the course of three games, the cast changed quite a bit, but two characters always remained on the roster: Axel and Blaze. Axel is a great balanced fighter, while Blaze is quick and, um, hot! These two were the faces of the series. Taking to the streets and beating up gangs has never been more fun or awesome than in the Streets of Rage games. The series vanished after the Genesis was through, but a massive remake was released by Bomber Games in 2011, combining things from all three games! Axel and Blaze still know how to kick butt!


pic 6

First appeared: 1992, Ecco the Dolphin

Developer: Novotrade International

Total games on Genesis: 3

Ecco was so different from everyone else. During a time of fast-paced action games, Ecco the Dolphin was a slow and methodical game. The ocean setting was serene. Yet despite this seeming turn-off, Ecco made a home on the Genesis, starring in three games of aquatic adventure. His powers were different from most: he could speak to ocean creatures and swim in style. Ecco was also in a game for the Dreamcast and PS2 (2000). Another game was in development, but was canceled for some unknown reason. So what happened to Ecco? He's probably enjoying the good life somewhere in the Caribbean.

Red and Blue

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First appeared: 1993, Gunstar Heroes

Developer: Treasure

Total games on Genesis: 1

It's true, these two suave gunsters were only in one game on the Genesis, but that game is one of the best on the console. Gunstar Heroes is hailed as a fun and frantic run n' gun, similar to the Contra series. The two protagonists, Red and Blue, look like kids, but they sure have guts! The game is full of tons of personality and charm. After a long absense, Red and Blue returned in 2005 to star in Gunstar Super Heroes for the GBA. They sure have grown up! Both games are highly praised, making Red and Blue one of the best run n' gun teams around.


pic 8

First appeared: 1994, Dynamite Headdy

Developer: Treasure

Total games on Genesis: 1

Headdy stars in a unique action game about. . . puppets? Yes, it's odd, yet the game itself is fun and creative. Headdy has the ability to throw his head at enemies, and his head can be exchanged for different heads with different powers. Headdy is on a quest to defeat the evil puppet king Dark Demon, who wants to rule the world of puppets. It's a shame that Headdy never starred in any other games, but his solo adventure flies high on the Sega Genesis. Of all the mascots on this list, Headdy is by far the most unusual, and we like him that way.


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First appeared: 1995, Ristar

Developer: Sonic Team

Total games on Genesis: 1

This cute little guy can grab enemies with his long arms and then smack into them with his body. This unique ability is put to good use throughout his adventure. Created by Sonic Team, Ristar nearly outdoes his blue counterpart, giving us a game that is full of personality and charm that is distinct from Sonic's style. Sadly, Ristar wasn't able to star in any other games, except for a Game Gear port, which was pretty much the same thing as the Genesis game. But the little guy is still a star--literally!


pic 10

First appeared: 1995, Vectorman

Developer: BlueSky Software

Total games on Genesis: 2

Vectorman is a little strange; he's a guy made up of. . . balls? So it appears. Yet he can shoot photons out of his hands and transform into other objects. Vectorman's games are a little weird, but he obviously made a splash on the Genesis, albeit perhaps a small one. He came out near the end of the system's life cycle, but he didn't continue on the next system. Since then, he's completely vanished. Perhaps he's in a far away galaxy, enjoying whatever it is a Vectorman does. He had his moment on the Sega Genesis.

Impressive, right? The Genesis is home to some great mascots. We've forgotten about some of them, but we can't deny that they're great. Many of them are now gone, but we can always pull out those old Genesis cartridges and allow those fun times to return. Sonic, Shinobi, Ristar, Ecco, and the others, are waiting.




04/17/2014 at 03:51 PM

I'd love it if there was a custom Genesis out there featuring one of those mascots. I'd like a Streets of Rage one like this.

The Last Ninja

04/17/2014 at 05:31 PM

Dude, that is awesome! SoR2 is one of my favorite beat 'em ups! I would kill a bunch of street punks to get that (well, maybe not...)


04/18/2014 at 03:20 PM

Got on a better computer. Now I can show the pic.


Super Step Contributing Writer

04/17/2014 at 05:50 PM

I need to watch all the Sonic for Hire eps. with these mascots now.

I remember Vectorman because of a Lunchables tie-in mostly, but otherwise I only remember Sonic being apparent to me in childhood, cause we had SNES.

Would you consider Strider another Genesis mascot? I might, cause my friend Ernie from garde school named a police dog after him in a contest, and I don't remember Strider being on SNES.

The Last Ninja

04/17/2014 at 11:42 PM

Sorry, a Strider game was also released for the NES, so he doesn't make the cut.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/18/2014 at 01:27 AM

Yeah, but I think people remember him much more for Genesis. We had an NES, but Ninja Gaiden was the popular ninja game, I doubt many people would know about Strider on NES. 

Plus, by that criteria, you need to take Shinobi off this list: 

The Last Ninja

04/18/2014 at 11:56 AM

Hm, good point. I completely forgot about the Shinobi NES game. I guess I was thinking mainly of the three Genesis games, which were never released for Nintendo consoles back in the day.

Cary Woodham

04/17/2014 at 07:13 PM

I had a SNES as a kid, not a Genesis, so there were a lot of games I missed out on, but I did catch up on collections later on.  Back as a kid, most households couldn't afford two consoles. 

I never was a big fan of Sonic, but I do have to admit Sonic 3 certainly impressed me back then.  Once I did play Ristar, I loved it and I think it's even better than Sonic. 

I always wanted to play the Ecco the Dolphin games back in the day, but once I did play them, I was a bit disappointed.

Toe Jam & Earl's first game I didn't care much for, but I was pleasantly surprised by their second game, as it wasn't as bad as I thought.

The Streets of Rage games are really good, though.  I like playing as Blaze.  Golden Axe games aren't quite as good, but still fun.  Tyris Flare and the dwarf were my favorites.

The Last Ninja

04/17/2014 at 11:44 PM

I missed out on the Genesis as a kid too, but I enjoy the system quite a bit now. Lots of good games! Ristar and Streets of Rage 2 are some of my favorites.


04/17/2014 at 07:54 PM


The Last Ninja

04/17/2014 at 11:45 PM

Hm, you must be a die-hard ecco fan. Or maybe you just like dolphins?


04/18/2014 at 02:25 AM

Not a die-hard ecco fan, but I do think he's the best of the ones up there


04/18/2014 at 02:37 AM

I was a SNES kid, but surprisingly, I enjoyed the Genesis Sonic games more than the SNES Mario games. However, since then, Sonic has definitely fallen far behind Mario.

Streets of Rage was my favorite take on the Double Dragon theme, although my favorite beat-em-up game from that era overall was Konami's Simpsons arcade game (and that game is now seriously challenged by Dragon's Crown on PS3).

ToeJam and Earl was a bit esoteric for me. Catchy music though.

My own pick for Genesis mascots, however, would be Alex and Luna from Lunar: The Silver Star. And that's taking into account that I never played the Sega CD version of that game. The PS1 version of Lunar is one of my favorite games ever. Trust me, though, if I'd thought I could have talked my mom into springing for $400 for a Genesis+Sega CD combo back in the 90s, plus the money for Lunar, I'd have been a Genesis kid instead of a SNES kid.

The Last Ninja

04/18/2014 at 11:52 AM

I've heard great things about the Lunar games, but I've never played one. I would love to do so if I ever get the chance.


04/18/2014 at 12:45 PM

You can get it really easily if you have a PSP or a Vita. It's downloadable from PSN. There's also the PS1 versions of Lunar and Lunar 2 which are reasonable on Amazon or eBay if you don't care about the feelies that come with.

Oh, and even though I'm not big on the whole playing games on cellular phones thing (which I say as the owner of an iPhone and an iPad) there is the iOS version of Lunar: Silver Star Story. But then, Lunar is one of those games that would be great if you played it on an abacus. :)

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

04/18/2014 at 08:21 AM

Man, Streets of Rage 1 & 2 was my jam.  And of course, I can't forget about the Sonic series.  Loved all 4 of the original platformers on the Genesis.  3D Blast was okay too, but I never got very far in it.

I also liked the Vectorman series as well.  Funny thing is...a continuation of Vectorman was supposed to be released on the PlayStation 2.  They even had some screenshots to show for it.  But it got canned at some poine during development.  I really wanted to see how that game was going to turn out.

The Last Ninja

04/18/2014 at 11:54 AM

You can read my review of the frist Vectorman game here, but I didn't enjoy it too much. He's a cool character though.


04/18/2014 at 04:10 PM

Had a lot of fun with Golden Axe II and Sonic 2 on the Genesis my brother gave to me. I'm pretty sure I made it to the final area of Golden Axe II after years of trying but the final boss was just a little too difficult for me to handle, Sonic 2 on the other hand I had down after a few times playing through it and could make it all the way to the end while only dying a few times along the way.

The Last Ninja

04/18/2014 at 09:04 PM

Classic games for sure! A lot of Genesis games are still fun to play today.

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