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Cary's Pre-Summer Movie Round-Up

On 04/22/2014 at 05:33 AM by Cary Woodham

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Usually during the winter and spring months at the beginning of the year, I don’t see very many movies in theaters.  The majority of the movies I see are during the summer months when all the mindless blockbusters come out.  At the end of the summer, I usually write a round-up blog about the flicks I saw during those months.  But this year, I actually saw enough movies during the winter and spring seasons that I can write a blog about them now!  So here’s a blog about the films I saw BEFORE the summer movie blast that’ll hit us in a few weeks.  Oh yeah, just a word of warning.  I’m going to try and keep this blog spoiler free, but if a tiny spoiler trickles out, I’m just letting you know it might happen.


Even though this movie came out last year, it was such a big hit that they kept it in theaters well into this year, and that’s when I saw it!  If it sounds like I’m bashing this movie, I’m really not.  I will admit it was a great movie.  But, I think I would’ve liked it better if it were 2-D animated.  Then it would’ve felt like a true Disney classic.  Used to, 3-D computer animation was novel and innovative.  And now, everyone’s doing it so 2-D animation would be more novel.  To me, 2-D animation seems more artistic and human.  Like someone actually sat down and DREW this stuff instead of just plopping down in front of a computer and did polygon equations.  Of course, a lot of 2-D animation is done with computers now, too, especially in the ink and paint department and even whole 2-D cartoons can be done in Flash.  So yeah, I would’ve loved Frozen if it were in 2-D.  Also, the credits say this movie was based on Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen.”  Well I’ve read that and Frozen has NOTHING to do with it!  I would say that to me, Frozen was just Wreck-It Ralph with a snowman in it, but that would be a little cruel.  It was still good and kids certainly love it.  A lady at work says she hasn’t seen the whole movie yet on DVD because her 3 year old niece keeps pausing it so she can sing “Let it Go.”  I thought that was funny!

Mr. Peabody & Sherman

This was a cute family movie based on the skits from the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon.  I felt like I should watch this because I actually knew someone who worked on that cartoon, along with a bunch of other animated classics.  His name was William “Tex” Henson, and he taught a summer college class on cartooning one year when I was in middle school.  I was really too young to take the class, but he let me attend anyway.  Tex Henson worked at Disney and helped create Chip N Dale, and that’s one of the reasons why they’re my favorite Disney characters.  After that, he worked at Paramount and wanted to do Popeye cartoons, but since he was typecast as being a ‘cute’ animator, they made him do Casper the Friendly Ghost cartoons instead.  After that he worked for Jay Ward Studios and helped with the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon.  He always said that was his favorite cartoon to work on.  Finally before becoming a teacher, he did TV commercial animations like the early Trix Rabbit ads.  So that’s why I watched this movie, to kind of honor him.  He passed away about ten years ago.  I’m glad I got to know him.

The Muppets Most Wanted

The Muppets were a HUGE part of my childhood.  Seeing the very first Muppet movie was one of my earliest childhood memories, and The Muppet Christmas Carol is probably one of my most favorite movies ever.  So of course I would go see this one, too.  A lot of people were worried when Disney bought the Muppets, but I think they’ve done a good job with them (they practically owned them anyway).  The great thing about this and other Muppet movies is that they can make fun of themselves, as well as have humor for both kids and adults, and still be a family friendly franchise with no cursing or other bad stuff.  I’ll probably always be a fan of the Muppets.


I actually just saw this one recently.  Since I consider Easter a Christian holiday and this was a movie based on the Bible story, I thought it would be fun to go see it on Easter Sunday.  So that’s what we did.  It was pretty good.  I wished it were a bit more Biblical and not so heavy on the Hollywood sensationalism and drama.  But hey, everyone’s got their own interpretations of the Bible, I suppose.  It was just a bit too ‘sci-fi’ for my tastes.  For instance, Noah lives in a Mad Max style desolate world, they use exploding rocks for fire and weaponry, and rock monsters helped them build the Ark.  So yeah, some parts were a bit dopey.

The Wind Rises

I’m a big fan of Miyazaki’s works, and I have almost all of his cartoons on DVD (Even Panda Go Panda). So I’m glad I got to see his ‘last’ move before he retires.  I put that in quotes because he’s said that for the past few cartoons, and then comes back to do another.  But he is getting on up there in years so maybe this will be it.  This movie tells the story about a real-life engineer who designed Japanese fighter planes in WWII.  The thing I liked about this movie is that it handled touchy subjects very well.  The movie didn’t get preachy about things like “war is bad” or “such and such side was wrong.”  It just focused on the people and the man trying to follow his dream and that’s it.  I bet it was a challenge for Miyazaki to make a movie so grounded in real life, since he mostly does fantasy movies with crazy looking airships.  But he got around this challenge because this movie also had a lot of dream sequences with more fanciful aircraft!  I’m kind of disappointed that Frozen beat out this movie for the Best Animated Feature Oscar, but hey, what do I know?  I still say it was a very beautiful and intellectual film.  Even though the title sounds like a fart joke, I say this was probably my second favorite movie I saw this year so far.  I’ll definitely be getting it on DVD to add to my collection.

The LEGO Movie

So what WAS my favorite movie this year so far?  I think it’s probably The LEGO Movie.  You see, I expected The Wind Rises to be good, but I didn’t expect The LEGO Movie to be as good as it was.  Quite a surprise, really.  The movie was very humorous, never got boring, had fun for the whole family, and even got a little bit artistic toward the end.  I’ve never really played with LEGOs too much because the pieces are so small and the sets and toys are so expensive.  But I sure do enjoy the LEGO video games, and I think it’s the popularity of those games that got the movie off the ground in the first place.  Heck, I even reviewed the game based on this movie!  Like The Wind Rises, I’ll be getting this on DVD, too.  I wonder when it comes out on DVD?  I know you can still catch it at some theaters and probably at the dollar movie places, so if you haven’t seen it yet, you should!

Movies I Haven’t Seen Yet

There was one movie that I wanted to see before writing this blog, but I haven’t had a chance to yet and I didn’t feel like waiting until then before writing this blog.  But that’s OK; I probably wouldn’t have much to say about it anyway.  And that movie is Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  And I wouldn’t have much to say about it because I don’t know much about Marvel characters.  Funny story, one time I was texting to my brother Jeff about this movie and I accidentally called him Major Glory, which was the Capt. America parody they had on the old Dexter’s Lab cartoon.  So I came up with a funny title that made Jeff laugh: Major Glory vs. the Cold Soldier.  I don’t even know what a Winter Soldier is!  My imagination tells me that it’s a Yeti with army clothes that shoots snowballs out of a bazooka.  Am I close?

Another movie that I want to talk about, but I don’t necessarily want to see is the Need for Speed movie.  I just think it’s funny they made a movie out of a racing game.  I think they just had a rejected Fast and Furious script and decided to slap it on this.  Of course if they made a Ridge Racer movie, I’d totally go see that.  But if they did make a Ridge Racer movie, who would they get to play Reiko Nagase, the Ridge Racer lady?  What do you think?

And that’s a Wrap!

And that’s all I feel like talking about movies.  In the comments section, tell me what you think of my list, and let me know what movies you’ve seen this year so far!  Later!  --Cary



Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/22/2014 at 07:18 AM

I really want to see the Wind Rises and Noah. 

Cary Woodham

04/22/2014 at 07:32 AM

I don't even know if The Wind Rises is in theaters anymore, but if it is you should see it.  I wish I knew when or if it'll be on DVD.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/22/2014 at 07:56 AM

probably within the next couple months.  it was playing here, but far away from me. 

Cary Woodham

04/22/2014 at 07:57 AM

Bummer.  Luckily a lot of theaters had it near me when it first came out.  I'll have to keep my eyes open to when it comes on DVD.


04/22/2014 at 10:51 AM

Nah, you are WAY far off your theory of the Winter Soldier. Of course, since it's common knowledge in comics but it's a spoiler in the movies, I won't tell you who he is until you watch the film.

I really need to see Frozen, The Wind Rises, The LEGO Movie. The only film i've seen so far of this year is Captain America, which I loved all the way and I'm going to write a review about it. Looking forward to see Noah and The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Cary Woodham

04/22/2014 at 07:25 PM

Well even if I'm way off, I like my idea of what the Winter Soldier is anyway.  But I bet a lot of people are glad I'm not doing comic books!

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/22/2014 at 12:01 PM

The Winter Soldier honestly feels closer to Bourne than it does to Marvel, save for a few goofy comic book things like ... well, you'll see. It involves computers. Also, metal bird wings. 

I liked The LEGO Movie, but I didn't love it as much as a lot of people seemed to. I also got kind of annoyed with "Everything is Awesome," to be honest. I did really like the zany humor though, and I think highly of it, it was just a bit overhyped for me. Still a great film. 

I never got a chance to see The Wind Rises at the Angelika. I really want to see an anime in the theater. 

The guy in front of me when I saw The Killers said of Noah: "if you're an atheist, you'll hate it, if you're a Christian you'll hate it, it's just a $#@!% movie." Other people have said it was awesomely violent or too dark, and every time I hear rock monster, I play The B-52's "Rock Lobster" in my head, replacing lobster with monster. 

My parents tried to see Heaven Is For Real on Sunday, but it was sold out. I've read the Google Books preview of the book and there is a bit too much set-up for my tastes. 

I'll catch The Muppets Most Wanted on DVD. I liked the other most recent one, and I liked the Muppets as a kid too. For some reason, I thought Disney always owned them. 

Mr. Peabody and Sherman looks funny, and I've heard good reviews. That's cool you got to be in Tex's class. 

I actually liked Frozen a lot, especially the animation. As you said, there's a lot of computer stuff involved in 2D movies, and there's also a lot of drawing involved in 3D animations. They more than likely sketch storyboards at least before plopping in front of poluygons. There's probably a ton of 2D art associated with the film. I wouldn't mind a 2D version either, though. 

As for Need for Speed, I had the same thought about them using a leftover Fast and Furious script

The three movies I want to see next month are Godzilla, Amazing Spider-Man 2, and X-Men: Days of Future Past

Cary Woodham

04/22/2014 at 07:33 PM

I think the "Everything is Awesome" song was SUPPOSED to be annoying.  Just don't play the LEGO Movie videogame.  That song is everywhere.  Most levels have remixed versions of that tune.

I didn't see The Wind Rises at the Angelika.  I saw it at a regular Cinemark.  I've seen some anime films at the Angelika in Plano, though.  A couple of DBZ movies, a few Miyazaki ones, etc.

I'm a Christian, but I don't think Noah was THAT bad.  It just had some parts I didn't like as much.

On one of the VeggieTales movies, they also had some Rock Monsters.  At the end of the movie, to show little kids the Rock Monsters weren't scary, they did a funny music video where the Rock Monsters were dancing to the Rock Lobster song (different lyrics of course).

Before they bought out The Muppets, Disney published a lot of the Muppet DVDs and had a Muppet attraction at one of their theme parks.  So yeah, they practically owned them.

I'm sure there was a lot of 2-D sketches in the pre-production of Frozen, but you don't see them in the movie so it's not as apparent.  My brother Jeff told me that a lot of the ideas in Frozen were based on an idea for a Disneyland ride.

I'm really looking forward to Godzilla.  If I write a summer movie blog, that's one that I'll put in there.

So if they made a Ridge Racer movie, who do you think should play Reiko Nagase? :)


04/22/2014 at 12:36 PM

I'm a little disappointed Wind Rises didn't get best animated movie too. I hear Frozen is good, but it couldn't possibly be as enjoyable to me as Wind Rises.

Cary Woodham

04/22/2014 at 07:34 PM

Yeah I enjoyed The Wind Rises much more than Frozen.  But Frozen made lots of money so that's why it got the award I guess.


04/22/2014 at 03:19 PM

I missed The Wind Rises. Jason really wanted to see it, too, and it's rare that he wants to see an anime film. And, contarty to what Joe thinks, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is very classic Marvel. My cousin Paul and I had hundreds of Marvel comics growing up, he had more, because I spent my pocket money on things other than comics, and he had more titles than I did, but it was cool, because we loaned them to each other.

Cary Woodham

04/22/2014 at 07:34 PM

I've never been able to get into comic books.  I've tried several times in my life, but I just can't do it.  Only comic book I really got into was Sam & Max.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/22/2014 at 07:49 PM

To me, the movie still resembles the Bourne films more than the other Marvel movies, aside from, obviously, the goofier comic book elements. The fact 'Cap is struggling to find his identity and there's a bunch of espionage/shaky-cam bang-bang action happening just reminds me of Bourne, A LOT. As for the comics, I have no idea, I've just heard the reason this one was so tonally different from the first movie is because that was based on 50s 'Cap, where the modern 'Cap writer consulted heavily on this one. I'm not disputing that the comics did this type of stuff before Bourne, but I saw the Bourne films before I saw this, so my point of reference is a bit different. I do like The Winter Soldier more than the two Bourne movies I've seen, Ultimatum and that boring one with Jeremy Renner ... y'know, Hawkeye.

I know virtually nothing about Ridge Racer and I don't know who that is, so um ... Jennifer Lawrence in yellow face. Why not?

I actually liked the 1998 Godzilla cause I was 8 when it came out, but this new one looks awesome.

Oddly enough, I watched a Veggie Tales on Netflix recently for nostalgia's sake, and it was all about teaching this kid not to be scared of the dark or something.

I didn't know The Wind Rises was playing in regular theaters, but then again I doubt it was playing at the ones near me in Desoto, and definitely not Nacogdoches.

As for the song, I've heard that a lot of people actually really like it and I just ... I like Top 40, but it's TOO Top 40 for me.

Cary Woodham

04/22/2014 at 09:18 PM

Know what?  I've never seen any of the Bourne films.

Super Step, I ORDER you to go play a Ridge Racer game right now! (might I suggest Type 4?).  If you don't do what I say, I'll turn into Super Cary and force you to watch a lecture on the history of Namco racing games!  :)

I didn't like the Godzilla movie from the late 90's because he didn't breathe fire or do anything cheesy.  I like my Godzilla movies hokey and MST3K-worthy.

VeggieTales is awesome!  Sounds like you watched the very first VeggieTales film: "Where's God When I'm S-s-scared?" If I had a little kid, they'd have all the VeggieTales DVDs.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/23/2014 at 04:38 AM

Yup, that's what I watched. 

I don't like that he didn't breathe fire either, but I'm pretty sure the movie is cheesy, hokey, and MST3K-worthy. lol

If I find something free on Steam or Google Play, I'll check it out. I think I've played Ridge Racer on Arcade and N64, I just have no idea who the character you're talking about is. 

The only reason I've seen Ultimatum is cause my parents dragged me to it. I'm glad they did, I liked it a lot. I still need to see the first two. I get compared to Matt Damon looks-wise by older people a lot for some reason. 

Cary Woodham

04/23/2014 at 07:49 AM

Ridge Racer 64 is pretty good.  They ported it to the DS when that handheld launched.  Unfortunately, it wasn't near as good then.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/23/2014 at 08:12 AM

If Game X Change has a copy for cheap enough, I'll check it out.

Cary Woodham

04/23/2014 at 07:12 PM

My favorite Ridge Racer games are Type 4 for PSOne, Ridge Racer 64, and Ridge Racer 6 on 360 and the one on PSP are good, too. 

Casey Curran Staff Writer

04/23/2014 at 01:09 AM

The Lego Movie is my favorite this year too. Probably one of my all time favorites

Cary Woodham

04/23/2014 at 07:49 AM

Yes it was surprisingly good.


04/23/2014 at 08:22 AM

I hadn't seen any of theses.  I did see Diverent with my wife.  She read the books.  

Cary Woodham

04/23/2014 at 07:13 PM

I haven't read a book in a long time.


04/29/2014 at 04:16 PM

The only movie I've seen recently was Muppets Most Wanted. I'll try to catch up on other movies when they hit DVD or one of the premium cable channels.

Cary Woodham

04/29/2014 at 07:41 PM

Did you like the Muppet movie?  Hopefully you'll get to see the other movies you want to see!

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