here goes nothing:
- took a break from Ni No Kuni and started playing some Poker Night At The Inventory 2, a little card game I got for free months ago via PS Plus. After spending a few hours with the game I can honestly say that Brock and Claptrap are the funniest characters in the game. GLaDOS is pretty funny as well, though definitely not as funny as she was in Portal 2. Sometimes the characters make really shitty calls. It's hilarious to watch Claptrap or Ash go All-In on a 4-2 offsuit hole hand. Anyway I ended up winning a tourney last night, after Brock has put The Orb up as a bounty, to sweeten the pot.
I was rewarded with an Army Of Brockness downloadable theme from the PSN On the minus side, that game freezes and starts at least once every 5 minutes. Be prepared for that shit. I've yet to learn all the tells, but it seems to me that when you're facing Ash and you're the only 2 left in the game....well that fucker bluffs EVERYTHING.
-I started reading a book about the rise of Counter Strike as an e-sport and its place in competitive gaming. Its called Game Boys, and so far it reads smoothly. I'm about a third of the way through it. Even though this was all going down in the year 2000 through 2006 (the events of the book anyhow) it seems like it was AGES ago. It just goes to show how much gaming has evolved over the course of a few short years. It continues to evolve, and I love it!
- Xander's been playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf. He likes to show me all the wacky stuff he collects. I tried to get into it but Xander would go in an immediately change anything I'd done to the world. He's a 6 year old control freak.
-Also been playing Bag It and R-Type II, though I think R Type II is better suited to a tablet, or maybe a phone with a larger screen than I have. Sometimes the ship disappears beneath my thumbs. The autofire option is nice though, ensuring that your spaceship blasts a steady bullet stream and thereby leaving the player to only control the pilot functions.
Bag It is pretty fun; it's a grocery-themed Tetris-like game that adds different bells and whistles, such as crushability of certain types of groceries, time limits, etc. I didn't know that I was able to rotate the groceries for the first 10 you can imagine how pissed off I was getting, even blaming the game for being unfair. I even went in and re-adjusted my blog notes to reflect that it was indeed my own savage dumbassery and not the game at fault for the rought time I was having.